
In no time, two bowls of soba noodles are ready.

"Because of the lack of ingredients, I only made two bowls of buckwheat cold noodles..."

Soba is one of the three major pasta dishes in Japan. There are two ways to make it. One is hot soup soba, which is eaten with tempura, fried shrimp, and fried tofu. Cold noodles are cooked and fished out. Cool it with cold water, then sprinkle some chopped green onion and soy sauce and other seasonings, which is simpler and more convenient.

Hua Ye looked at it and saw that the noodles were white and lustrous, as if they were shiny, and they were not sticking to each other. The combination of green chopped green onion, white noodles, and dark brown soy sauce was very pleasing to the eye. After taking a bite, I found that the noodles are also smooth and elastic.

"It tastes good." Hua Ye praised.

Wei Nai smiled lightly, did not speak, picked up her own portion of noodles, and ate quietly.

After the two had breakfast and watched TV for a while, the outside gradually became brighter.

Wei Nai waited left and right, and when it was almost eight o'clock, the old lady cat slave slowly appeared in the community.

"Let's go!" Wei Nai's eyes lit up, she picked up her schoolbag and walked down first.

The layout of the residential area is very ordinary. There are square buildings, trees and lawns, and the greening is not bad. There are stone paths interspersed in the middle.

Most of the people living in this apartment are young people. They either continue to work overtime hard on weekends, or they bury their heads in the house and sleep hard at this time. Therefore, there are not many pedestrians in the community, which is quite quiet.

At this moment, the old cat slave was walking around on the lawn with a few cats.

"Grandma! Good morning!"

The old lady cat slave was a little unhappy at first when she was disturbed by Wei Nai, but after seeing Hua Ye who was following behind her, her expression softened, "Oh, you are here, boy."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and pointed at Wei Nai, "She is the classmate I said last night..."

"Sure enough, they are all good children! There can be no bad people who care about kittens!"


So cats are really magical creatures!In addition to the role of catching mice, he also plays the protagonist of the master-slave melodrama. In ancient Egypt, he is still the messenger of the underworld. Even if aliens attack one day, maybe he can also play the role of a strategic weapon!

Chapter 38 The True Warrior...

"There is nothing in this world that a 'meow' can't solve. If there is, then do it again."

- "Historical Records. The Book of Meow Stars".

someday in the future.

The alien legion is attacking violently. Under the crushing strength, the torrent of steel destroys everything that is seen along the way. Humans can only retreat step by step and defend one side.

In the final stronghold, the boy knelt in front of his master, weeping bitterly and saying his final goodbyes.

As a result, the master stretched his waist lazily, stood up gracefully, and walked alone to the thousands of troops outside the city.

The back is bleak, the wind is Xiaoxiao and Yi Shuihan is easy.



On this day, alien creatures recalled the fear of being dominated by cats.



Countless aliens knelt down to the ground in this lazy cat meowing.

"I seem to hear the voice of an angel!"

"Although I don't know why, but my knees bend uncontrollably..."

"Master, the servants kneel down for you..."

So cats are poisonous, even if aliens really invade, after seeing a cute and coquettish cat, I am afraid that they will have to surrender and be a cat slave who serves the master!


"The two little fold-eared cats are all right. I just fed them, and they are still sleeping. You can visit them when they wake up..." When she met cat lovers, the old lady smiled with all the wrinkles on her face. Gotta spread it out, "This year, there are not many caring young people like you. There are so many stray cats on the street, all of which have been lost. It's just a sin..."

Wei Nai also strongly criticized this behavior of abandoning cats and dogs. The two chatted together excitedly.

"Can I play with them?"

"of course can."

"That's great!" After getting a positive answer, Wei Nai opened her backpack with joy on her face, "This is the canned cat food, dried fish, small snacks and catnip that I specially prepared—"

Hey, canned cat food and dried small fish are just fine, you can comfortably serve the master, but what the hell is catnip?

Are you planning to commit the following crimes?

Catnip is a kind of herb, it smells cool and refreshing, but to cats, it is a very magical thing, even the most elegant and quiet owner on weekdays, will reveal after smelling catnip. The original.

An unknown milky white kitten approached, it first sniffed hard, and then its eyes quickly blurred, rolled on the ground, and even stretched out a paw to hug it. A hugging expression waved to Vinay.


Wei Nai's heart melted instantly, pink love floated in her eyes, she squatted down directly, stretched out a hand to rest under the cat's flesh pad, and carefully supported her master.

However these are not important.

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