Hua Ye thought for a while, then grabbed the spiritual power around the town, turned it into a curse nourished by evil thoughts, and threw it into this person's body.

This curse will feed on evil thoughts, and the more evil thoughts in the opponent's heart, the stronger the curse will be, until he is seriously ill and stays in bed all day long.

At this time, Raphael reached out and gently pulled the corner of his clothes.

"Huh?" Hua Ye turned his head to look.

Rafael blinked her big bright eyes quietly, and signaled with her eyes:

"Student Hua Ye, teach him a lesson!"


You are an angel after all, and you agreed that God loves the world!

"Xiao Jia is still yelling about destroying the world all day long. This guy looked at me with such disgusting eyes just now. Student Hua Ye should teach him a lesson, right?"

Hua Ye: "What does it have to do with me?"

"Because I'm from Hua Ye's classmate, (*^▽^*)"

Rafael giggled, his eyes were bent into two beautiful crescent moons.

"Since when did you become mine! Don't talk nonsense!"

Hua Ye snorted softly, and was about to speak, when a quiet and lovely voice suddenly sounded: "I told you two to pay attention, teacher, I'm still standing by the side anyway."


out of the police station.

Jing Keai put her hands in her pockets and said:

"I'm going to trouble you this time, otherwise the teacher will really have some headaches."

So you should also be a little more careful, don't go out to drink alone, what if you get drunk and are taken away?

"Don't worry." Jing Keai waved her hand, "Teacher, I know that well."

In front of Hua Ye, she didn't put on airs like a teacher. She curled her lips and complained, "It's a pity that those men are too weak. They looked good, but they fell down like noodles. Can't enjoy myself..."

I know you're talking about "beating up kids", but why does it sound so bad?

Jing Keai looked at Hua Ye as she spoke, her eyes sparkled.

"Why don't we try again? Teacher, I'm in good shape now..."

"Wait! Don't listen!"

Hua Ye raised his right hand decisively.

It doesn't matter how good you are, unless you can burst beans and find a yellow-haired Saiyan to fit together, otherwise you have no chance to beat me no matter if it is a hundred or a thousand times.

"I'm going back to rest, goodbye!"

Hua Ye directly refused, turned around and left.

The two are not like a teacher-student relationship at all.

Jing Keai didn't force her, she just lit a cigarette casually and said:

"By the way, you live in a single room alone, right?"

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

Is it a problem to live alone?

Jing Keai glanced and followed Hua Ye, walking step by step, like a little daughter-in-law returning to the house, Rafael said with a half smile: "It's okay for you to live alone, but be honest with me at night, don't do anything too much things..."

What the hell is your so-called excess, sister, why does it sound so bad! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

On the contrary, Rafael nodded slightly, his eyes were full of joy, and then whispered with a reddish face: "Teacher, don't worry, we will pay attention..."

Watch out for your sister!

Are you two guys enough?

The sound of Jing's lovely footsteps suddenly stopped.

Surprised, he looked towards the Qing Leng Long Street beside him.

The night is dark.

The moon is like water.

The earth is covered with silver frost.

A young girl in an ancient kimono stood quietly under the watery moonlight, her eyes were ethereal, and she came quietly.


Jing Keai was stunned for a moment, how could there be a lonely child appearing on the street so late?

Moreover, there was an unspeakable mysterious aura around the other party, like an elf wandering under the moon, ethereal and lonely, which made people subconsciously attracted to him.

Hua Ye looked over, intertwining the eyes of the other party in the air. The little girl's eyes fluctuated, and then they fluctuated slightly like a stream of light, and then quietly disappeared.

"Is it because I took a part of the spiritual power here just it appeared?"

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