Outdoor fitness?sports?


None of them exist.

As a diligent, immortal, and Gabriel, as long as I have a computer and the Internet, even if a world war is happening outside the door, don't let me step out of this door!

As a result, a sudden situation disrupted her overall plan.


After a sound.

The running air conditioner suddenly went silent.

It didn't take long for the air in the room to become stuffy and restless.

Only then did Gabriel realize that something was wrong. She took off her earphones, picked up the remote control and prayed for a minute before finally coming to a conclusion.


"The air conditioner is broken!"

"I thought that as long as I have the Internet and a computer, I can never go out for the rest of my life, so it turns out that the air conditioner is also a must-have item for survival!"

"It's so hot, people will die without air-conditioning, right?"

"I can't wait for the master maintenance worker to come, I will be heated up!"


There was the sound of kicking the legs of the table.

Then there was a cry of "oops".

Gabriel sat on the chair, held her toes, blew, and then flew into a rage: "This family can't stay any longer, I want to run away from home!"

It's a pity that she is full of decadence and laziness, she doesn't look like someone who has the courage to run away from home, but like a salted fish who has lost her dreams.

"I have no choice... I can only take refuge next door."

The useless angel rubbed his eyes with dark circles, saved the game, and then walked towards the balcony with the computer.

"Although I don't have a key in hand, I can go over the balcony...Anyway, he will come back tomorrow, and the air conditioner should be repaired before he comes back...Well, that's it, I'm just trying to avoid danger, it's in line Reasonable choice!"

At this time, the phone vibrated again.

Gabriel took out her phone and glanced at it.

It was a message from Hua Ye.

"Understood, be careful when you turn over the balcony, don't fall."

Gabriel pouted: "Hey, it's not the first time for me, and I still need you to teach me? I'm much more skilled than you."

Chapter 348

There is still a long time before the meeting in the afternoon. Wei Nai suggested that everyone go back to take a nap first, so as to ensure that they have enough energy in the afternoon. Naturally, the others have no objections, so after eating, they walked towards the hotel.

Walking on the road, the hot sun above the head makes people dizzy.

The temperature has reached more than [-] degrees, which can be described as steaming.

"It's so hot." Raphael raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and suggested, "Go buy a cold drink?"

"Alright, the weather is really hot."

There is a cold drink shop not far ahead. When a few people went to buy cold drinks, Machiko suddenly stopped, and his eyes were involuntarily attracted to the bookstore next to the cold drink shop...

"It's actually Mr. Muramasa's latest volume?!"

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

"I really want to buy it, I really want to buy it, I really want to buy it..."

"But if Wei Nai and the others saw it, they would definitely be laughed at, right?"


Just when the black, long and straight girl was at war between heaven and man, Wei Nai's puzzled voice rang in her ears.

"Machiko? What are you doing?"

"No, no!"

The black, long straight girl hurriedly shook her head, looked away, and ran to Wei Nai's side in small steps nervously.

Wei Nai nodded lightly, without asking further, "Then let's go in and buy cold drinks?"

"Okay, okay."


at the same time.

In a quiet residential area.

The beige curtains sway gently in the breeze, and the wooden casement is lightly covered, revealing the greenery of the garden.

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