"What, really..."

Sanye turned her face away, seemingly complaining, but there was something in her heart that was about to overflow.

Finally couldn't help it, the smile was like a begonia in the spring breeze, blooming layer by layer, and the crisp laughter drifted away leisurely under the dusk of water and ink.

Although they have exchanged bodies many times and even met once on the tram, to be precise, this is the first real meeting between the two.

There is no love talk between me and me, nor the alienation and politeness of strangers when they meet for the first time. The two of them are like family members who have lived for a long time. They can express their emotions without covering up, everything is very natural.

Because they have already integrated into each other's lives.



The marker pens used to write names in each other's palms fell to the ground.

As if a certain switch had been pressed suddenly, Taki woke up from a trance, only to realize that it was already dark when he came back to his senses.

"The time...is it up?"

Taki knelt down to pick up the dropped marker, ready to continue writing Mitsuha's name on his palm, "It's okay... I still remember your name, I will definitely find you again..."

But when it comes to this, the marker pen that stops in mid-air can no longer fall down.

There was cold sweat on his forehead.

"I...why come here?"

"To see her, to help her, I hope she can live."

"People who are very important, people who don't want to forget, people who can't forget..."

"But... what's your name?"


"It's strange, what happened just now? Why did the girl who suddenly appeared suddenly disappear again?" Wei Nai opened her eyes wide, puzzled.

Because that girl was from three years ago.

Although time never returns, in some cases, "spray" will be produced.

Naturally, it is impossible for two ordinary people to set off "waves", but the red rope entrusted with thoughts and spiritual power acts as a medium, penetrating time and space.


A low hum suddenly sounded.

Wei Nai frowned, and shook her head in pain.

Hua Ye could tell at a glance that this was the effect of the self-correction of the world line. It seemed that the disappearing girl had already had an impact on history, and even now.

Naturally, the natives of this world are unaware of this force and have no resistance—no matter how unforgettable memories are, they will be scattered like foam in the afternoon.

Can't remember your name, can't remember your appearance, can't remember what I'm looking for, only in a certain year, a certain month, a certain day, a certain moment when I look back, I suddenly realize that a certain person seems to have known each other. familiar.

Wei Nai and Raphael, who personally participated in this incident, will also be affected by the change of the world line, but they are not the aborigines of this world, but the descended demons and angels, and the memory will instinctively fight against them, Blocking the modification of the power of the world, the external performance is an unbearable headache.

On the contrary, the abandoned angel Gabriel and the maid Longtor, because they don't know what happened here, naturally they won't be forced to modify their memories by the world line.

Hua Ye took Wei Nai's hand.

Wei Nai clenched it subconsciously, and a cold breath came from Hua Ye's hand, and the pain in his mind began to melt like ice and snow.

Hua Ye turned to look at Rafael.

This black-bellied girl was also pale, with pain in her eyes.

"Give me your hand." Hua Ye ordered.

Rafael was startled, and silently put his hand into Hua Ye's palm, but the corners of his thin lips rose slightly, outlining a beautiful arc.


Then Hua Ye looked at the young man who had lost his memory due to the change of the world line and could only shout "Who are you" in vain with tears streaming down his face, and shook his head slightly.

"Yah ah ah."

"Because I used some of the aura here yesterday, otherwise you can continue for another second."

"Forget it, let me help you."

Thus, the eyes of the young man who was about to completely forget all his past gradually lit up again.

"I... remembered!"

"your name!"

(PS: The fall of the comet did not happen now, but three years ago, and it was also three years ago that Sanye rescued the residents of the town, so it is impossible to have a plot such as smashing the comet. In fact, there was no plot from the beginning. I plan to intervene in the plot as the savior, because the emotion and the story belong to them. If I write indiscriminately, I will be complained by the big boss about ten times faster (cover my face).

It's just that after the world line changed, the two people's memories of each other disappeared, and it can be said that they completely forgot the existence of each other.In the movie, the two didn't meet again until eight years later, and Sanye, eight years later, was already twenty-six years old, how many eight years did he have in his life?

Eight years is too long.

Maybe if one is not careful, the two will miss each other and eventually be scattered in the vast crowd.

So let them remember each other's names.

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