Machiko tried her best to cheer herself up. The woman floating in the air, looking pure and white, as if carved from ice and snow, is the legendary Snow Girl, right?

Although it is true that I like to read light novels, I often imagine that I will encounter such and such creatures, but how can monsters such as Yukino exist in reality!

Well, I must still be in the theater in my head.

There is no such thing as a snow girl.

It's all an illusion.

Machiko closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and squeezed herself hard.

"Woo~~It hurts so much."

The black long straight girl opened her eyes tearfully, "Should I be awake now?"

However, what appeared in front of her eyes was a frosty white forest, and in midair, huge ice cones, which looked terrifying, condensed out of thin air.

"Ha, haha~~" Machiko's eyes were blank, and he gave a dry laugh, "Sure enough, a good boy shouldn't take a nap, and now he has hallucinations..."

Chapter 351

Dusk is heavy.

It was drizzling.

There is no lightning and thunder piercing the sky, and there is no torrential rain that seems to pour, but there is a continuous illusion that it will continue until the end of the world.

Under the cold rain, a faint mist rose from the surrounding fields, the sky dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the air in the mountains became more oppressive and dull.

Igarashi wore a tight battle suit, staring at the enemy in front of him with a tight face.

Itomori Lake is not a naturally formed lake, but was formed by a meteorite falling from the sky [-] years ago. After that, some people gradually came to settle and make a living by mining the iron ore brought by the impact of the meteorite.

However, one day three years ago, a comet pierced the sky, and one of the comet fragments fell out of orbit and fell right next to Itomori Lake... In just a short period of thousands of years, two meteorites fell on the same The odds of this happening are even lower than buying a lottery ticket.

For ordinary people, it is nothing more than a sigh of "terrible, bad luck", but it is enough to arouse the suspicion of Onmyoji, especially the Miyamizu Shrine is a descendant of the four major families in the Heian era, but it has been living in peace. In this remote rural town, it is inevitable to make people wonder whether there are any secrets here.

Some time ago, the Truth Society happened to discover that there was an abnormal change in the aura here. After a series of investigations, it was finally confirmed that there will be an unknown mutation happening here, and the source of the mutation is likely to be the legendary god.

This is a higher-level existence than the earth-bound spirit. It is a bit reluctant to say that it is a god, but it may be called a mountain god. In short, no matter what it is, such an existence is quite rare, and it is worth capturing and studying.

Igarashi Ai is not interested in this matter. After all, it is likely to be some kind of mysterious monster. It is not the first time that a similar situation has happened, but her insight ability is unique, so under the order of the organization, she must not Do not come here.

Fortunately, she was by the lake, and she really met a girl who was suspected of being a local mountain god, and she became very weak.

Unfortunately, the enemy jumped out again at a critical moment to make trouble...

"Igarashi, you lost."

Under the cold rain and fog, a girl raised her chin, revealing a section of her snow-white neck, and looked at Ai Igarashi with a sure chance of victory.

Igarashi snorted, and said disdainfully, "Wait until you catch me before you say such big things!"

As he said so on his mouth, his eyes couldn't help but become dignified.

The woman in front of her is her old enemy.

none of them.

This is a very, very, very hateful woman.

I and her are no more than [-] meters tall, so we should be on the same front, but the problem is, this woman actually has an exaggerated European style!

How obscene it is to have such big breasts despite being so short!

Only stars with poor breasts are just. Guys with nasty boobs should be sent to the stake.

There is a saying, "How can the world be flat if the chest is not flat", so it is said that poor breasts are the direction of human evolution, and guys with big breasts are all heresies.

So this woman with shameful breasts... can't stand it!

"Short Bean Ding!" Igarashi shouted.

Hoshino Xia's smile froze, "I'm only one centimeter shorter than you!"

Igarashi snorted triumphantly: "So what? You are still shorter than me."

"Ha, ha ha..."

Hoshino Xia took a deep breath, calmed down quickly, and then uttered two words leisurely.

"Poor milk."


The air was suddenly silent.

Ai Igarashi's head seemed to have a red [-] points of critical damage.

"You bastard... legs are thicker than elephant legs!"

"Poor milk."

"Your waist is like a bucket!"

"Poor milk."

A star with big breasts is born invincible.

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