"D-Did you get punished because you didn't take a nap?"

If I choose to take a nap at noon today, I won’t be able to buy a book. If I don’t buy a book, I won’t forget the time because of reading a book. If I don’t forget the time, I won’t encounter such a terrible situation...

From this, it can be concluded that those who do not take a nap are not good children.

So those idiots who stay up late to practice immortality and sleep until the afternoon will be punished (laughs).

Just when the atmosphere was tense to the extreme and was about to explode, suddenly there were footsteps coming from far and near.

Hoshino Xia frowned slightly, turned her head and looked down the mountain, and saw a boy holding an umbrella walking calmly along the mountain road, as if she hadn't seen the snow girl in the sky at all.

"Machiko, let's go back to dinner."

Hearing this very familiar voice, the blank eyes of the girl with long and straight black finally regained color, and she raised her head with wide eyes: "Hua, classmate Hua Ye?!"

Chapter 352

Hua Ye walked up to the black, long straight girl, covered her head with an umbrella, and said, "Go back to dinner, I'm missing you."


Machiko responded subconsciously and stood up quickly.

Seeing Hua Ye's appearance, those who were afraid just now could only crouch down with their heads in their hands, but now my heart suddenly calmed down, and my body, which was shivering due to the cold air, quickly regained its strength.

When I went down the mountain alone, I just felt the wind and rain, as if there were countless monsters lurking in the mountains and forests, and they would pounce out in the next moment. I wished I could grow two more legs and run all the way down the mountain. I really didn't want to stay for a moment longer.

Now I suddenly relaxed, and felt that it was just a little darker, and there was nothing to be afraid of at all...

It seems that as long as Hua Ye is around, there is nothing to worry about.

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone and dialed Wei Nai's number.

When they came out to find someone before, in order to improve efficiency, the three chose to act separately, and agreed to contact by phone when they found someone.

"Hua Ye, have you found the monitor?" Wei Nai asked nervously.

Hua Ye said, "I found it."

"That's good."

Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems to be raining heavily, you guys should come back early, pay attention to safety on the way, I will notify Lafite and Teacher Jing."


When Hua Ye put away his phone, Machiko also picked up his backpack and umbrella again, quickly hid behind Hua Ye, held Hua Ye's sleeve timidly, and then looked at Hua Ye who had suddenly quieted down because of Hua Ye's appearance. Igarashi and Igarashi said in a low voice, "Hua Ye, the two of them are..."

Hua Ye glanced at the two of them and said casually:

"Should be playing house?"


Hoshino Xia and Igarashi's faces turned black at the same time.

Play house?

This is the duel of the top onmyoji, okay?

Didn’t you see the snow girl in mid-air, didn’t you see the fist-sized ice pick, when it hits a person’s body, every time it pokes a hole, blood will flow out like a faucet, and it can’t be blocked.

However, to Hua Ye, the duel between the two is indeed no different from playing house.

After all, this world is a low-magic world, which determines that it is impossible for powerful magical creatures to exist. Compared with grabbing a river at random, refining and growing whips to beat the enemy, or fighting like freezing thirty thousand miles with a sword, it is impossible The ice picks and water bombs... Even if Hua Ye stood still, they couldn't break the defense.

"Is it really a show?" Machiko breathed a sigh of relief, "And it's a prank show, right?"

"Hey, did you believe it so easily!" Ai Igarashi was shocked immediately, "You looked very smart in class, but now you believe other people's nonsense so easily, after all, you are crazy, It's still more dull!"

"Student Hua Ye, my phone..."

Machiko pulled Huaye's sleeve, raised her face and whispered.

When she fell down just now, the phone accidentally fell and flew out, so she didn't receive a call from Jing Keai.

She hurried over to pick up the phone, pressed the power button, and the screen turned on normally.

"Huh, it's okay~~" Machiko patted his chest, "It's not broken, just go back and change the protective film..."

"Why didn't you go down the mountain?" Hua Ye asked casually.

"Because, because..."

Machiko blushed, lowered her head and muttered.

If I said that I missed the time to go down the mountain because I was obsessed with reading novels, I would be laughed at, right?

But if it was classmate Hua Ye, he probably wouldn't laugh at me, after all, he knew the secret last week.

"That, that..." The black long straight girl turned her head, her chin almost touched her chest, "Because I was so absorbed in reading the novel, I forgot the time before I knew it..."

Hua Ye hummed, "Remember to come back early next time."

"Understood." Hearing Hua Ye's answer, Machiko had a relieved smile on his face, "I won't do it next time!"

I guessed right, Hua Ye really wouldn't laugh at me!

But Machiko wrinkled her little face bitterly soon, she just fell down, she didn't feel it before, but now she feels pain all over her body.

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