
Igarashi gritted his teeth angrily, and while dodging the icicles that fell from the sky, he shouted: "Don't let me catch you, or I'll crush your nasty breasts!"

No one answered, Hoshino Xia had disappeared into the vast rain.

"Eh?" Machiko looked curiously at the battle in the distance, "Did such a powerful special effect be added to the prank show?"

Hua Ye looked over speechlessly.

Those special effects are all synthesized in post-production, okay? If there is such a powerful special effects artist, it's impossible to hire an outdoor prank show!

But since Machiko interpreted this battle as a prank show with powerful special effects, Hua Ye naturally wouldn't explain it. He immediately shrugged and said, "Don't watch it, let's go."


So when Ai Igarashi stopped, he realized that there was no one in front of him.

The big-breasted star with obscene breasts has long since disappeared, and even Hua Ye and Machiko have walked a long way away.

"Damn it, I'm your teacher, and I even gave you fat times to satisfy your perverted hobbies! How dare you ignore me now?"

Igarashi gritted her teeth angrily. Although she really wanted to catch up with Hua Ye for help, she still remembered that Hua Ye seemed to dislike her, so she could only stomp her feet angrily, then turned around and left. The target of the action hadn't been caught yet. She was still fighting, so it was impossible for her to go down the mountain with Hua Ye and the others.

Machiko looked back curiously:

"Ms. Igarashi didn't catch up?"

"Don't worry about her." Hua Ye responded.

The other party was not a serious teacher in the first place, so Hua Ye naturally wouldn't worry about the other party's safety.


Machiko nodded obediently.

The mountain road quickly became quiet, neither of them spoke, only the drizzle was still falling, falling on the nearby leaves, as if there was only the sound of "rustling" in the world.

The sky had completely darkened, with only the last twilight still remaining, making it difficult for people to see the road clearly.

Machiko followed Hua Ye step by step, secretly glanced at Hua Ye with his eyes from time to time, for fear that Hua Ye would suddenly "biu" disappear, just like Rafael's "biu" appeared.

If you grabbed Hua Ye's clothes, you should feel more at ease, right?

It's like being bumped into by Teacher Jing in the storage room, but one hand has to hold the umbrella, and the other hand has to carry the bag, which contains novels, paintbrushes, etc., and there is really no free hand...

Suddenly, I regretted why I brought so many things out.

"Pay attention to your feet, we are about to go down the mountain." Hua Ye said.


The black long straight girl responded lightly.

Although classmate Hua Ye doesn't talk much, he does care about me.

Since I can remember, it seems that I have never experienced the feeling of being cared for by a boy other than my father. Is it like this?

Because she has been the class monitor since elementary school, she is basically a "public figure" in the class. Even if the other boys have a crush, they are mostly embarrassed to show it, and she will not take the initiative to approach others, so all the time, only There are almost no girls who play well, and almost no boys.

Thinking about it now, Machiko suddenly discovered that the boy she had the best relationship with was actually Hua Ye!

"No, but this is something that can't be helped, right?"

"It's not intentional, it's all just a coincidence, and it became like this before I knew it..."

"Just walking together like this, will people be mistaken for a couple?"

"Those girls' comics seem to have such plots."

"No, no! Couples should share the same umbrella!"

"If you don't share an umbrella, naturally it doesn't count..."

Machiko, who turned on the self-raiding mode again, suddenly changed her face slightly, and her body stiffened quickly.

The pain of the previous fall was almost gone, but another feeling, like a river breaking its embankment, spread with an unstoppable trend.

"No, not good! At such a time, such a place..."

The girl lagged behind stiffly, and the more she tried to endure, the more turbulent the terrifying feeling became, destroying her defense line wave after wave.

"What's wrong with you?" Hua Ye turned his head and looked puzzled.

I saw the black long straight girl pressing one hand on the skirt, her flushed face was like a ripe tomato, as if she was trying her best to endure something, her two snow-white slender legs were together, rubbing against each other involuntarily: "Hua, students Huaye..."

Under the hazy twilight, the girl's voice trembled slightly, and there was a faint cry of shame.

"I, I want to..."

Chapter 354

"Fuck, bad!"

"I can't bear it anymore..."

"I can't go anymore, if I go, I will, I will leak it!"

Machiko was so wronged that she was about to cry.

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