The purpose of this product is just to look at other people's "skirts".

In addition, there are even more weird people who once lay on their backs in the sewers of the street, and lay there for five full hours from [-]:[-] in the morning, just to peek through the skirts of passing women through the grid-shaped manhole cover...

Even Hua Ye was shocked at the time, what a perverted existence this is!

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai and said:

"Make me a cup of mixed coffee and be right back."

After speaking, he turned and walked out.

The man's face was pale, his eyes stood up in horror, but he couldn't say a word, but followed Hua Ye stiffly.

When other customers in the store heard the movement, they all looked curiously. They didn't understand why the man who seemed to be a famous gangster nearby didn't say a single provocative word like a frightened quail.

"Student Hua Ye..."

Wei Nai grabbed his hand subconsciously, bit her lip, her face flushed slightly, and said with some worry: "Let's forget it...he didn't take any pictures just now, and, besides, I've been wearing safety pants... ..."

"Understood." Hua Ye replied.

Forget it?

How could it be forgotten.

He was looking for his own death.

Chapter 371 Don't Try to Lie to Me

Watching Hua Ye and that sneaky cameraman walk out of the coffee shop, Wei Nai couldn't let go. She put the coffee pot on the counter and said, "Manager, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back soon."

The store manager also saw some clues. After all, Hua Ye often came over to drink coffee, nodded and said, "Go, go, don't let him be too impulsive..."

"I know, thank you manager."

Wei Nai bowed, turned around and ran out of the coffee shop.

Looking at Wei Nai's back, the store manager sighed, with a smile on his face.

That's great, young man.

When Wei Nai came outside the store, she saw Hua Ye standing on the side of the road, and the sneak cameraman walked towards the center of the road with horrified eyes.

"Student Hua Ye!" Wei Nai ran over, grabbed Hua Ye's hand, and said seriously, "Just teach me a lesson, don't do anything excessive."

Naturally, she wasn't worried about the man who secretly took pictures of her. She only felt disgusted, but she was worried about Hua Ye, who was impulsive and would do something irreversible. Then the police might come to school or something. For this A guy, not worth it at all.

"Go back with me."

Wei Nai grabbed his hand and was about to walk back.

Seeing Hua Ye not moving, Wei Nai bit her lower lip and said:

"If you do this again, I will be angry!"

What about being angry?

This guy is clearly looking for his own death, I just sent him to heaven one step ahead of time.

Seeing the disappointment and worry in Wei Nai's eyes, Hua Ye finally let go: "Okay."

As Hua Ye let go, the man finally regained control of his body, staggered, almost fell, turned his head to look at Hua Ye and Wei Nai in horror, then turned and ran without looking back.

Hua Ye didn't take another look. Anyway, the curse was cast, no matter where he went, he would never escape the punishment.

When the two returned to the coffee shop, they didn't cause much trouble in the shop. The customers just looked at the two out of curiosity, and most of them stopped paying attention. After all, this kind of thing is very common.

However, Wei Nai felt that other people seemed to be staring at her, and her face couldn't help but feel a little hot. She lowered her head, looked at the road under her feet, led Hua Ye to sit down at an empty table, and then He whispered: "I won't give you the menu... Do you want a mixed coffee? Wait a minute, I'll bring it for you."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

by the counter.

"Hey, Wei Nai-chan, who is that?" A girl blinked her eyes and asked curiously.

Naturally, there is more than one clerk in the coffee shop, Wei Nai. Although the shop manager sometimes helps to greet customers, he is mainly responsible for making coffee behind the counter, and only one or two people are too busy.

The girl speaking at this moment is another clerk in the store, also a student from a nearby school, she is not tall, but has a good figure, she is very lively on weekdays, and has a good relationship with Wei Nai.

When encountering such a thing at this moment, I can't help but want to gossip.

Wei Nai shook her head and said in a low voice, "It's nothing, just a classmate..."

"Hmph, don't try to lie to me."

There are no new customers in the store now, and there is nothing wrong for the time being. The girl rested her chin on one hand and hugged her chest with the other, and said in a detective tone: "Other customers come to drink coffee, you are very businesslike." You have a serious look, but when this person comes, your face will turn red..."

"W-Where are you blushing!" Wei Nai raised her hand subconsciously and touched her face, it seemed that it was indeed a little hot, "It's just that the weather is too hot."

"Hee hee, our coffee shop is air-conditioned."

"And just now I saw that you were almost secretly photographed by someone, the eyes of your 'classmate' are so scary... I know that gangster, I heard that he often forces girls to have sex, and even hurts others, and finally nothing happened, anyway He's not a good person, and most people would stay away from him, right? If it wasn't your boyfriend, how could you teach him a lesson?"

"What, I won't tell you anymore!" Wei Nai blushed even more, "I'm going to deliver coffee!"

After speaking, he turned and fled in a hurry, followed by a series of giggles.

"Hey, here it is."

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