It's obviously just pinching the foot, don't exaggerate it! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Hua Ye snorted, put down his phone, and turned on the TV.

Because it is a guest room, there is no computer in the room, only a TV.

The first program is a funny variety show.In Japan, variety shows are quite common and very popular, and they are the biggest hits in ratings. For example, the last time Hua Ye went to a food festival, he met a woman who liked to ask "who should save first when my mother and girlfriend fall into the water", He's a variety show host.

But at the moment, there was an interactive show for artists on TV. After watching it twice, Hua Ye lost interest.

He took the remote control and switched channels.

The second TV station is broadcasting a TV series, and the name seems to be "Escape is shameful but useful"... Anyway, it is a very strange name.

The third station showed a baseball game.In other countries, baseball is a relatively rare ball game, but it is quite popular in Japan.From elementary school to high school, there are baseball clubs, not even losing to big clubs like football clubs and basketball clubs. There are also many anime works such as baseball heroes, and sometimes people even doubt whether the elementary school students in those anime will One ball knocked down the plane.

Hua Ye suddenly remembered that someone once used golf to blow up a country's air force!

It is said that it is a small country in West Africa. Matthew Boya is an ordinary citizen. One day he became obsessed with playing golf. After looking around, he finally found an open space near the air force base that was very suitable for a golf course.

That day, the golf ball he hit knocked a bird unconscious in the sky, and the bird fell to the air force runway. A fighter jet was in a taxiing state at the moment, and the cockpit cover hadn’t been closed yet. The injured bird’s struggle disturbed The pilot's sight caused the fighter plane to lose control, and finally plunged into the fleet next to it...

boom! ?

Just using a golf ball to wipe out a country's air force is simply gratifying, leaving a name in history!

Hua Ye had no interest in baseball, so after looking at it twice, he switched channels again.

The fourth channel is showing anime, two girls in school uniforms are discussing the correct way to eat chocolate bars

"One person bites one end, and then eats slowly towards the middle~~"

Looking at the two girls who were blushing and about to kiss, Hua Ye gently pulled the corner of his mouth.

Is this the correct way to eat chocolate bars? !

I must have eaten fake chocolate bars before!


At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

Hua Ye took the phone and looked, it was Gabriel calling.

After connecting, the angry voice of the crippled angel rang in my ears: "Come here quickly, someone is scolding me in the game!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "What did you do in the past?"

"That's needless to say?" Gabriel had already made up her mind to kill, "Of course he smashed his dog's head!"


Gabriel did not live with other girls, but slept in a room alone, because she would definitely stay up late at night to cultivate immortality, and the games would be very noisy, which would easily disturb others' rest.


Just knocked on the door, the door opened immediately, Gabriel in pajamas poked her head out and pulled Hua Ye into the room.

This useless angel pulled Hua Ye towards the bed: "Hurry up and help me blow that guy's head off!"

Hua Ye sat in front of the computer and was speechless after seeing the data.

"How did you die so many times?"

"Because that jumping dog has been squatting on me, I'm so mad!" Gabriel clenched his fist and said through gritted teeth, "And he also said 'see once, kill once', '[-] yuan for walking ', 'Mobile cash withdrawal Ji' and other words, I was so angry that I almost blew the horn and destroyed the world!"

Hua Ye shook his head: "In short, let's develop it first."

When the equipment gap between the two sides is too large, no matter how good the operation is, it can only be knocked down by the three axes.

At least this crippled angel understood this truth, and didn't urge him to do so. Instead, he sat next to Hua Ye and watched the battle like a duck.

In the next few minutes, Hua Ye controlled Gabriel's hero to develop crazily. After the equipment improved a little, he began to join the group... Of course, the main purpose was to grab the head, and even his teammates played on the screen. Three question marks.


Gabriel pinched her waist with one hand, and said confidently: "Don't pay attention to him! Is there a problem with taking the head with your own ability?"

"Hurry up, grab a few more heads."


After two rounds of team battles and a few kills, they finally developed.

Seeing this, Gabriel also understood that the situation was stable, so she casually took a pack of snacks on the table, tore open the package, and started to eat with a "click".

Hua Ye paused slightly, tilted his head slightly and said:

"chocolate bar?"

"What?" Gabriel blinked, "You want to eat? I'll share one with you later."

Hua Ye shook his head: " you know the correct way to eat a chocolate bar?"

Chapter 410 Kiss Again

"Hey, what's the correct way to eat a chocolate bar?"

Gabriel blinked her eyes, a little puzzled: "Isn't it just eaten like this?"

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