Wearing a blue skirt, Wei Nai stood pretty on the left side, pursing her lips and said, "Good morning, Hua Ye."

"Good morning……"

Machiko also whispered beside him.

"Well, good morning."

"It's already half past six in the morning, are you awake?" Wei Nai asked.


"Everyone can't go to restaurants outside all the time, that would be too wasteful." Wei Nai raised a hand and pinned a strand of blue hair behind her ear, "So let's cook for ourselves?"


Hua Ye nodded.

The island has vigorously developed its tourism industry in recent years. Although there are not many tourists, there are always some, so the prices of buffet shops and restaurants are not cheap... It’s okay to eat once in a while, but it costs a lot to eat often.

Except for Wei Nai, most of the rest of the people lived on the monthly living expenses, let alone Gabriel, who started eating dirt before the end of the month.

"Then go and change your clothes." Wei Nai raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a mischievous smile, "I guess there will be a lot of things to buy by then, and it's finally time for you."

Feelings call me up, just to carry bags and run errands!


After Hua Ye changed his clothes and washed up briefly, he went downstairs with Wei Nai and Machiko to the yard outside the villa.

The housekeeper, Fujiwara Norika, has also woken up. She is now wearing a white slim-fitting shirt, which outlines her slender waist and magnificent chest. Compared with yesterday's meticulous butler, she looks a little more youthful and beautiful.

She was holding the dog leash in her hand, and Xiaoqiu, the Akita dog, was pacing lazily in the yard, sniffing here and there from time to time, not knowing whether it was a person walking the dog or a dog walking a person.


When Xiaoqiu saw Hua Ye and the three of them, he let out a cry of anticipation, then ran over wagging his tail, sticking out his tongue as if begging for food, but when he realized that Hua Ye and the three had no intention of feeding, his tail immediately turned He stopped shaking, and sat down on the ground in disappointment.

"Good morning."

After the two parties greeted each other, Norika Fujiwara asked curiously:

"Why do you get up so early?"

"We plan to go to the supermarket and buy some ingredients for breakfast." Wei Nai replied.

"That's it." Fujiwara Norika nodded, "Do you know where the supermarket is? Do you want me to take you there?"

"No, no, no, when we went to the buffet yesterday evening, we saw the location of the supermarket."

"That's good." Fujiwara Norika pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, looked at Hua Ye inexplicably, and waved, "You all pay attention to safety."



The three of Hua Ye walked out of the villa, and after a while, they came outside a supermarket.

Not far from the supermarket is the buffet restaurant where I ate last night.

There is a notice posted outside the door

"The shop owner is unwell and is temporarily closed."

Your sister, because you are afraid that Kang Na will come to eat again, did you even post such a notice?

The promised buffet restaurant is not afraid of big belly customers!

Seeing the notice, Wei Nai slightly pulled the corner of her mouth, shook her head and said:

"For breakfast, forget about bread and milk, how about some simple cooking?"

"Well." Machiko nodded and said, "I usually eat traditional breakfast at home. Although the bread and milk are good, they always feel that they lack some flavor."

As a member of the cooking department, Machiko is obviously very interested in cooking. At this moment, she said excitedly: "Although there are no ingredients in the kitchen, there is still a whole bag of rice. I looked at it before and found that it was Akita Mi oh."

Akita rice is a very famous brand of rice. The rice grains are neat, white and transparent. No matter the fragrance, luster, or elasticity and viscosity, it can be called the best among rice.

"The staple food is rice, and then I will make a grilled fish...grilled saury." Machiko folded his hands and put them on his chest, "I have made grilled saury many times in the cooking department before, this is a qualified one. necessary skills for housewives.”

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Hua Ye, thinking of something, his pretty face suddenly flushed, and his voice quickly weakened.

The saury is stored in boxes in the refrigerator. Machiko looked at the date on the label, and after confirming that there was no problem, he took out two boxes and put them in a bag, then silently carried them in his hand.

Wei Nai glanced at Hua Ye and said, "Just let Hua Ye carry it. He eats so much, so he can always do this."


Hua Ye slightly pulled the corner of his mouth.

What does it mean to eat more?

Compared with that blue-eyed baby dragon, I obviously eat very little, okay?

I always feel that something is wrong with you today... Could it be because of what happened last night?

But you shouldn't be able to see it, right?

and many more!

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