
Half an hour later, a strong aroma wafted out from the kitchen.

"Smell, sniff~~"

Sniffing her nose, Satania got up and ran to the kitchen, blinking her eyes and said, "Vinette, Vinet, let me taste whether it's done or not?"

It's a pity that the acting is so bad that no one believes it at all.

"You just want to eat it!" Wei Nai complained, "It's not cooked yet, so you don't need to taste it."


Satania walked out dejectedly.

Suddenly, I saw Kang Na lying on the door, poking out half of her small face and looking in, her braids were hanging down under the force of gravity, swinging slightly in the air, her eyes bluer than the sky, quietly looking at Wei Wei. Chennai.

Wei Nai's eyes lit up, and she quickly waved: "Kangna sauce, come here!"

Connor ran into the kitchen.

"Want to taste it?"

Kang Na nodded, her voice was soft and waxy, her big sky blue eyes were full of anticipation: "Yes, I want to eat."

"Then I'll grab some for you." Wei Nai took a clean small plate and picked up two fried shrimp tempura that were crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Huh?" Satania opened her eyes wide, "Why didn't I?"

With a pretty face, Wei Nai said solemnly: "What you want to taste is still cooking, it's really not cooked. What I put in for Kang Na is fried shrimp tempura."

"Then I want to eat too."



Unable to withstand this idiot's entanglement, Wei Nai could only clip one for her, and then sent her out.


Hua Ye walked out of the kitchen after finishing the two dishes. The others seemed to be in high spirits and wanted to show off their talents one after another, so he was naturally happy to relax.

Walking into the living room, I saw Gabriel sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Seeing the shirt Hua Ye was wearing, the useless angel couldn't help being startled, then... silently turned to look at the TV, still not speaking.

Your sister, is this choosing to ignore me on purpose?

Don't think that if you don't speak, I can't do anything about you!

Hua Ye thought for a while, and decided to give this useless angel a stick education, and family law to serve him.

Chapter 417

Hua Ye walked to Gabriel and sat down.

This crippled angel still had the attitude of "turning a blind eye" and didn't even bat an eye.

"Want to eat oranges?" Hua Ye asked.

Gabriel said nothing.

"That is to eat."

Hua Ye took an orange from the fruit plate on the coffee table, peeled off the peel, and then peeled off a piece of orange flesh, saying, "Open your mouth."

Gabriel neither opened her mouth nor spoke.

Hua Ye gently pulled the corner of his mouth, and cleaned off the white veins on the orange petals. The white network of tendons outside the orange flesh is called "orange veins", which have the functions of dredging collaterals, reducing phlegm, smoothing qi and activating blood circulation. Unfortunately, this waste Angel doesn't like to eat it because it affects the taste. When eating oranges before, he always had to tear them off.

After cleaning up the orange pits, Hua Ye handed the orange petals to Gabriel's mouth again.

The useless angel still didn't make a sound.

Hua Ye said speechlessly:

"You should squeak anyway."

Are you an ascetic monk who is practicing closed-mouth meditation? What kind of trouble is it if you don’t say a word!

The useless angel turned to look at Hua Ye, and after a while, he opened his mouth softly.



Hua Ye put down the orange and said with a dark face, "I want to kiss you."

In this way, you will never stop talking, right?


Then, as if the useless angel had been prepared, he took out a candy from his pocket, quickly threw it into his mouth and began to chew.

This useless angel spread out the icing of the candy in the palm of his hand, and held it up in front of Hua Ye. It was the name of an unpalatable candy. Hua Ye ate one at that time, but never tried it again.

Your sister, in order to prevent me from kissing you, do you want to pay yourself too!

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