"Does it mean that we are very close, or..."

"Woo~~ Don't think about it!"


While talking, the two happened to walk to the residential area on the island. At this moment, the shops had opened, and the tempting fragrance wafted in the wind.

Hua Ye glanced at it, but was a little interested: "There is actually a siu mai shop."

"It really is."

Machiko recalled the story of the burning wheat monster that everyone told last night. Now that I think about it, it is already a funny joke.

"Buy two siu mai to eat?"

Machiko blinked her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, which was rarely mischievous: "What should I do if I encounter a burning wheat monster?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Then let Kang Na eat it."

"……good idea."

When I got closer, I found that this shop not only sells siu mai, but also sells dumplings.

"Shall I treat you?" Machiko took out her wallet, "Just thank Hua Ye for his company this afternoon..."

Talking about buying a copy of siu mai and dumplings.

Looking at the steaming dumplings in his hand, Hua Ye suddenly remembered a sentence he read on the Internet, and said casually, "There's nothing better than dumplings?"

Machiko's pretty face blushed suddenly: "You, don't think about those bad things..."

Chapter 421 The correct way to open yogurt

"You know that sentence too?"

Seeing Hua Ye's strange gaze, Machiko felt his face was hot, and hurriedly changed the subject, saying, "Hua, Hua Ye, should you eat the siu mai first, or the dumplings first?"

Ah, this sentence sounds, why is it so similar to the black-bellied angel who often said, "Eat first, or eat me first"?

Hua Ye said casually:

"Let's eat the dumplings first."

"Yeah." Machiko nodded, "Then let's sit on the bench over there?"

"it is good."

There is a bench not far away. Sitting on the chair, you can see the sky and sea dyed orange by the setting sun.

After sitting down, Machiko took out disposable bamboo chopsticks and handed them to Hua Ye.

Hua Ye reached out to take it, picked up a dumpling and took a bite.

I have to say that the dumplings in this store taste very good. The dumplings are filled with pork and shrimp. When you bite down, the savory soup bursts in your mouth. The aroma of pork and the elasticity of shrimp are well integrated Together, it can be said to be full of delicious flavors.

I only bought one serving of Zhenzhizi Shaomai and dumplings, and now I waited for Huaye to eat one before silently picking up another dumpling from the food box.

Perhaps because of some nervousness, the chopsticks accidentally broke the dumpling, and the soup in the dumpling spilled out, and it was about to fall on her skirt.

Hua Ye picked up the food box and caught it, even so, two drops of soup still fell on his hand.

Machiko hurriedly put down the chopsticks and asked nervously, "Is it not hot?"

Japanese dumplings are generally eaten as a dish, and the dumpling skin is quite thin, and it may be broken if you are not careful.

"Not hot." Hua Ye shook his head.

"Liar, how could it not be hot?" Machiko pursed her lips with self-blaming eyes.

The black and straight girl took out a napkin, wiped off the soup on Hua Ye's hand, and said in a low voice, "How about, how about I blow it for you?"

"What?" Hua Ye was puzzled.

"If you get burned, you must blow it..."

As Machiko said, she lowered her head and blew lightly twice. The warm breath sprayed on her hands, slightly itchy.

"Okay, okay..."

Machiko turned his head to look at the sea, and his voice was as thin as a mosquito: "Eat quickly, or you will be blown cold by the wind..."

The warm sea breeze blew her hair, and she could clearly see the delicate blush on the girl's earlobe.


The number of dumplings and siu mai was actually not many, but Machiko only ate two and put down his chopsticks.

She held the lunch box in both hands, and looked up:

"Student Hua Ye eat all of these? I'm already full..."

Hello, are you full?

How much did you eat!

No wonder my sports performance is so poor. If you want to stay in shape, the key is to exercise regularly, not not to eat!

"give it to me."

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