
Satania raised her hand in front of Alice, and a triumphant voice sounded: "Look, look, it really doesn't hurt."

"Stupid meow!" Alice couldn't help complaining, "The ant was just crawling on your hand, it didn't bite you at all! Of course you can't feel the pain!"


In fact, ant bites do not hurt too much, but it is said that there is a kind of ant called bullet ant. The pain after being bitten by them is like being shot by a bullet. It is unbearable and extremely painful.

But strictly speaking, bullet ants do not bite people painfully, but rely on bee-like tail stings to sting people. In addition, in the Amazon rainforest, there is an ancient tribe that has a wonderful custom of bullet ant adult ceremony

If a boy wants to grow into a real man in the tribe, he must wear gloves full of hundreds of bullet ants, and then endure the bites for ten minutes!If you can't hold back your tears during this period, you will be bitten again until you stop crying...

It's just a fool!

If you want to prove that you are a real man, you don't have to bite your hand. It's actually more appropriate to bite your little brother, right?

When you use your little brother to go in and out of the bullet ant glove seven times and it is still as hard as iron, absolutely no one in the world will deny your status as a real man and a strong man!


Finished breakfast amidst the noise.

"Satania, wait a minute!" Vinai stopped Satania who was running towards the beach with the inflatable dolphin in her arms, and asked, "When are you going back?"

"Hey, go back? Where?" Satania looked dumbfounded.

Wei Nai covered her forehead and said speechlessly:

"Of course I'm going home, today is already the third day!"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that several days had passed before they knew it.

Although very sad, everyone quickly accepted the fact.

After all, there is no feast that never ends.

The happy days always come to an end.

If there is no Alice, everyone will go to the public beach according to the original plan, and then go home in the morning and evening. Although there is nothing to do during the summer vacation, we can't always play at other people's houses.

Gabriel's eyes lit up: "Then go back in the afternoon? I have no objection."

Of all the people, the one who has the least opinion is you!

"That..." Machiko blushed, pursed her lips, and hesitated to speak.

"Squad leader, what's wrong?" Wei Nai asked.

"No, nothing..."

Machiko finally shook his head slightly.

Hua Ye glanced at her and said, "Why don't you go back in two days."

"Eh? How to say?"

Hua Ye said calmly: "In two days' time, there will be a welcome event on the island. It seems very interesting. Everyone participates in the morning and then goes back in the afternoon."

Chapter 426 Dog World Oscar

"Yes, yes, let's play for two more days!"

Alice's eyes lit up, her golden double ponytails were swinging behind her shoulders, shining with a dazzling luster, and she looked forward to saying, "When I go back, my mother will make me go to various cram schools, it's super boring, and I don't want to be with Master Bai Yu so soon. Separate!"

Rafael smiled lightly, pointed his finger at his lips and said:

"Then listen to classmate Hua Ye, and everyone will go back in two days?"

"That's right, why go back so early, it's still interesting here." Satania raised her hands in agreement.

The end result is obvious.

Except for Gabriel's crippled angel, all the others passed Hua Ye's proposal.


Machiko exhaled, and looked at Hua Ye gratefully.

I just made an agreement with Youye yesterday, if I leave this afternoon, I always feel a little sorry, but I don't want to disrupt everyone's schedule because of me, so I can only keep silent in my heart.

If Hua Ye hadn't said it just now, she definitely wouldn't have said it.

The right hand of the black, long and straight girl was pressing on her chest, and there were indescribable and unexplainable emotions lingering in her heart.

"As expected, classmate Hua Ye will always show up at the most critical time, and then help himself. It used to be, and it is now..."


When going out in the afternoon, Hua Ye happened to see Alice holding a dog in one hand and eating a cream popsicle in the other.

"Xiaoqiu has been getting fatter and fatter recently, the doctor said to let him exercise more..."

Alice glanced at Hua Ye and explained as if talking to herself.

In front of her, Xiao Qiu walked steadily, as if the master was inspecting the territory.

At this time, suddenly a big golden retriever ran happily in front of him.

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