Alice relaxed a little: "Then when can I call?"

"This..." Fujiwara Norika hesitated.

Rafael shook his head and said, "It's raining so much outside, even if you're a repairman, you can't go out in this weather, right?"

"Besides, it's already dark. When the rain is over, I guess we'll have to check everywhere to find out what's wrong. Maybe we'll have to wait all night."

"That's it." Alice had a look of disappointment on her face.

"Hey, will you never call again?" Satania asked curiously.

"No, can't it?" Although she knew that such a thing could not happen, Machiko still couldn't help but get nervous.

She has hardly experienced power outages, and she usually doesn't feel anything, but now the power outage suddenly made her feel a little uneasy.

Rainy night, power outage, isolated island, villa...

All the elements of a horror movie!

"very scary!"


Having said that, the island country also made a movie called "Survival Family". Story - In fact, there is no need for disasters such as asteroids hitting the earth at all. The lack of electricity is enough to destroy a city.

Wei Nai pursed her lips and said, "It's okay to continue sitting here, shall we go back to the room?"

Now that there is a sudden power outage, the TV is naturally unavailable, so it is better to go back to the room and rest.

Alice hugged Rafael's arm nervously. She didn't want to go back to the empty room. She always felt that when there was no light, there were terrible creatures hidden in the closet and under the bed, and they might jump out suddenly.

Rafael raised his hand and patted her head lightly, then suddenly said:

"Why don't we all sleep in the living room together?"

"Hey, sleeping in the living room?"

"That's right." Raphael clasped his hands together and put them on his chest. I don't know what this dark-bellied girl thought, her eyes were shining brightly, and the joy in her eyes was almost overflowing, "Everyone is sleeping in the living room. This is one of the hundred things that must be experienced in life!"

Wei Nai complained expressionlessly:

"Although I don't know what the one hundred things you said are, but I always feel very unreliable."

Satania said excitedly: "I think it's good. I used to sleep alone. Occasionally, Rafael would run to my bed and snatch my quilt. I really haven't slept with everyone."

"What?" Alice opened her eyes wide, "Master Bai Yu slept on your bed? You actually..."

Before she finished speaking, one hand stroked her head, first patted it, and then rubbed it like teasing a cat: "Satania and I are very good friends, we just stay overnight."

Hua Ye clearly saw the girl with double ponytails raised her small face, narrowed her eyes, and began to cooperate with petting... Are you a cat, don't show an expression of enjoying petting!

"I know, I know, Master Bai Yu."

Alice "meowed" and was defeated.

"Then, let's vote to decide?" Rafael cleared his throat and raised his right hand.

Satania followed closely behind.

And then Alice...

After one round of voting, the living room and sleeping party successfully won.

"Hmm, everyone go hug the quilts!" Rafael said with a smile and waved his hands, "Then just lay the floor on the tatami."

"Wait!" Wei Nai covered her forehead, stretched out a slender finger, and pointed at Hua Ye, "Then what should he do?"

Hua Ye was speechless for a moment.

What do you mean me?

I haven't spoken all this time, okay?

Rafael reached out and tapped his lips, blinking his eyes and said: "Student Hua Ye, it's okay for us to sleep together, right?"

"But he's a boy..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Rafael: "Hmm, then follow the old rules."

The black-bellied girl cleared her throat, stretched out a slender finger, and said solemnly: "For the sake of fairness and justice, everyone votes. If you think Hua Ye can sleep together in the living room, please raise your hand!"

Where does fairness and justice come from?

Except for Wei Nai and that crippled angel, everyone else just watched the fun and didn't think it was a big deal, okay?


"Student Hua Ye, go and take off your quilt." Rafael shouted with a smile on his hands behind his back.

Hey, what's wrong with your face full of troubles!

To actively let everyone sleep in the living room must be to cause trouble! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

The dark-bellied girl blinked at Hua Ye quietly, her pink lips slightly opened and closed, and said silently: "This is a rehearsal of the big sleeping together, Hua Ye still doesn't thank me? (*^▽^* )”

Thank you uncle!

It turns out that sleeping together means laying the floor together in the living room!

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