In the blink of an eye, it was evening.

Under the dusky sunset, Hua Ye was walking by the sea, and when he looked up, he saw a petite girl standing in front of her, with a blindfold on her delicate face, and a purple hair swaying in the air, even the sea breeze Can't make it yield.

When the girl heard footsteps, she turned her head to look at Hua Ye, her eyes were shining brightly.

"Brave, brave!"

Hua Ye walked over: "Why don't you go back?"

Liuhua pointed to the direction where the sea and the sky meet, it was already evening, and it was almost dusk, where there were sparkling fine waves.

"Where is the invisible boundary line?"

"No." Hua Ye shook his head.

It was just the light scattered by the evening sun.

Just like a mirage in the desert, it looks beautiful from a distance, but when you get closer, you will find that there is nothing.

Liuhua lifted her snow-white and crystal-clear lotus root arms, put her slender fingers on the blindfold, and said solemnly: "My evil king's true eyes can see through reality and nothingness, and you will never be wrong... Tell you secretly, I'll see you right away." We're going to find it."

Hua Ye didn't speak.

After getting along for such a long time, everyone already knows that the invisible boundary that Liuhua talked about is actually just a dreamland she used to escape from reality because she refused to accept the fact of her father's death.

However, the human soul is actually quite fragile. After death, unless there are some coincidences, the soul will dissipate very quickly, and even ascend to heaven or fall into hell.

If heaven and hell are so easy to enter, they would already be overcrowded and overcrowded.

After all, this world is just one of the planes under the jurisdiction of heaven and hell. Besides, there are many planes where humans live, and they also believe in heaven and hell.

Hua Ye has already determined that there is no ghost around Liuhua, that is to say, her father's soul should have dissipated long ago.

Unlike the really stupid Satania, Liuhua is actually not stupid. Her middle school two should be the regret left by not saying goodbye to her father, and the hope of wanting to keep the good old days, right?

It's just... what's going on with the invisible boundary line that I'm about to find?

Chapter 435 Kang Na's Hungry Dragon Gaze

It's the last day of vacation.

The welcome program held by the Tourism Association was scheduled for noon. After watching the program, we just took a boat back in the afternoon, so everyone decided not to make breakfast today, but decided to go to the island to eat.

After all, I have been here for so many days, except for the buffet on the first day, I haven’t eaten the island’s delicacies yet.

When I walked to the residential area, it happened to be time for breakfast, and I could smell the aroma of fried onions, ginger, and garlic blowing in the wind from afar.

"Well, it smells so good."

"Go, go, I'm starving!"

Not far ahead, there was an old man sitting on a bench with a bowl of rice in his hand.

Satania blinked her eyes, expecting to ask:

"How about we just eat this?"

Wei Nai looked over, and after seeing clearly what was in the old man's bowl, she immediately shook her head: "Absolutely not!"

It’s okay to eat rice in the morning. After all, rice is a kind of “sacred” existence, and it’s not enough to eat three meals a day, but the rice in the old man’s bowl is clearly “egg bibimbap” that was beaten with raw eggs and then stirred. what.

Although Wei Nai often makes tamagoyaki and thick teriyaki, and the most in the refrigerator are eggs, tofu and milk, it does not mean that he can accept egg bibimbap... just thinking about eating raw eggs or something will make you feel uncomfortable what.

"Why?" Satania puffed up her cheeks and looked at Machiko and Alice, "Have you eaten?"

Alice blinked and said, "This is the simplest breakfast, right? Usually people who are busy with work and don't have time to prepare breakfast eat it. I really haven't eaten it."

Machiko also shook her head and said, "I should have eaten it once when I was a child...but I can't remember the taste, it seems to be sticky and fishy?"

Egg Bibimbap.As the name suggests, it is to directly beat a raw egg on the hot rice, add two drops of soy sauce, and then mix it up and eat it. It is famous for its simplicity, convenience and rich nutrition.

As for unhygienic eggs, you don’t have to worry about whether you will get sick if you eat them, because eggs have to go through strict health inspections before they are sold in supermarkets. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard of anyone getting sick from eating egg bibimbap. up.

"Where's the attendant?" Satania looked at Hua Ye again.

Hua Ye shook his head: "I haven't eaten."

Moreover, Hua Ye doesn't plan to try this way of eating in the future. With his five senses sensitive, he will be persuaded by the fishy smell before he eats it.

Having said that, the islanders seem to prefer sticky food. Needless to say, the famous natto, even the very common yam, is ground into a sticky yam paste, and then poured on rice or noodles to eat... Steamed, boiled and fried yams are fine, what kind of trouble is it when they are ground into a paste!

"Okay, let's go quickly."

Wei Nai held Kang Na with curious eyes and walked quickly.

After a while, everyone came to a restaurant with many diners. Customers are word of mouth. If you don’t know how to choose, just see which restaurant has more customers.

As a small island in the sea, there are naturally no high-end dishes such as kaiseki in the restaurant, and there are not as famous ingredients as Kobe beef or fugu ramen, but there are still many delicious dishes.

For example, stewed winter melon in fish soup, winter melon has the effect of relieving heat in summer, and the fish are all caught from the seaside fishing ground, so it goes without saying that they are fresh. In addition, there are fresh shrimp and octopus, which can be made into shrimp fried dumplings Spinach porridge with fish soup, and it's cheap.

After everyone sat down, they began to wait.


A familiar hungry dragon stared at it.

Hua Ye looked down.

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