Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "Do you know what I'm going to do?"

"Tch, your eyes were so obscene just now, who doesn't know that you are a hentai!"

A faint blush rose on the face of the useless angel, and he honestly stretched out his hand: "Give me the treasure map."


Hua Ye nodded, and handed over the "treasure map" in his hand.

"How can this be!" Satania opened her eyes wide and shouted angrily, "You're cheating!"

Gabriel handed her "treasure map" to Hua Ye, curled her lips and said, "But there's no rule that you can't change teams, right?"

"Then I want to change too!"


"Why not?"

"Because I have just set the rules, and I am not allowed to change them."


Wei Nai pursed her lips and suggested, "Shall we change it too?"

Others don't say that Thor and Kangna must be hunting for treasure together. If someone teams up with Thor, it will always feel awkward, right?

After a while, the teams were redistributed.

Everyone set out in teams according to the route marked on the "treasure map".

Talking about treasure hunting, of course it is impossible for people to go to the steep cliffs or precipitous cliffs to find treasures. It is just to let tourists follow the prompts and go around the interesting scenic spots on the island, and put together the treasure map on the way. In the end, it was just a mysterious gift exchange, and there was actually no difficulty at all.

"I'm actually in a group with Hua Ye! (*^▽^*)"

The black-bellied girl was obviously in a good mood, clasped her hands together, looked expectantly, and had a cute and cheerful smile on her face: "Please Hua Ye, please give the combat order, the Lafite is already in place!"

Can't afford it, can't afford it, where can I get so much aluminum to feed you!

Hua Ye pulled the corner of his lower lip and said:

"Let's go."

"Duddu, the order has been received... Let's be full of laughter today!"


The location of the next treasure map is in the orchard.

Follow the arrows on the map, and after a while, the four of them came to an orchard.

Under the parasol at the entrance of the orchard, an aunt sat up and greeted enthusiastically, "Are you here to find the treasure map?"

Rafael smiled and nodded: "Yes."

"The treasure map is in the corner of the orchard. You go in and look for it yourself. It's easy to find." The aunt waved her hand enthusiastically, and then said, "By the way, you can take a basket in by the way. If you don't need it, come out and come out again." Pay me back."

Although I didn't understand why the other party was so enthusiastic about asking people to take the basket, but the hospitality was unbearable, so they took it, and then several people walked into the orchard.

And then……

There is no more!

At first, I thought that I would find the location of the next treasure map through various deciphering methods, but it turned out that I didn’t need to look for it at all. With a random glance, I could see the box under the flowers and plants, and it was tied with colorful ribbons. It looks like I can't find it! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Opening the box and taking out a treasure map, Alice puffed up her mouth and complained, "What, it's too simple!"

Rafael blinked, stretched out a finger, and suggested: "It's so hot, why don't we buy some fruit and eat it on the way?"

"Okay, okay." Alice was the first to raise her hand in agreement.

Although Machiko didn't speak, there was a look of anticipation in her eyes. I guess she hasn't experienced the fun of picking fruits by herself before, right?


Hua Ye suddenly understood why the aunt was so enthusiastic about asking people to take the basket when they were at the gate of the orchard just now.

I just expected this scene!

It's midsummer, the weather is hot, walking under the scorching sun, you will inevitably feel a little thirsty. At this time, there are fresh fruits in front of you. Do you want to eat them?

And it's the fruit that I picked by myself, which is even more fun.

The orchard is not big, but there are many kinds of fruits in it. Apart from the four of Huaye, there are other tourists who got the "treasure map", and they also wandered in the orchard in twos and threes.

"Master Baiyu, shall I pick some peaches?" Alice shouted.

July and August are the seasons when peaches and plums are ripe. The peaches on the fruit trees are round and plump, and the branches are heavy and bent. Most of the tops are already bright red, and they look very good.

"and many more!"

"Why do you feel so familiar? I seem to have seen it somewhere..."

Hua Ye blinked, and quickly recalled where the familiar sense of sight came from.

When Wei Nai was swimming at the beach two days ago, a turtle bit her swimsuit, and then she called to Satania for help, but was dragged off by Satania. Or the shape, they are very similar to these peaches!

"Student Hua Ye, shall I pick some too?" Machiko whispered expectantly.

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