"Even the maid of my cousin's house is not spared!"

"Shameless and obscene!"

Hua Ye sighed and said:

"Understood, we'll talk about it later."


After eating, everyone walked to the beach in twos and threes.

The return cruise ship will arrive at about three o'clock in the afternoon, so there is no need to worry.

The afternoon sun is warm and charming.

The warm sea breeze blows head-on, carrying the moist breath of the sea, which is very comfortable.

The sky is blue and high, clean and clear, only dotted with a few white clouds. The sapphire-like sea is blown by the sea breeze, and there are gentle waves. This vast sea and sky scene makes people feel bright and comfortable.

However, the happy mood of the girls was quickly crushed by Thor.

This dragon maid came from the villa together with the housekeeper Fujiwara Norika. The swimsuit she was wearing should belong to the housekeeper. It looked obviously a little small. She pulled the swimsuit and said helplessly, "It feels a little small..."

It's not that it's small, but yours is too big!

Your so-called D is relative to the D of the dragon race. After conversion, it is much larger than the D of humans!

"Good, very big!"

Alice opened her eyes wide, looked down at her barren chest, and the painting style suddenly became black and white.

Although she really didn't want to admit defeat, she had to admit that it was a hugeness that she would never be able to achieve in her entire life.

"Tch, what's the use of being so big?"

Gabriel, who was sitting under the sunshade chair, glanced at it, and immediately looked away, pressing the palm device in her hand more vigorously.

Hua Ye said casually, "You are discriminating against the region."


"If it grows on the chest, you will be very happy, if it grows on the stomach, you will hate it. Isn't this regional discrimination?"

A murderous aura suddenly hit.

Gabriel gritted her teeth and shouted:

"Go away! I don't want to talk to you!"


"Master Thor!" Connor ran to Thor with a beach volleyball in her arms, "Shall we play together?"

With the appearance of Thor, Connor, who was just silently building sandcastles and catching crabs, finally became interested in playing games.

Think about it, Wei Nai and Gabriel and the others have the same strength and speed as ordinary people without transformation, but Kang Na's transformation technique does not seal her strength. She looks like a cute little girl, but in fact It's a humanoid baby dragon, it can blow up a mountain with one punch, so playing with Wei Nai and the others naturally doesn't interest them much.

"Okay, okay." Thor nodded, with a bright smile on his face, clenched his fist and shouted, "I'm already on fire!"

"I went to the beach with Xiaolin last weekend, but it's a pity that Xiaolin sat there alone playing with his mobile phone. It's super boring..."

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Wei Nai's forehead, and she hurried over to warn her, lest the two of them slap the beach volleyball, which would be very embarrassing.

"Yeah, I know."

Thor nodded in agreement, and then took off to serve in a standard posture.


The beach volleyball whipped up a strong wind, roaring across the sky like a shell, and even rolled up a shallow gully on the sea surface... But everyone's attention has already been attracted by other ball objects.

As Thor jumped up, the two balls on her chest dangled under the action of gravity, much more eye-catching than volleyballs!


After playing for a few rounds, the swimsuit, which was already overwhelmed, finally broke with a scream.

Fortunately, Thor reacted quickly and covered his chest, avoiding the danger of losing his nakedness, but now a large piece of the overflowing white breasts was exposed.

Wei Nai was taken aback, and hurriedly shouted: "Quick, squat in the sea!"

"Eh?" Thor was surprised, puzzled and asked, "Why did you squat in the sea?"

"It's about to be seen!"

"Is there nothing to see?"


Wei Nai opened her mouth and found herself speechless.

It was only then that she remembered that the concepts of dragons and humans are fundamentally different... For example, she would feel shy when encountering such a situation, but Thor didn't mean to be shy at all.

Having said that, do dragon scales count as clothes?

If not, then don't those non-human dragons run around naked every day?

Just when Wei Nai was thinking, Thor was already giggling and said: "If someone sees it, just kill it."

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