
"Fat times."


Your sister, what kind of trouble is it for the public to send me fat times, I have no interest in girls' fat times at all!

"You, what are you thinking!"

Alice blushed, and quickly explained: "It's the compensation for dirtying your swimming trunks that day!"

"Anyway, that's it... I'll go first!"

After Alice left in the car, Gabriel muttered "The weather is so hot, it's going to melt away", greeted everyone weakly, turned around and left, and then Raphael and Satania also left together, probably Going to sleep with Satania at night.

"I'm going back too..." Machiko whispered.

Her home is not in this direction, so she has to take a tram.

Wei Nai nodded: "Squad leader, pay attention to safety, when you get home, send me a message."

"Well, I will."

"Xiao Ye, let's go together?" Dragon Maid Thor invited with a bright smile, "Just go back and teach me how to cook."

Kang Na didn't speak, but just raised her small face and looked over with expectant eyes.


Hua Ye turned to look at Wei Nai, and asked, "Are you going to a coffee shop tonight?"

Wei Nai's pretty face flushed slightly: "I just came back now, I must go back to clean up, so I won't go today...you can go to my cousin's house as a guest."

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Go together?"

"What am I going to do?!"

Wei Nai's face turned even redder, she gave Hua Ye a look, and hurriedly turned and left: "Go by yourself, I'm going back!"

Chapter 444 Harem Get First Step

On the way to my cousin Xiaolin's house, the phone suddenly vibrated with a "buzzing" sound.

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone and clicked to connect.

"I am home."

Gabriel's voice rang in his ears.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm hungry." Gabriel said confidently, "Bring me a bento."

Your sister, there is a convenience store two hundred meters from the entrance of the apartment, okay?When you go upstairs, just grab a copy and let me take it with you!

"Go downstairs and buy it yourself." Hua Ye snorted.

"No!" Gabriel said confidently, "I just took a shower, even if the end of the world comes, I won't go out!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "What about making everyone happy?"

What you said yourself at the beginning, you have already forgotten it by now!

"Tch, that kind of thing can only give you a sense of accomplishment if you work hard to get it, and no one will cherish it if you give it for nothing."

This useless angel rarely said a reasonable word, and then asked: "I'm about to starve to death, when will you come back?"

Hua Ye shrugged and said, "I'll be at Xiao Lin's house soon."

"Huh?!" Gabriel on the other end of the phone raised her voice, "Then what should I do?"

Hua Ye suggested: "You come over for dinner?"

The useless angel on the other end of the phone thought for three seconds, then shook his head and refused.

"Don't go."

"The weather is so hot, it will melt if you go out, so you will never go out."

"When you come back, just bring me a bento, it's the kind of flavor I often eat..."


"And buy some potato chips and chocolate bars, the snacks are gone."

"it is good."

"By the way, there are also drinks. I want blueberry juice, not soda..."

Shut up!Do you want me to move the entire supermarket back, so that you can use it at will like Lafayette!


After hanging up the phone, he was already downstairs in Xiaolin's apartment.

Hua Ye was not in a hurry to go upstairs, but went to the supermarket with Thor to buy some fruits and ingredients.

It is a basic etiquette to bring at least some gifts when visiting someone's home.

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