Hua Ye spread his hands: "You two were just talking, I haven't ordered coffee yet."



After get off work, Wei Nai went to the back staff room to change clothes, Xiao Qian took the opportunity to stay behind, and then taught Hua Ye some unique skills to quickly draw the relationship between the two... The happy little appearance is quite cute, but The crux of the problem is that those so-called techniques are super unreliable!

For example, when I went downstairs to Wei Nai's apartment, I deliberately said that I was extremely thirsty and wanted to go up for a cup of tea, and then deliberately splashed wet clothes while drinking tea... However, there is only one chance of Wei Nai agreeing to let her go upstairs to drink tea. Yes, the remaining [-]% may just take out a coin, and then say "no need to pay back" with disgust and contempt in the eyes!

When Wei Nai came out, the short-haired girl walked towards the locker room with a lot of interest.

"What are you talking about?" Wei Nai glanced at Hua Ye.

"Nothing to say."

After greeting the shop manager uncle, the two walked out of the coffee shop.

There is a food street outside. It is still early at this moment, people are coming and going on the street, and the aroma of various foods is wafting in the night wind, exuding a real lively atmosphere.

"Would you like some takoyaki?" Hua Ye asked.

Wei Nai shook her head decisively: "No."

Trying to trick me into eating takoyaki again!

It was like this last time, feed me if you can't finish eating, this time you won't be fooled again!

After Wei Nai refused, she took out a box of milk from her backpack, and the corners of her lips slightly raised: "I can just drink milk."


Walking out of the food street, the noisy air quickly quieted down.

Stepping on the watery moonlight, Wei Nai's footsteps suddenly stopped, she turned her head to look at an alley beside her, and asked doubtfully, "Did you hear any sound?"

Hua Ye nodded: "There is a cat meowing."

"Then let's go in and see."

Hearing the word "cat", Wei Nai fixed her eyes and walked decisively to the alley.

"Meow meow meow?"

Wei Nai started meowing like a cat.

After a while, a cat came out from behind the trash can. It had dry hair and a thin body. It seemed to be a stray cat.

Wei Nai squatted down and waved, "Meow Meow Meow, come here."

The cat was obviously very wary of Wei Nai and didn't come close. Its eyes shone with green fluorescence under the streetlights.

Wei Nai pursed her lips, looked at Hua Ye, and asked:

"Student Hua Ye, why don't you go and buy a bag of bread?"

Although the milk in her hand has not been finished yet, it is not suitable for cats to drink too much milk, and it is easy to get diarrhea, especially for newborn kittens. If possible, you can use sheep milk instead. (I made a mistake yesterday, please forgive me...paralyzed brackets)

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

There was a convenience store not far away. Hua Ye went to buy a bag of bread and returned soon.

After returning, the cat was still squatting not far from Wei Nai, neither approaching nor far away.

Wei Nai reached out to take the bread, tore it up and put it on the ground.

The stray cat seemed to be really hungry, and approached cautiously, seeing that there was no other movement from Wei Nai, it finally lowered its head and ate the bread.

"I haven't eaten for a long time, right?" Wei Nai puffed up her cheeks and said angrily, "Since you refuse to take good care of the cat, then don't raise it from the beginning. The behavior of abandoning it if you don't like it is the most abhorrent Already!"

While speaking, Wei Nai reached out to pet the cat.

However, the stray cat was very vigilant, and it directly dodged Wei Nai's hand, gave a soft "meow", then ignored Wei Nai's "meow" meow, turned and left quickly.

Wei Nai squatted on the ground, watching the cat disappear into the depths of the alley, feeling a little lost, the cat must have been deeply hurt, that's why she was so wary of others approaching, right?

"Going back." Hua Ye said.


"Maybe we will meet again tomorrow."


Wei Nai responded, picked up the milk on the side, sipped the straw and drank the rest, then casually threw the empty box into the recyclable trash can next to it.

She was about to get up when an incredible low cry came from the alley.

"You, the progress of the two of you is too fast?!"

Chapter 447 Wei Nai is going to cry

Hua Ye and Wei Nai followed the prestige.

I saw Xiaoqian, a short-haired girl who had already changed into casual clothes, standing at the entrance of the alley, her already big eyes opened even wider at this moment, she looked at the two of them shyly and shocked, her little face was blushing.

Seeing the two people looking at each other, Xiaoqian let out a low cry, quickly covered her eyes, shook her head and said, "I, I didn't see anything! Go ahead!"

As he said that, he turned around and was about to run away.

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