Hua Ye said speechlessly: "How do I know that she is thinking of you helping me..."

Before he finished speaking, a hand covered his lips.

Wei Nai looked up with a pretty face, with moist mist flashing in her eyes, she bit her lower lip shyly and angrily: "Don't say those words!"

Hua Ye blinked his eyes, indicating that he understood.

Wei Nai let go of her hand, looked at the corner where she was squatting just now, and didn't know what to think of, her pretty face quickly turned red, squinted at Hua Ye, and said two words from her lips: "Dirty!"


Hua Ye felt that he was more wronged than Dou E.

He obviously didn't say a word, so why was he given the title of "dirty" again?

"What do you mean?" Hua Ye was puzzled.


Vinay turned her head away.

When Xiaoqian misunderstood just now, you must have thought about such an obscene scene in your mind, right?

Don't say no, your eyes have become dirty just now!

Wei Nai hurriedly shook her head, dispelling the terrifying picture in her mind... That kind of thing, that kind of thing is absolutely impossible to agree to!

"You don't need to send it today!" Wei Nai said with a blushing face, "You go back."


The misunderstanding has obviously been resolved, but why is your face getting redder and redder, like a cooked lobster, even through the air, you can still feel the amazing heat radiating from Wei Nai's face.

Hua Ye asked suspiciously, "Do you have a fever?"

Logically speaking, the demon's body is not that bad, but in the human form, the resistance will indeed drop a bit, and colds and fevers are also possible.

"No fever."

"Then why is your face so red?"

"You, stop asking!"

Wei Nai was about to cry.

Hua Ye looked at the moon, "It's not so hot now, is it?"

"you you you you you--"

Wei Nai bit her lip, her blushing pretty face was astonishingly beautiful under the moonlight, she turned her head and hummed, "I don't want to talk to you right now!"

As for the real reason for her blushing, she wouldn't tell even if she was killed.

"Okay, go back quickly!" Wei Nai took a deep breath, pushed Hua Ye's arm, and turned him in one direction, "Go, go! I will send you a message when I get home!"

(PS: It’s Monday, the beginning of the month, or the beginning of the year, everything is new, I wish you all a happy new year! (*^▽^*)

Uh~~ This is too vulgar, so I wish everyone can become loving dogs in the coming year (laughs))

Chapter 448 Meow Pass

The next morning.


The warm air is pleasant.

Just as Hua Ye got off the tram, a voice of surprise rang out.

"Brother Xiaoye!"

Dirty loli rushed over from the shade of a tree next to her and hugged Hua Ye's arm.

"Woo~~" The little girl rubbed her face against the back of Hua Ye's hand, "I miss you, I miss you so much! I haven't seen brother Xiao Ye for so long, I really want to die!"

Hua Ye remained unmoved, and calmly pointed out:

"We only met last week."

Those who didn’t know thought you had found your long-lost relative!

"That's different." Poor Loli raised her face and said solemnly, "As the saying goes, seeing each other every day is like three autumns, three autumns!"

"I haven't seen you for a week, that's, that's..."

Having said that, Lolita actually hesitated for a moment.

Hey, why are you still hesitating on such a simple question?Could it be the same math idiot as Liuhua!

Liuhua is hopeless, but you can still save it. When you get back, ask your sister to enroll you in a summer cram school.

Dirty loli finally figured it out, giggling: "That's [-] years!"

But you are only ten years old this year!Twenty-one years ago you did not exist!

Poor Loli blinked her eyes, and said again: "That's...waiting for Brother Xiaoye until all the flowers are gone?"

Well, according to the terminology of Doudizhu, this sentence should mean "don't play cards, let me do it"...

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