Although she had never been to other boys' rooms, Machiko didn't think that other people's rooms would be as clean.

Thinking of this, Machiko was a little happy.

I like it... Hua Ye is not a sloppy boy, it is always something to be happy about.

Hua Ye opened the refrigerator and asked casually:

"What would you like to drink?"

Satania raised her hand: "Aide, I want a Coke."

Rafael smiled gracefully: "Please give me a bottle of blueberry juice."

Machiko whispered, "I, I don't need it..."

Before he finished speaking, Rafael just smiled and said: "Then get a bottle of Coke for Machiko-chan?"

Machiko hurriedly said, "No, I'll just drink blueberry juice too."


Three girls sat side by side on the sofa, drinking drinks.

Hua Ye stood by, planning to open the door to see off the guests after they finished drinking.

Telling you to come up for a drink is really just a bottle of drink.

In the end, before he could speak, Rafael raised his hand, and said in a charming voice: "Student Hua Ye, let's go to the supermarket to buy ingredients later, shall we?"

"Huh?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"I want to eat the food made by classmate Hua Ye." The black-bellied girl puffed up her cheeks and complained, "The bento I bought at the convenience store in the past two days is not delicious at all, and I can't make it with classmate Hua Ye. Food compared to…”

Having said that, she paused for a while, and Rafael clasped her hands in front of her chest, her eyes sparkling: "I can't live a day without classmate Hua Ye!"

Shut up!It's not that you can't live without me, but that you can't live without my cooking. Don't deliberately say something that is misleading.

And when you speak, be more serious to me, the joy in your eyes will overflow.


Hua Ye finally agreed.

It would be fine if there were only Raphael and Silly Meow. It was rare for Machiko to come, and she also gave a lot of snacks, so it was not easy to drive them away.

There is no stock in the refrigerator. If you want to make dinner, you must go to the supermarket to buy ingredients.

Hua Ye planned to go alone, but all three girls followed.

Rafael spoke righteously: "I'm going to protect classmate Hua Ye's... safety."

Your sister, do you want to talk about chastity?Don't think I didn't hear you!

Satania: "Pineapple buns, I'm going to buy pineapple buns!"

Machiko whispered, "Shall I help carry things?"


So a group of four people marched mightily towards the nearby supermarket.

"Student Hua Ye, shall we have beef tonight?"

Rafael took out a large piece of beef from the freezer, and said expectantly.

Hua Ye remained expressionless and directly refused:

"Don't eat."

There is nothing wrong with the beef, but it is getting late now, and it will be too late when it is cooked and eaten.


Raphael put down the beef, puffed up her cheeks slightly, turned around and took another rib: "What about this one?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "Not eating either."

It also takes a long time for the ribs to be cooked, and it is not on the island, there is only one pot in the room, which is very troublesome.

"┭┮﹏┭┮." The dark-bellied girl's cheeks became even more bulging.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Go and buy some celery and broccoli."

"Obey, sir!" Raphael blinked and took the order, "The Lafite received the order, and it's sortie——"

When Rafael went to the side, Machiko dared to speak in a low voice: "Student Hua Ye, let me carry it?"

Hua Ye thought for a while, then handed her the egg in his hand: "Just carry this."

Although I want to say that there is no need to help, these things are of no weight at all, but it is not easy to refuse directly when Machiko looks at her expectantly.

Chapter 451 Balcony Play

After buying the ingredients, Hua Ye called Wei Nai on the way back.

"Hello? Classmate Hua Ye?" Wei Nai's voice came from the other end of the phone, full of surprise. After all, Hua Ye rarely called her, "What's wrong?"

"That's how it is." Hua Ye said as he walked, "Lafite and Machiko suddenly came over to come too?"

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