Hua Ye was unmoved: "I'll talk about it when I'm satisfied."

Rafael let out an 'ah', looked up at Hua Ye, and then immediately looked away: "Then, how long will you be touching?"


Hua Ye felt that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that at such a time, shouldn't this black-bellied girl struggle hard, even use force in desperation, and then forcefully suppress her by herself, and teach her a lesson by the way?

Why are you still struggling.

And apart from the tight waist at the beginning, now the waist is getting softer and softer, the eyes are also moist and moist, and the breathing has become faster.

As Hua Ye approached, the black-bellied girl seemed to soften more and more, and begged with watery eyes: "No, no, I'm not ready for that kind of thing... next time, okay?"


It must be the wrong way to open the script!Struggling as promised, the Jedi will fight back!You are too weak! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Looking at the shy and dodging eyes of this dark-bellied girl, and the thin pink lips, Hua Ye suddenly felt a little dry, and for the first time, he felt the urge to kiss.

"Student Hua Ye, let me go..." Rafael begged pitifully.

Hua Ye was ruthless and said:


"Why, why not?"

"No why."

"Really, classmate Hua Ye likes to bully me alone..."

The black-bellied girl took a deep breath, as if she had made some important decision, she glanced at Hua Ye resentfully, then her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly closed her eyes...

hello what are you doing

Why did you suddenly close your eyes!

This is planning to let me fish!

Hua Ye hesitated for a moment, and just after making a decision, there was a sudden "gudong" sound of a heavy object falling to the ground behind him.

Turning around, it turned out that a potato had fallen on the floor and was rolling on the ground.

"I, I just want to ask where the tool for peeling potatoes is..." Machiko turned slightly pale, a little absent-minded, and hurriedly lowered her head to pick up the potatoes that fell on the floor, "You, you..."

However, if you continue, you can't say it no matter what.

My heart felt stuffy, as if stuffed with a lot of cotton and sand, it was so uncomfortable.

Just, even if you want to do that kind of thing, don't do it in front of me!

Obviously I'm still here, but there's only one door across... You guys are going too far!

Machiko lowered her head, turned and ran into the kitchen.

Rafael also took this opportunity to slip away from under Hua Ye, ran to a distance and stopped, with a beautiful face, she raised her hand and rolled up a strand of hair by her ear, then opened her mouth lightly, silently Said: "The wall-dong madman, a carnivore, knows how to bully me, hey, how angry!"

(PS: Not seeing each other every day is like the three autumns in three autumns. It turned out to refer to three quarters, not three autumns. I exposed my ignorance again... My face hurts (big characters paralyzed).)

Chapter 452 Kitchen Play

Seeing Hua Ye staring at him, Raphael stuck out her tongue, turned around and ran out of the room, and hid in the crippled angel next door.

Hua Ye was about to walk back to the balcony when he suddenly heard a low cry of pain from the kitchen.

When he walked to the door of the kitchen, he saw Machiko holding her right hand with her left hand, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and there was a trace of pain lingering between her brows.

"What's wrong?" Hua Ye asked.

"I accidentally cut my finger just now..." Machiko glanced at Hua Ye, lowered her head and said, "Just a little bit, it's fine."


Hua Ye responded, turned and left.

Since it's just a little bit, it's fine. It's not uncommon for those deadly masters in the series with few foreigners to break their legs.

However, Hua Ye had only taken two steps when he heard a faint sniffling sound behind him.

He stopped, turned his head to look, and saw that Machiko's eyes were red, and tears were already swirling in his eyes.

Hua Ye was immediately shocked.

actually cry?

I just frowned just now, why did I start crying in the blink of an eye!

"Let me see."

Hua Ye walked into the kitchen.

Machiko didn't speak, but bit her lip and turned her head away, her eyes became redder and tears fell down.

Cleaning ingredients in the kitchen by yourself, but you and classmate Bai Yu are doing that kind of thing across the door... Now that you accidentally cut your finger, you just ask, then turn around and leave, don't you care about me at all?

The pain in the fingers was second to none, but the more I thought about it, the more aggrieved I became, and then my nose felt sour, and I was so aggrieved that tears fell down.

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