After half an hour.

Hua Ye arrived at Chiba Shrine.

The two young maids opened the door immediately, obviously guarding behind the door. This time, instead of playing the "guess who I am" game, they obediently led Hua Ye to the dirty loli's room.

Pushing the door open, I saw Miss Miko who was guarding the bed and Linna, the kitten girl.

On the pink princess bed, the dirty loli was covered with a thin quilt, her face was ruddy, she was sleeping peacefully, and she was holding a delicate doll in her hand.

"Hua Jun, are you here?" Miss Miko forced a smile.

"Yes." Hua Ye nodded and walked over.

"This is the doll I brought back last night..." Miss Miko took a deep breath and whispered, "The cursed doll."

"Yesterday, a child went to my friend's house to play, and accidentally found the doll in the glove box. It turned out that the neck of the doll could twist, and the two children cried on the spot."

"My friend was also very scared and didn't know what to do. After thinking about it, he called me and asked me to go over and take a look."

Miss Miko's voice was calm, but her knuckles pinching the bed sheet were slightly pale.

"After I checked carefully, I found that the puppet should have been born with a soul, but it can only talk, turn its head, and walk. It's not a big deal, but to ordinary people, it has become a terrifying existence. So I brought it back."

"As a result, Hinata got it in his hand for some reason, and then slept until now, unable to wake up no matter how much he shouted..."

Hua Ye looked at the puppet.

Those were high-end dolls made by artisans, not ordinary toys produced on an assembly line.

The doll has black hair and is wearing a red classical kimono. Its face looks so delicate that it is difficult to tell the real from the fake.

But the problem is that if the puppets are made too exquisite and perfect, sometimes it will cause counterproductive consequences, which is the so-called "uncanny valley effect".

To put it simply, when the appearance and actions of the doll are very similar to real humans, but not a perfect fit, humans as observers will react with disgust and fear.

Although this puppet is very high-end and delicate, but because it is too delicate, it will make people feel scary.

Hua Ye looked at Lolita again, and quickly said:

"She's fine, it's just that her soul just entered another dimension."

"Spirit, soul?"


Dirty Lolita's current state is somewhat similar to her soul going out of her body, but it is actually not uncommon, such as the common folk lost soul.

"Then what should we do?" Miss Miko asked nervously.

She can deal with monsters and even invisible ghost incidents, but as the so-called concern is chaos, she will never act rashly before she understands what happened to Hinata. Ye asked for help.

"It's very simple." Hua Ye said casually, "Just go find it and come back."


Hua Ye reached out and said, "Give me your hand."


Miss Miko pursed her lips and handed her hand to Hua Ye. Although she didn't know why Hua Ye wanted her hand, at a time like this, all she had to do was choose to believe.

"I'm going too, I'm going too!"

Catwoman came to Hua Ye's side, hugged Hua Ye's other hand, showed a small canine tooth, raised her small face pretending to be majestic and said: "Now we are super powerful!"


Hua Ye squinted.

Catwoman blinked her eyes, and hurriedly said, "I have a very good nose, and I can definitely help you!"

"OK then."

Although the two young girls and maids looked expectantly, they didn't come over to make trouble, and the earth spirit girl Qianqiu also stood quietly by the side without saying a word.

"Hua Jun, where are we going to find..."

Miss Miko didn't finish her sentence when she felt a blur in front of her eyes, and then her eyes widened suddenly.

Because in just the blink of an eye, the scenery in front of him changed.

What appeared in front of her at this moment was a quaint small town.

There was light rain falling from the sky, and on the ground paved with bluestone slabs, a thin layer of mist-like green smoke rose up.

The houses on both sides of the road are all classical buildings combining civil and wood, without any trace of steel and concrete.

One by one, red, white, or green umbrellas bloom on the wet street.

Most of the pedestrians on the street are wearing ancient kimonos and yukatas, and there are almost no modern attires.

Of course, none of the above matters.

The most important thing is that monsters accounted for more than half of the place as far as the eye could see!

For example, a kappa with water on his forehead, a birdman with wings, a monster with horns on his head, and even a girl with flowers on her head, etc... People and monsters walk side by side on this long street that does not know the name. It was a shock to another world.


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