"Three!" The little girl stretched out three fingers very seriously, "I can only accept three people at most, if there are more, you can play a table of mahjong!"

You value love and righteousness, and you don't forget to bring your little sisters along for this kind of thing. You have both sisters and cat-eared mothers, which is simply amazing!

But before you speak, please develop it well first, now you don’t even have a “beep——”!

Hua Ye suddenly thought of a question.

Why are the two sisters called "sister flowers", but the mother and daughter are called "mother and daughter rice bowl"?


Poor loli bulged her pink cheeks, dangling on the water like a puffer fish, and complained: "Really, brother Xiaoye doesn't know how to take the initiative. Do you want my sister to take the initiative?"

In fact, your sister was very active just now, and now she is behind my back.

"If you want me to say, after seeing my sister later, rush up and hug her, hug her and kiss her. If there is something that can't be solved with one shot, then another one."


There was already the sound of grinding teeth behind Hua Ye.

A drop of cold sweat fell on his head, he coughed dryly, and said:

"What if your sister is angry?"

"If you're angry, it's very simple." Dirty Lolita suggested solemnly, "When the time comes, you will walk up to my sister with a straight face and a serious face, block her in a corner, and then..."

Could it be Bidong?

I always feel that it is a bit too clichéd, and maybe it will be self-defeating.

"Then flipped [-] degrees in the air, and apologized resolutely under the soil, should be able to get my sister's forgiveness?"


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said meaningfully:

"You can try it later."

"Eh, what do you mean?"

"Anyway, you'll know when the time comes."

The dirty loli blinked her eyes, didn't think much, but said: "Okay, brother Xiaoye, I have to go back, otherwise I will be anxious if my sister can't find it..."

Don't worry, your sister will definitely not be in a hurry, but she will probably be out of breath.

After finishing speaking, the little girl stood up from the bath, took the towel from the top of her head, spread it out and covered her body. During this period, her immature body appeared in front of Hua Ye again, but Hua Ye had no sexual interest.

If you have sexual interest at this time, you will be called a "perverted lolicon" and you will go to jail!

The dirty loli came to the shore, ran to the side with her bare feet, picked up a towel and wiped her body, and then her movements suddenly became stiff.

A pair of dark eyes suddenly opened wide, and the small mouth also opened into an O shape, staring blankly at the pair of wooden clogs on the ground

In addition to my own and Hua Ye's clogs, there was a third pair of clogs in the corner.

At this moment, the dirty loli became possessed by a detective.


"Whose clogs?"

"It's not mine, it's not brother Xiaoye's, and it can't be Lingna's... Could it be those maid sisters?"

"No, this flower pavilion does not have that kind of service."

"That's...my sister's?"

"No wonder I couldn't find it anywhere, and brother Xiaoye had a strange expression just now..."

"It must belong to my lord sister!"

Realizing that she had unknowingly walked to the edge of the cliff, the filthy loli with heaven on her left and hell on her right, was spinning her mind at an unprecedented speed.

After a brief silence.

She took a deep breath and said seriously:

"Brother Xiaoye, it's wrong for us to do this!"


Hua Ye was at a loss.

"Emotional things can't be forced, I just want to be my sister-in-law!"

Before Hua Ye could speak, Lolita continued, "Brother Xiaoye won't tell my lord sister what we just said, right?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

"That's good." The little girl breathed a sigh of relief, and then pretended to mutter to herself, "There are only the two of us here, if brother Xiaoye doesn't say anything, and I don't say anything, then my elder sister will definitely not know about it, right? "


After the dirty loli leaves.


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