"Then you should hang up."

"you you you……"


Putting away the phone, Wei Nai realized that there was actually a tail beside her.

"Xiao, Xiaoqian? Why haven't you gone back yet?" Wei Nai was startled.

"Tsk tsk." Xiaoqian shook his head beside him, "You also said that you don't know martial arts... No, you also said that you are an 'ordinary friend'. It is obviously the tone of a wife telling her husband to go out on business..."

Wei Nai's pretty face immediately flushed, even though she was often teased by Xiao Qian, she was still shy and irritable at the moment, trying to keep a pretty face and annoyed: "If you talk nonsense, I will beat you!"

"Huh?" Xiaoqian took a step back and acted shocked, "Shocked! The girl wants to beat her best friend because of an 'ordinary friend'? The truth makes people blush!"

Wei Nai couldn't help but clenched her silver teeth: "Xiao Qian!!"

"Slightly slightly slightly, I can't hit it!" Xiaoqian made a grimace, turned around and ran away like a gust of wind, "I'm going home!"



The door of the hot spring bathroom was pushed open a gap, and a small head with a ball head poked out.

"Brother Xiaoye, close your eyes, my sister and I are ready to go out!"

What's so embarrassing, I know exactly where you have moles on your body.

"I'm playing with my phone." Hua Ye turned to the wall and lowered his head to play with his phone.

Soon, the sound of two pairs of wooden clogs stepping on the floor was heard, and Miss Miko returned to the room first without saying a word.

On the contrary, before leaving, Lolita puffed her cheeks and said in a low voice: "Brother Xiaoye is a big idiot!... You don't know how to grasp such a good opportunity, how stupid!"

Your sister, what a good opportunity!Whether it's pushing your sister down in front of you, or pushing you down in front of your sister, it's super bad!

Shy and reserved, why do you look eager to try!

In ancient times, big families usually had maidservants. When the master and mistress were having sex, if one of them was exhausted, the maids would be responsible for pushing back... After your sister is exhausted, do you still plan to Help me push my back!


After being glared at by Hua Ye, the dirty loli turned around and ran away.

Hua Ye was about to turn on the TV to watch a show when his phone rang again.

Looking down, it turned out to be a call from the legitimate loli Igarashi.

Hua Ye thought for a while and chose to connect.

Pretending to be majestic, but in fact, the voice of sweet and waxy baby sounded in Hua Ye's ears.

"I have two matters with you, one business matter and one private matter, I don't know whether to talk about it or not..."

"Then don't talk about it." Hua Ye resolutely refused.


Igarashi gritted his teeth angrily, stopped talking nonsense, and said directly:

"After discussion, the old men in the Presbyterian Church felt that you can cooperate with the Truth Society in various business aspects, such as gold medal foreign aid, etc... In return, you can use your contributions to exchange for spiritual fruits, shikigami, strengthening potions, and exoskeletons Armor, virtual reality gear, etc., anyway, you think about it."

In the eyes of top onmyojis, money is just a bunch of numbers, so Igarashi doesn't even have the idea of ​​including money as a bargaining chip.

The well-known purpose of the SCP Foundation is control, containment, and protection. The Truth Society naturally does not have such lofty beliefs. The main purpose is nothing more than capture, research, and evolution.

The objects of capture and research are some supernatural beings, among which monsters are the main ones.Huaye is actually also within the target of capture, but after careful evaluation, the Truth Society listed Hua Ye as a super S-level life form. If you want to capture it successfully, you will definitely have to pay a heavy price, and even the Truth Society may be destroyed... The input is not directly proportional to the output. Even the Truth Society would not do such a business.

So they quickly changed their strategy and conveyed their willingness to cooperate through Igarashi.


Strength and life have always been the eternal pursuit of human beings from ancient times to the present. Therefore, there are several chaebols behind the Truth Society, and they can even influence the election of a place and the appointment and dismissal of officials. Able to raise funds and go public.

In fact, Hua Ye is not disgusted with what the Truth Society has done.

Human curiosity and thirst for knowledge are unlimited. Many great inventors were initially regarded as lunatics. There is a thin line between geniuses and lunatics.

Regardless of China or foreign countries, there will be no shortage of similar studies, such as the recent explosion of the Volkswagen exhaust valve incident that used monkeys to test the exhaust gas.More darkness has never appeared in the vision of ordinary people.

The problem is that Hua Ye is not interested in the rewards given by the Truth Society.

Spirit fruit?

As long as you want to eat, you can find a bunch in minutes.

God formula?

That kind of monster who punches one by one has no meaning at all!

Hua Ye was about to refuse, but Ai Igarashi had sensed it, and said in advance: "It's okay to refuse, anyway, those old men said that this invitation is valid for a long time, and you can come over anytime you are interested in cooperating... ...In addition, if there is anything inconvenient to solve, you can also call me...Of course, let the prime minister do a striptease, feed Ao Guanhai a chicken and other requests."

Hua Ye thought for a while, nodded and said:


I hate trouble. If some things are solved by the Truth Society, naturally there will be no trouble.

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