Shut up, what kind of pride is there in such a thing!


There is no need to mention the next thing. By the time the train arrived at the station, the sun had already set in the west.

Because the direction of going home was different, Hua Ye waved goodbye to Miss Miko. As for Uehara Mie, she went to the shrine to borrow temporarily. After all, renting a house is not booking a hotel, so you have to take a look at it before you can rest assured.

"Goodbye, brother Xiaoye." Lolita waved reluctantly, "Remember to come and see me..."

What I said earlier was quite serious, but Lolita suddenly changed the subject and said, "By the way, I will draw what happened last night into a comic, it will definitely be very interesting..."

Interesting, your sister, do you still want to take the title of sister flower hot spring war!


By the time Hua Ye returned to the vicinity of the apartment, it was already sunset, and it was already dusk.

When he walked to the door of the convenience store he often went to, Hua Ye paused. After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the useless angel.


Gabriel's weak voice came, full of laziness as usual.

Hua Ye said, "Come down to eat together?"

"No." The useless angel resolutely refused, "I will never go out in such a hot weather!"

Hua Ye had expected it a long time ago, and said, "Then let me bring you a bento."


There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and Gabriel's voice slightly raised her voice: "There's nothing to be courteous about, it's either rape or theft... You really did something wrong, right?"

What a shame for your sister!It's just that when I walked to the door of the convenience store, I just remembered you!

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly, and said:

"Don't forget it."

"Who said no? Of course." Gabriel snorted softly, "Bring a seafood bento."


Hua Ye was about to hang up the phone when Gabriel said, "I still want to eat grapes."


"Also, the cantaloupe jelly pudding tasted very good last time. I want to eat it."

Hua Ye: "...Do you still want me to feed you?"

"whispering sound."


After shopping, he returned to the second floor of the apartment. Hua Ye raised his hand and knocked on the door.

After a long while, the door opened with a "creak", and this crippled angel poked its head out. Its hair had obviously not been combed, and a small piece of dull hair was raised mischievously, swinging gently in the wind.He was still wearing the large light blue shirt, and his two slender white legs were exposed in the air.The small face is as delicate and cute as ever... It would be even better if there were no two faint dark circles and a lazy salted fish expression on his face.

Hua Ye was about to enter the door, but found that the useless angel had no intention of giving way.

She held the door with one hand, narrowed her big eyes slightly, and seemed to be looking for some clues on Hua Ye. After a while, she said, "Give me the things, and you can go."


So are you quarreling?

It must be!

In the past, I was already allowed to wash grapes in the house, right?

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Don't let me in?"

"Why did you come in?" The useless angel looked disgusted, with a stern face, "Man and woman can't kiss each other."

Hua Ye snorted and said solemnly:

"Who said you can't kiss each other?"


"Kissed already, and kissed three times."

The crippled angel blushed, immediately grabbed the pink fist, and punched Hua Ye: "You are so weak that you dare to mention it, die to me!"

She is not Wei Nai, she can only give verbal warnings. As a violent priest, output flow support, and group destruction engine, this useless angel likes to speak with fists, and will strike if there is any disagreement.

It's a pity that the difference in strength between the two sides is too large, and they are not Hua Ye's opponent at all.

"You let go!"

"Don't let go." Hua Ye pushed her into the room, and asked puzzledly, "Why are you so weird today?"

Gabriel snorted, withdrew her hand, turned her head, and said:

"Where have you been these two days?"

"I went out to make a commission." Hua Ye replied truthfully, "What about you, who messed with you? Someone called you a pig teammate in the game again?"

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