
sanitary napkin?

Are you friends again!

If I remember correctly, the last time your good friend came to the island was on vacation, isn't it a few days early now!However, I heard that it was within the normal range a few days earlier or a few days later. The current situation is not surprising. On the contrary, it is the fact that I have not come all the time, which makes people afraid.

Hua Ye responded and asked, "Is it for daily use or for night use?"

The last time I took the wrong one for daily use, I had to make another trip, but I was treated by Alice as a pervert who used girls' sanitary napkins for indescribable things. Now thinking about it, I still feel angry.

Machiko's voice is as thin as a mosquito:

"Night, night type..."


Hearing the footsteps of Hua Ye turning and leaving, Machiko already felt that she was going crazy.


Why, why do such embarrassing things always happen!

It was fine when I was on vacation at the seaside, but now it happened again... Sure enough, it would be best if I exploded in place!


The door of Machiko's room was not locked, and she could enter by pushing the door.

After entering the room, you can smell the faint fragrance in the air. The quilt on the bed is neatly folded, and there are several fluffy dolls. There are no underwear or clothes thrown around, and it looks very clean and tidy.

Near the head of the bed is a desk with a laptop, an energy-saving lamp, a lot of literature books, a cute teacup for drinking water, a small globe, and a pen holder.

Hua Ye walked to the desk, opened the drawer, found the sanitary napkin, and was suddenly slightly taken aback.

Because there are many developed photos next to the sanitary napkin.

They were all photos of everyone on vacation on the island... Then Hua Ye suddenly discovered that most of them were himself.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, and picked up a photo casually. It showed himself standing on the reef alone in the evening when the sun was setting, his hair was slightly disheveled by the sea breeze... I have to say, the photo was very good. Handsome, and the angle is quite perfect.

You not only inherited your mother's literary girl attributes, but also your father's talent as a photographer!

The question is when did you secretly take this photo! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Hua Ye quickly read it, then put down the photo, and returned to the bathroom door with a sanitary napkin.

"I went in?"

"No." Machiko whispered, "Throw, throw it to me..."

Hua Ye turned to open the door, and saw Machiko sitting there blushing as if about to explode, covering her body tightly with both hands... So there is nothing to cover!Don't you know that the more delicate and delicate a girl is, the easier it is to arouse the ravishing psychology of others!You are going to be spanked like this!

Hua Ye threw the sanitary napkin into Machiko's arms, then turned and went out, closing the door behind him.

After a while, Machiko finally came out, perhaps because of sitting for a long time, her legs were trembling a little.

Hua Ye looked at Machiko, frowned slightly, and asked:

"what happened to you?"

"No, nothing..." Machiko timidly shook her head.

"to be frank."

His face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his head, how could there be nothing wrong!

Machiko bit her lip and said pitifully:



Could it be because a good friend came to be a guest?

Hua Ye was puzzled: "You didn't seem to feel anything last time?"

Machiko blushed and replied in a low voice: "Normally, it doesn't hurt, but I feel a little uncomfortable, but I caught a cold last night, so..."

The black, long straight girl looked at Hua Ye tearfully, like a wounded deer, and said pitifully, "That's why it hurts..."

What should I say at this time?

Hua Ye suggested: "Drink more hot water?"

Machiko: "..."

Hey, don't look down on hot water. It is said that one cup of hot water will strengthen your body, two cups will cure all diseases, and three cups will make you immortal. It is the choice of all straight men!

Hua Ye coughed lightly and said, "Go and sit on the sofa first."


The girls around me seldom have dysmenorrhea, whether it's the useless angel or Fenqihei, or Wei Nai and silly meow, they are all in good health, but at the beginning of school, when Liuhua was in physical education class, Something similar happened.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said:

"Drink brown sugar ginger water, or use warm baby?"

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