Machiko didn't speak, just shook her head hastily.

Hua Ye coughed lightly, and said, "Then... that's all for today, shall I go first?"

Machiko covered her face with her hands and nodded hastily like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Well, I'm leaving."

As a result, Hua Ye had just stood up when the bedroom door opened again.

"By the way, you guys remember to use this." Machiko's mother threw a bag of things over, and it happened to land on Machiko's head.

Machiko subconsciously reached out to pick up the packaging bag that fell in front of her, and the slippery feeling came to her mind from her fingertips. After seeing the packaging clearly, she shivered...

"Mom! You, what are you doing?!"

The black, long and straight girl threw the thing in her hand like an electric shock, and was grabbed by Hua Ye.

After glancing at it, Hua Ye couldn't help being speechless.

It's a little umbrella!

"Mom, what are you doing!" Machiko shouted shyly.

The physical hygiene class in the island country is carefully explained by the teacher, instead of giving you a book for self-study, so she naturally knows the things in front of her... Isn’t it the kind of rubber products used by boys and girls!

"no way."

Machiko's mother leaned on the door frame with her hands folded, and said lazily, "Mom is someone who has been there, and knows that young people of this age always like to do something 'loving'..."

You are discriminatory!Human beings are the only creatures that go into heat in spring, summer, autumn and winter, so not only teenagers, but even middle-aged and elderly people also like to do loving things!

"Although mother doesn't mind you doing this kind of thing, but you are still in school and don't have a stable source of income. If you are pregnant with a child, it must be a headache..."

Machiko's mother sighed, and turned her gaze to Hua Ye:

"What will you do if you have children?"

Hua Ye replied: "Of course it was born."

The more powerful an existence is, the harder it is to give birth to offspring. If there are offspring, they must be born no matter what.

Machiko's head was whimpering with steam, and she covered her face again.

"Even if this is the case, we still have to be careful not to make children..." Machiko's mother nodded slightly, as if she was satisfied with Hua Ye's answer, "Okay, you guys go ahead, I'll go in."

Come in, your sister, you are too enlightened!Shouldn't it be a time like this that Machiko should be earnestly taught to cherish and love himself? Why did he even contribute the little umbrella!

And your daughter just came to have a good relative, is it to encourage me to fight bloody battles during your daughter's menstrual period!

It's too bad to use the small umbrella donated by the mother-in-law to fight bloody battles with my daughter on the sofa!

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!!

"You misunderstood." Hua Ye took a deep breath and said, "Machiko's stomach hurts, I just rub her."

"Hmm..." Machiko's mother stretched out a finger and tapped her lips, "So your eyesight is not good?"

"What do you mean?"

"Otherwise, how could you see your breasts as your stomach?"


With a serious tone and words that make people feel ashamed, you are more than ten times stronger than your daughter!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said:



After walking out of the apartment building, I realized that it was already half past seven in the evening.

A silver moon is shining in the sky, and the moonlight is like water, shining for thousands of miles.

Machiko, after she calms down, she should be able to explain clearly, but she can ask at night.

Stepping on the moonlight and striding forward, I soon came to the coffee shop on the corner of the street.


Seeing Hua Ye walk in, the short-haired girl's eyes lit up, and then she quickly straightened her face and aimed her eyes at Wei Nai.

Wearing a waiter's uniform, Wei Nai was refilling a drink for a customer. When she saw Hua Ye coming in, she looked normal, without any anger.

"You're finished!"

Xiao Qian covered her mouth with the menu and whispered to Hua Ye.

"What?" Hua Ye was speechless.

"Hmph, the informant said that you are green with Wei Naijiang again today..."

Green your sister, Wei Nai's hair is not Hatsune color, it's not green at all!And your so-called informant is that tomboy Yuzuru Nishinomiya, but the cause of the incident is that she followed Machiko as an idiot!

Hua Ye said, "I can explain."

"I don't listen, I don't listen." Xiaoqian hurriedly shook her head.

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