This girl with double ponytails is wearing a white princess dress today, revealing her snow-white and slender neck, her skin is as supple as ice and snow, and there is a blue crystal pendant hanging on her chest. With her hair in a bun and light makeup on her face, she is as delicate and lovely as a porcelain doll, but also looks much more mature.

"Master Baiyu!" Alice's eyes lit up, and she waved her hand in surprise, "And Xiaojia, Wei Nai, Liuhua, Machiko, stupid meow... you are here!"

"Today is Alice's birthday, how could she not come?" Raphael said with a smile.

"Go, go, I'll take you to the bedroom to talk, it's very hot outside..."

On the way, the fair-haired girl complained:

"Actually, I want to celebrate my birthday with everyone, but my mother has many partners in business, and I have been thinking about this birthday party for a long time, so I can't leave..."

Ordinary people celebrate their birthdays either at home as a family, or book a box outside to celebrate with friends.

It's a pity that Alice is not an ordinary person. To be precise, she is an evil capitalist. Birthday is not only a celebration, but also a grand birthday party.

Of course, celebrating Alice's birthday is fake, but communicating with each other and accumulating contacts is real.

Although Alice wants to play with Rafael and the others, she also understands that there are only herself and her mother left at home, her father has passed away, and after the previous incident, her uncle also went to other places, so she can't be so willful. I should do my best for my mother...

"It's okay." Rafael comforted, "Alice has grown up."

"Yeah." Alice nodded triumphantly, glanced at Hua Ye quietly, and continued, "But my mother promised me that when the dinner starts, I just need to show my face outside and talk to those who don't know what they are called. The 'uncles, aunts and mothers-in-law' with the same name can talk for a while, and then you can come back..."

Of course, her mother made this decision mainly because of Hua Ye's face. After all, having a good relationship with a powerful "Onmyoji" is definitely more important than having a good relationship with those businessmen and politicians many.

Soon I walked to Alice's bedroom, and it was a pink cartoon princess room, with various little rabbits and big cat pillows everywhere, as well as pianos, bookshelves and other furnishings, full of pink tones.

After sitting down, a maid will naturally bring fruit pudding, and then everyone will give presents one by one.

The island country can be said to be the country that likes gift-giving the most in the world. When visiting relatives and friends, attending banquets, etc., gifts are required.As a result, many customs and taboos have emerged, such as not giving daggers and knives, which means that you want the other party to commit suicide, and the colors of gift packaging cannot be white and black, because white and black represent death, etc.

Well, Hua Ye didn't know these rules at first, they were all instructed by Wei Nai.

"thank you all!"

While thanking Alice, she took the gift and put it away happily. European and American countries pay attention to opening gifts face to face, but island countries do not open them face to face. They have to wait for the guests to leave.

After delivering the birthday presents, Alice took everyone out of the room and introduced: "There is a badminton court in the backyard. If you want to play badminton, you can play. There is also a study room and a game room..."

I took everyone around for a walk, and it was already sunset, and the sunset was dim.

A maid wearing a maid uniform came over, saluted, and said respectfully: "Miss, the mistress calls you to attend the banquet in the front yard."

Alice puffed her cheeks and said to everyone: "I'm going to the front, and I'll be back in about half an hour. Then we'll have cake and celebrate our birthday together, shall we?"

"go Go."

Next, Liuhua and Satania played dinosaur Kombat together, and said that the enemies in it were like goblins and orcs.

Machiko is reading with Wei Nai, after all, a literary girl.

Here at Hua Ye, because he had nothing to do, he sat next to Wei Nai and played with his mobile phone.

Just after a while, I suddenly received a message.

"Student Hua Ye, look here!"

Hua Ye raised his head, and saw a silver-haired girl waving quietly under a clump of bamboo in the distance.

Putting away the phone, Hua Ye got up and walked over.

"What's up?"

"It's something, it's serious!" The black-bellied girl folded her hands together, begging pitifully, "It's urgent, it's urgent!"

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "How?"

Rafael stretched out a slender jade finger and whispered:

"It turns out that today is not just Alice's birthday party, but also a blind date meeting!"


What the hell is your sister's blind date meeting?

Although that Douding is shorter in stature, poorer in chest and chest, and more arrogant, but she is still cute. There are so many lolicon these days, and this kind of legal loli that won't deteriorate in decades, actually Super popular, there is no need for a blind date at all!

"Alice just sent me a message for help." Raphael raised his phone and said, "Alice thought that she would go to the front and just meet those uncles, but she found out when she went. There were actually a lot of young people, and one or two of them took the initiative to strike up a conversation...Student Hua Ye couldn't bear such a blatant prying, right?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly:


I am not interested in that little bean, and I don't mind at all.

Raphael clasped his hands together, and said pitifully: "But Alice is very pitiful. The agreed birthday party is just to greet those uncles and uncles who don't know her with a smile, but now it has turned into a blind date meeting... Mom doesn't help, and if we don't help her, Alice will be wronged to death by herself, right?"

"and then?"

"Woo~~" La Feier puffed up her cheeks, cast a glance at Hua Ye, then blushed slightly, and whispered, "If classmate Hua Ye is willing to help, I will... just give you a kiss?"


Chapter 558

It is undeniable that when this black-bellied girl said "kiss you" in a delicate and sweet voice, Hua Ye's heart was indeed moved for a moment, but he quickly calmed down.


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