
Then Ten Hua grabbed her ears and dragged her back home.

"Woo~~ Hero, save me!" Liuhua waved his hand feebly.

Shihua squinted her eyes and looked over, the spoon in her hand gleamed coldly.

So Hua Ye took a step back and resolutely refused:

"No help."


"Ha." Gabriel pointed to the convenience store ahead, "Hurry up, I'm going to melt away if I don't have any cold drinks!"

So who do you think you are waiting for when you walk so slowly!

Chapter 567 The Grim Reaper's Challenge

The moonlight is cold, like mercury pouring down, shining thousands of miles away.

Under the dim streetlights, Gabriel looked at Hua Ye and said lazily, "I want to eat ice cream."

If you want to eat, you have to move your legs. The convenience store is just across the road not far away, okay? If you have the time to talk to me, you can walk half the way!

"Hey, give me two coins." The crippled angel stretched out his little hand and continued to say weakly.

Hua Ye said with a straight face:


What is wrong with your righteous attitude, you are the master of the cat, and I am a slave!

When borrowing money in the past, at least it was a borrowed word, but now it is directly given.

"Tch." Gabriel curled her lips, "Then go buy it and bring me a copy."

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly: "Go by yourself."

"You weren't like this before." The useless angel made a small face.

"Then it will be."

At this time, two professional women in small suits happened to pass by. Maybe they thought the conversation between the two was very interesting, so they discussed it in private.

"Going out to eat ice cream with my brother? You seem to be very close."

"Not necessarily, maybe it's father and daughter who are so serious..."

Although the two people's voices were very low, Hua Ye and Gabriel were just downwind, so they naturally heard them.

Obviously, these two professional women regard Hua Ye as a brother or father, while Gabriel is a younger sister or daughter who acts like a spoiled child and wants to eat ice cream...

But neither sister nor daughter!

I have already kissed this crippled angel three times. If it was my brother, I would probably be on my way to the German orthopedics department by now.

If it's a daughter, it's even worse!The ghost father who killed his daughter, no matter whether he was related by blood or not, would be sent to prison for rape!

In fact, no matter which country you are in, rape is the most despicable and despised behavior

What kind of skill is it to bully a girl who can't resist, if you have the skill to beat a man!

There are so many people in the prison who hold such thoughts. If an ordinary rapist enters the prison, he will definitely be punished by thousands of chrysanthemums!


The crippled angel clenched its silver teeth, obviously hearing the whispers of the two professional women.

It's just that she naturally wouldn't run over to explain, but vented her anger on Hua Ye in a very reasonable way.

"Come here!" The useless angel looked at Hua Ye, put his hand into the bag, and said, "I'll treat you to a snack!"


Hua Ye squinted: "I won't eat."

There is nothing to be courteous, rape or steal, you who usually eat snacks as a meal, today you took the initiative to invite me to eat snacks, you can know that you have something wrong with your toes!

"come here quickly!"

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and asked, "What is it?"

"Hey, this."

Gabriel stretched out her small hand in front of Hua Ye.

In his hand was a box of strangely packaged... spicy sticks?

"Hey, what is that look in your eyes? Don't look down on Latiao!" The useless angel raised his face and said fiercely, "Laoganma is the most famous woman in the world, and she claims to have the magical power to subvert the entire Europe and the United States. Latiao is following closely behind! After eating Latiao, many people simply cannot stop!"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "Is this made abroad?"

"Where it is produced is not important, the key is delicious!" The crippled angel replied plausibly.

Hua Ye remained expressionless and said:

"Then what's with the strange packaging and the 'Death Spicy Strips' on it?"

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