"Because you look like you can fight."

Hey, are you calling me to be a thug? I'm afraid the price will be too high, and you can't afford it!

Xiaoqian continued:

"I don't know many boys, and you seem more reliable. Of course, it's just in case... Just treat it as your apology for that incident."

Hua Ye: "It was just accidentally put in, not as a gift for you."

"Tch, why do people say on the Internet that boys in estrus are terrible beasts?... Anyway, come here quickly, please!"


Putting away the phone, Hua Ye changed his clothes and walked outside.

Soon after arriving at the agreed place, I saw a short-haired girl waving behind a signboard in the distance.

"Here here!"

Hua Ye walked up to Xiaoqian.

The short-haired girl pulled him to hide behind the signboard, pointed to a man and a woman inside, and whispered, "That's my sister Suguha."

Hua Ye looked into the cafe.

The man was wearing a suit and glasses. He was not tall and had an ordinary appearance.

Suguha's younger sister is taller than her older sister, she must be more than [-] meters tall by visual inspection, but unfortunately she has a flat chest, even though she is wearing a bright summer shirt, she can only see slight ups and downs... It seems that she doesn't want to sleep with her sister for a while , in addition to the fear of being "killed by the sister in the arms" by the elder sister, the resentment of the star with small breasts towards the star with big breasts also plays a big role.

Hua Ye proposed:

"Go straight in and ask for clarification?"

"No." Xiaoqian shook her head, "I still don't know what's going on, it must be embarrassing to go in hastily, let's hide outside for a while..."

"It's a pity that I can't hear what Suguha is talking about... But it doesn't matter, if that man dares to touch Suguha's hands, arms, or rub Suguha's body with his feet under the table, then he must be a pervert. Then you rush in and drag him out and beat him to death!"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said speechlessly:

"Then what do you do?"

"I..." Xiaoqian rolled her eyes, stuck out the tip of her pink tongue, clasped her hands together and said, "I will encourage you, praise you, and support you."



There happened to be a bench nearby for people to sit on. With Hua Ye's insistence, Xiaoqian didn't have a silly cat hiding under the wall.

After squatting for a while, there was no obscene incident. Instead, Xiaoqian raised his hand and rubbed his belly, and said in a pitiful whisper, "I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten at noon... I'll eat a rice ball, so keep an eye on it."

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"By the way, have you had lunch yet?"

"I've eaten." Hua Ye replied.

Actually not, but Hua Ye didn't intend to let the other party treat him to dinner.

"Then I ate..."

Xiaoqian opened her backpack, took out a seaweed rice ball, and ate it in small bites.

After eating the first rice ball, she took out the second rice ball and ate it in small bites.

Then came the third seaweed rice ball... Xiao Qian looked at Hua Ye with some hesitation.

Hey, what do you see me doing?

If you want to eat, you can eat it. I already knew that you are Xiaoqian, the king of snacks, Xiaoqian, the king of big stomachs. One rice ball must not be enough for you!

Hua Ye silently looked away.

Xiaoqian breathed a sigh of relief, like a little squirrel hiding a chestnut, hurriedly ate the rice ball secretly.

Probably because he was afraid that Hua Ye would look at him with strange eyes, Xiaoqian ate a little too fast, and coughed twice during the period. The appearance of the little hamster eating melon seeds was unexpectedly cute.

After eating the rice ball quickly, Xiaoqian licked her lips and said casually: "Okay, I'm full..."

You are full, your sister clearly has an unfinished look on her face, she must not be full, just now I saw that there are rice balls in your bag, it must be lunch, not dinner!If you're hungry, just keep eating, what's there to be ashamed of?

But think about it, girls only show their real appetite when they have a very close relationship with you, and most of the rest of the time they maintain superficial elegance and restraint.

Hua Ye glanced at Xiaoqian and said:


"Don't talk!"

Xiaoqian thought that Hua Ye was going to say something like "eating, eating and drinking", so she couldn't help opening her eyes wide and annoyed, stopping Hua Ye from continuing.

I don't want to eat so much, but what can I do if I'm hungry?

Dare to say that I am a big eater, my eyes are green for you!

Hua Ye shrugged, and just about to open his mouth, Xiao Qian glared at him again.

There was no way, Hua Ye shook his head, didn't say anything, just pointed to his right cheek.

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