Tax-dodging Lafite is wearing a simple blue slim-fitting shirt today. It is simple and clean, but it highlights the graceful curves of the body. The lower body is a brown high-waisted pleated skirt and white knee socks on the legs. With the wind blowing, you can see the dazzling absolute domain in a glimpse, as if piled up with ice and snow.

This is the standard attire for most female high school students in summer, but because of its elegant temperament and perfect appearance, it is like a beautiful scenery on the side of the road, attracting the attention of passers-by.

It can only be said that in this face-seeking world, as long as you look good, even a person wearing clothes worth [-] yuan is better-looking than someone wearing clothes worth [-] yuan—such as Alice.

Standing next to Raphael, the skirt worn by Peasant Alice is undoubtedly an expensive dress, but in comparison, it can only get a "cute" evaluation at most.

This situation suddenly reminded Hua Ye of a sentence.

You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and people who look at the scenery look at you upstairs.

"Hua Ye, good morning. (*^▽^*)" Rafael's eyes lit up when he saw Hua Ye, but because Alice was by his side, he didn't come up to hug Hua Ye's arm.

Alice hesitated for a moment, turned her head away, and said arrogantly:

"Hmph, I already made an appointment yesterday, but I came later than the girl..."

Hua Ye naturally knew that she was duplicity, so he didn't care.

"Hey, let's go? This time the target is the big shopping mall in the city center." Rafael stretched out a slender finger, tapped her moist pink lips, and said with a smile.

Hua Ye asked casually:

"Taxis or tram?"

"Hmm..." Raphael thought for a while, and said, "Take the tram? After all, there is still a long distance from the city center, and taxis are super expensive, which is too wasteful."

Alice's eyes lit up, and she raised her hand in agreement: "Then take the tram? I really haven't ridden the tram a few times."

As the eldest lady of the family, Alice has a driver to pick her up when she goes to and from school. After all, safety is very important. Although the crime rate in the island country is very low, multiplied by the huge population, the number of criminals is actually not that small. .Especially Alice doesn't even have the ability to protect herself at all. If she is bullied by bad guys on the road, she can really pose in whatever pose she wants. Maybe the appearance of pear blossoms in the rain can arouse the desire of others to bully ...

"Then let's go." Hua Ye nodded.

Arriving at a nearby tram stop, they lined up to get on the tram. I don't know if it was because the weekend was approaching, but there were a lot of people on the tram. When Hua Ye and Rafael got on the bus, there were no seats left.

Walking to a handrail, the three of them held the handrail and started to ride.

After the initial novelty wore off, Alice soon felt a little bored on the tram.

Although no one spoke loudly, and no one made any actions that would cause public outrage, such as eating instant noodles or taking off their shoes, it was very quiet on the contrary. Most of the passengers in the car were listening to music with headphones on, but because of Raphael Existence, from time to time there are amazing eyes looking over.

Then when it fell on Alice, it became... a look of pity.

"what the hell!"

"Why do you have to look at me with pity!"

"Kill them to death, drag them down and kill them all!"

Alice slowly puffed up her pink cheeks, drawing circles in her heart and cursing these people for eating instant noodles without seasoning packets, and they just ran out of toilet paper when they went to the toilet.

Withdrawing his gaze, his eyes fell casually on the armrest held by the three of them.

Alice suddenly discovered that Hua Ye's hand holding the bar was actually quite beautiful.

The nails are very short and neatly trimmed, unlike some men who have long nails on the little finger, and they are quite clean, without any greasy or stains. The fingers are white and slender, which makes people feel very comfortable , It's just... It's like a hand born specifically for playing the piano.

"Really, why do boys have such beautiful hands?"

Alice muttered softly, and she looked down at her little hands. Although they were fair and supple, petite and exquisite, they were also clean and beautiful, but they were too small.

If you only look at the hands, you will definitely be regarded as a child, right?

"No." Raphael stretched out a finger and said with a smile, "Aside from the pretty hands, Hua Ye also has a super good figure, remember Alice?"

Subconsciously recalling what happened when she was on vacation on the island back then, Alice blushed slightly, turned her head and hummed: "Hmph, where is's just so-so..."

As a Tsundere, it is impossible to speak directly from the heart, even in this life.

It's just that I can't help but think of what my mother said the day before yesterday, let myself get on good terms with this guy, so that I can often eat delicious biscuits... what!Why don't you praise him for eating biscuits!

Master Bai Yu's chastity will be guarded by me!

Alice shook her head hastily, and the twin ponytails flashed two dazzling arcs behind her back.

In order to stop her wild thoughts, Alice took off the bunny backpack from her back, ready to eat a piece of candy.

As a result, at this time, the tram just turned a corner, and a strong centrifugal force hit, causing Alice to stagger and fall to the side involuntarily.

Just when Alice closed her eyes in fright, thinking she was about to fall to the ground, a hand suddenly grabbed her and put her back on the right side.

Hua Ye withdrew his hand and said:

"you are welcome."

Having said that, the last time I had the opportunity to 'point and point' at Wei Nai because of the turn here, if it were any other occasion, if I dared to do that, Wei Nai must have already fired a magical bombardment. Bar.

"Who should thank you!" Alice's face flushed, and her pretty face was flushed with blush.

Then the more he talked, the more angry he became, and he couldn't help raising his small fist to beat Hua Ye's chest: "Just grab my arm next time if something happens! If you grab my head again, I will fight you hard!"

What a big hand!

It's better to grab the shoulder or the hand, but I want to grab my head... I don't want to lose face! !

Chapter 580

The tram staggered forward, and it took a while to reach the city center.

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