"Student Hua Ye doesn't have a tacit understanding at all, so stupid!"

Hua Ye silently spit out a word:


I don't want to laugh or yawn now, but I want to hit someone.

The dark-bellied girl put her hands behind her back, leaned forward, and said with a smile: "Student Hua Ye, smile, you will be rewarded."

Hey, what is the tone of the chick laughing when the uncle is drinking flower wine!You have mistaken your identity!

"Hmm..." The black-bellied girl pointed her finger at her lips, thought for a while and said, "Yes!"

She stretched out her right hand, put it on her cheek, and then pushed her two fingers upwards, making a weird and charming smile.

Hua Ye: "..."

"Hey, forget it." Lafael turned sideways pitifully, "It seems that we can only wait until next time..."

She slid her fingers over the hair on the ear temples, but with Yu Guanghua Ye from the corner of her eyes, a gentle and gentle smile flowed gently in the girl's bright eyes.

Different from the grimace just now, Hua Ye clearly felt something warm surging in his heart at this moment, as if... this is the contagious smile.

So there was a rare smile on his face.

Alice, who originally planned to continue attacking Hua Ye's "facial paralysis" attribute, so that Master Bai Yu would turn around as soon as possible, couldn't help but be stunned.

"So this guy...has such a good-looking smile?"

I have to admit that there are always some people who can freeze time in a casual glance and imprint it in their hearts forever.

Alice suddenly felt that she would never forget this smile in the future.

Although it was just a very faint, shallow smile, it was like a flash in the pan, fleeting.

But it makes people want to protect and remember...

Chapter 581 Make trouble, make trouble!


Rafael suddenly clenched his fist with his right hand and tapped it lightly on the head, with a look of regret and disappointment on his face: "I forgot about it just now, I should take a photo of classmate Hua Ye's smile as a souvenir!"

Hey, are you a slut!You still want to take a picture of it as a souvenir, you think I won't agree!

"I'm so disappointed..." The black-bellied girl exaggerated her expression, "I don't know when I want to see such a beautiful smile next time."

Alice also came back to her senses, the little bean turned her head and snorted, with her golden ponytail drawing a dazzling arc behind her, and snorted: "It's just so-so... It's far from Master Bai Yu!"

Even though she said this on her mouth, a large blush clearly appeared on her small face, like a cute apple, making people want to take a bite, and even her shiny earlobes became pink.

Hua Ye looked at Alice and said:

"Next time, I will say that I have facial paralysis. The consequences will be very serious."

Alice narrowed her head: "What consequences?"

"You know."

"Eh, I know?"

Alice blinked her eyes, and quickly understood what Hua Ye meant...

This soul is talking about the tortoise shell binding that day!


Ju, you actually want to tie him up again!Such a shameful thing, I will never agree to you!

Alice's already big eyes widened again, her small face blushed and stared at Hua Ye, but her body couldn't help recalling the feeling of being bullied that night, feeling like ants were crawling over her body, she hurriedly hid behind Phil.

However, relying on the support of Lafael and the outbreak of arrogant attributes, he said unconvincedly: "I-I'm not afraid! Do such a bad thing to me again... Master Bai Yu will not spare you of!"

I'm sorry, but if your Master Bai Yu dares to come, just grab him and tie him up, and directly achieve the double kill achievement.

Hua Ye snorted softly and said, "You can try."


Alice's face turned red, and she didn't dare to speak anymore. If she said "try it", she might be caught and tied up again now.

"Nah." Raphael stretched out a slender finger, and asked with a smile, "Why did Alice say 'again' just now?"

"Huh?" Alice was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Do you want to tell Lord Bai Yu that on the night of my birthday, I was tied to the sofa by this guy with a tortoise shell?

Lord Bai Yu must not know about such a shameful thing, otherwise he will never have the face to follow Lord Bai Yu again!

"No, it's nothing..." Alice lowered her head very guilty, looking like a primary school student who lied in front of the teacher and left her homework at home, "I just said the wrong thing in a hurry..."

"Is that right?"

Raphael nodded slightly, and looked at Hua Ye again, still smiling, but no matter how you looked at it, the smile was much scarier than usual.

"Alice is still a child." The black-bellied girl said lightly, "Student Hua Ye won't do 'excessive' things again, right?"

"I-I'm not a child anymore!" When it came to her own age, Alice raised her head and whispered, "I'm already sixteen! I'm an adult!"

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