There was sadness in his voice, but there was no trace of frustration.

Arjuna could somewhat understand this result.

Indra - known as the strongest military god Indra is a thing of the past.In order to allow the subsequent gods and human history to survive, he distributed his power to others in various ways.

In the epic after the oldest sacred scripture of Indian mythology "Rig Veda", the gods whose spiritual status has rapidly improved are able to establish a group of gods because he gave up the strongest seat.

And not just the gods.

Arjuna, the son of Indra, is also the hero who was assigned the strongest power recorded in the holy scriptures.

Coupled with the fact that the few divine weapons of the Indian gods were also handed over to others, the power relationship between Indra and Arjuna, the father god and the son has been completely reversed.

The king of the gods who originally belonged to the omnipotent realm—now, only ordinary heroes and even below this power remain.

"My father. In the past, the strongest military god who was stronger than Shiva and wiser than Brahma. You who can even keep pace with Zeus... Is this really your full strength? Could it be that you have imposed something? Kind of a seal?"

"...It's really hard to say, son. This is indeed true, and it is my best effort now."

Shi Tian wiped his sweat and held down the bleeding.If you don't concentrate on treatment now, your life will be in danger.The amount of bleeding equivalent to human death has been sprinkled all over the labyrinth.

The reason why he hasn't lost his life is because he is a god, but it is impossible for this kind of physical phenomenon to hurt the god.To defeat the gods closely related to human history can only use the grace of the gods, or the large-scale destructive ability that can end an era, otherwise it is impossible.

Arjuna was puzzled.But he is also a warrior.

He wasn't naive enough to let a wounded and kneeling enemy flee.

"Is that so? I wondered if someone was obstructing me... But since I've used all my strength, there's nothing I can do about it. This is also the custom of the battlefield."

——Then, please be aware.

While his heart aches for being so rude to his father, he also has his purpose.Now that the battle has begun, it is impossible to simply escape.

Putting up the divine bow Gandi pulled out, and thunder sounded again in the maze.The lightning that swept across millions of troops was concentrated on one arrow, and the density of the divine thunder increased to even distort the space.

Shi Tian gritted his teeth and stared at the arrow.This arrow is one level beyond Shi Tian's limit.I should have left happy with my son's growth, but not now.

This Son of God—has been misled and led astray.

Like [Avatara], it is to discern the existence of the right way, but it spreads disasters to the world.Although it is a deity that has lost its power——but as the guardian king who leads the good gods, he must step forward to stop it no matter what.

"As a father, I really don't want to use this method. But it's not the time to talk about this kind of thing.—Sorry. I'll leave it to you later. My family!"

"YES! The black rabbit is here to help!"

In an instant, Arjuna was hit in the side by an unusually fast blow from a blind spot.


Arjuna vomited blood after being attacked, and was bounced on the ground several times.

The black rabbit of "Moon Rabbit" kicked Arjuna away at the speed of the third universe as she charged with her crimson burning hair.

"Tsukiwasa!!? Are there any survivors of Hakoniwa nobles!?"

"YES! First time meeting, Lord Arjuna! Although I know it's impolite, please allow the black rabbit to fight!"

Black Rabbit set up the [Simulated Godhead Vajra Pestle] and entered the battle stance.

That huge spiritual capacity made Arjuna dumbfounded.These "moon rabbits" who have been given "judgment authority" are also endowed with a handful of fighting abilities in Little Garden.However, even if this factor is removed, the rabbit's spirituality is also extraordinary.The divine thunder bursting out of his body rivaled Gandiba, and the strength of his inflated arms was far greater than that of the young Arjuna.

"So that's how it is...! Father, did you hand over the Linge to this rabbit...!"

"It's great that you are so perceptive. For some special reasons, the current Black Rabbit has become the stand-in for Lord Di Shitian and Lord Moon God. If you want to make a request to the respected father, please let the Black Rabbit listen first. "

However, when the two were talking, a golden thunder suddenly appeared all over the sky, which was even more terrifying than the thunder shown by Gandiba, the divine bow.

However, the three of them still have defensive means to face the sky-filled thunder. They expanded their spiritual status to the limit in various ways, and directly released their gifts to offset the sky-filled thunder.

After the offset, except for the area where a few people were located, all other areas disappeared.

"What's going on here, has anyone unlocked the game?"

Di Shitian looked puzzled.

And the black rabbit was the first to react, and he couldn't help showing a terrified expression on his face.

"Master Indra! Yes! Azi Dakaha is back!"

As soon as the words fell, not only Di Shitian, but also Arjuna was surprised.

"How is it possible! Azi Dakaha has already been hunted down by you black rabbits!"

Di Shitian couldn't believe it.

"Hei Tu, are you making a mistake?"

"No. Master Di Shitian."

The black rabbit still had a frightened expression on his face.

"The message from my ears is that this area has been classified as the area where the trial is located. The absolute evil of the final trial of mankind - Azi Dakaha is not far away!"


After the black rabbit finished speaking, Arjuna slammed and rushed directly to the place where the thunder broke out.

"Black Rabbit! Follow up!"

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