Vatola looked at the huge stone tablet in front of him and licked his lips.

"You know, he slaughtered the entire super-ancient human race, and even seriously injured Cain, because of that, the former Flame Night Uncle killed Cain, and Grandpa also fought with him One, that's what grandpa told me."

The grandfather Watora is talking about is one of the surviving ancient demons, the "Forgotten War King", one of the three true ancestors who currently rule the world.And Vatora is a member of the old era of the Warlord Domain.

"Could it be that the one sealed under this stele is the oldest and most vicious demon king?"

Gula looked at the stele in front of him and frowned.

"So, Lord Vatola, what is our mission this time? I remember that it seemed to be to break the seal, but the other party was the oldest and most vicious demon king, an existence that even Master True Ancestor couldn't deal with alone. Let's break the seal If so, wouldn’t it be courting death?”

"Hehe~ No, it's not courting death."

Wattola smiled slightly.

"After this seal is released, we will..."

"Lord Watola, the people over there are here."

A voice suddenly interrupted Vatora's words.

"Huh? Already here?"

Vatola looked up at the sky, and found that, before he knew it, the sky was approaching evening. It was really rare to explain to the two of them for such a long time.

"I didn't expect it to be this time, let them come here quickly."


He responded, and soon, two girls appeared in front of Vatora.

Vatola looked at the two girls in front of him and couldn't help laughing.

"Oh~ I didn't expect that two big figures came to the Lion King Agency this time, not only the [Silence Breaker], the head of the three saints, but also the Holy Princess who was hiding behind the scenes. It's not easy."

Of the two girls in front of Watola at this time, one of them has long black hair tied into a braid, wearing a very ordinary school uniform and wearing glasses.

The other has long hair casually draped behind her, wearing a costume similar to a maiden costume, and carrying a guitar case on her back.

"After all, this is a formal cooperation with the King of War domain. The King of War domain has dispatched you, Duke Arrudialu, and our Lion King agency will naturally dispatch corresponding people."

The girl wearing glasses, the [Silence Breaker] in Vatora's mouth, pushed the glasses and explained to Vatora.

"Then I'm really grateful."

Vatora looked happy, with a smile on his face.

"It's really an honor to give me such a big face."

"Don't dare."

[Silence Breaker] responded lightly.

"Duke Arrudialu, you are the strongest in the field of warlords other than the 'Forgotten Warlord', how can you say that it is giving you face, it is already very good that you can give us face and appear in front of us. "

"Haha~ This is killing me."

Wattola laughed.

"You know, as the head of the Three Saints [Silence Breaker], you are an existence that even my grandfather is afraid of."

The girl called "Silence Breaker" is the highest leader of the Lion King Agency of the Japanese government.The so-called Lion King Agency is a secret agency established by the Japanese government responsible for responding to magical terrorist operations, a non-public judicial agency.The Lion King Agency is responsible for preventing man-made magic disasters, and also collects intelligence on magic terrorists.Known for gathering and training the Descendants of Methuselah as members.

The reason why [Silence Breaker] was called by Watola as an existence that even the true ancestors feared was because of her attack method.

Known as the "Silence Breaker", she has the ability called "Paper Noise", which can insert her own attack time points that should not exist in the interval of time, which is an absolute preemptive Attacking power, although it can't stop time and can't achieve the effect of teleportation, but after the ability is activated, it will only leave the reality of the opponent being knocked down by the attack. With this ability, she has become the one that even the true ancestor of the vampire respects him three points. Monster Attacker.

"Okay, you two should talk less about the officialdom. We are here this time to do a task, not to talk about the scene."

Compared with [Silence Breaker], the girl next to her whom Watola called Holy Princess was much more ordinary, and she didn't care about such scenes at all.

"Hahaha~ Shengji is still right."

Wattola smiled and moved away.

"Then, please."

[Silence Breaker] nodded to the girl called Sheng Ji.

The girl removed the guitar case behind her and opened it, and took out a silver-white short gun from it.

"Oh~ Are these the three legendary spears that can kill the true ancestor?"

Vatola looked at the short gun in the girl's hand, showing interest.

The girl ignored Vatola, but walked towards the huge stone tablet with a spear in her hand, raising the short spear in her hand high.

"The high-spirited sword shaman, the son of the lion god, is here to ask for enshrinement. The dawn of breaking the demon, the god wolf of Xuexia, use the godly power of Rusteel to punish all evil gods and ghosts for me."

The silver-white spear directly turned into a spear, and the tip of the spear suddenly opened, and a strange incantation was engraved on the tip of the spear.


The girl clenched the spear in her hand, and stabbed fiercely at the stele.

Raise your hand if you guessed the world right~~~

Chapter 2, Hahaha!You are all wrong!

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