Sheng Ji waved her hand, removed the guitar case behind her and opened it, revealing the intact silver-white short gun inside.

"It wasn't the core of the gun that broke, but the metal core supported by the technique behind it. After I replaced it, nothing happened and it can be used normally."

"Yes, that's good."

The girl looked at the undamaged short spear and nodded.

"So, what should we do now?"

"I think, now, we have to change our plans."

[Silence Breaker] made a comment.

Sanji asked.

"Fei Dao, how do you want to change?"

"For your apprentice Xuecai, let her go to the Fourth Primogenitor as we planned, and let her come here now to pick up Xuexia Wolf."

[Silence Breaker] looked at the short gun in the guitar case, and said to Sheng Ji.

"Yes, the child is almost ready now, and can carry out that plan."

Saint Ji nodded.

"Okay, then let her come and get it now, and take the last test by the way."

[Guardian of Silence] Close the lid of the guitar case.

"Test? What test?"

Sanji frowned.

"It's just a test in name, but there is no real test."

"Yes, but even if it is a test, she should be able to pass according to her talent."

Sheng Ji nodded, looking very confident.

"Then it's decided."


In the flames soaring into the sky, a tall white figure turned his back to the crowd. The red flag behind his back was rattling by the hot wind. On the red cloak, the ancient golden pattern reflected the firelight, which was particularly conspicuous.Three raised heads on the shoulders of the tall figure opened three big mouths, declaring loudly.

"Is that so! Is this your power! Very good! Your fangs have already touched my body. Although my spiritual status is not complete at this time, I admit that you are the one who defeated me !"

"This time! It is your victory! I will sleep under your seal, and you can cheer! You can jump for joy! This is the right of your victors!"

"But! You just waited to defeat me! But you didn't kill me! I! I will wake up again in the end and appear in front of you with a complete spirituality!"

"I! I am absolutely evil! Therefore! You wait! Be righteous!"

"When I wake up again! Can your light of justice defeat me again! I! Looking forward to it!"

"Looking forward to the moment when I wake up and meet you again after a long absence!"

"I look forward to the moment when you show your fangs to me again with all your strength! Try to smash my banner of 'evil'!"

"Ah, I had a nightmare again today, it's really troublesome."

On the streets of Xianjin Island, a boy with a schoolbag on one shoulder, wearing a hoodie, and gray-white hair was walking slowly with a decadent expression on his face, muttering while walking.

"Yo, Gucheng, good morning."

"Ah, it's Ji Shu, good morning."

A boy with brown hair and earphones suddenly appeared beside him, patted him on the shoulder, and said hello.

"It's rare to see you so early. In the past, you were often late. Why!!!"

The gray-haired boy turned abruptly to the side, covered his ears and looked at the boy wearing earphones who suddenly appeared.

"What's the sudden call! And it's so close to my ear, you want to scare me to death!"

"No, I don't want to scare you, Gucheng, I just want to say."

The boy wearing headphones looked at the gray-haired boy and frowned.

"What do you want to say?"

The gray-haired boy looked a little strange.

"Just say what you want, as for being so twitchy?"

"Ancient city."

The teenager frowned.

"What did you do last night? Why are your eye circles so dark? Could it be that there are too many of them?"

"Why is there too much of that! I'm not as dirty as you."

The boy called Kojo frowned.

"It's just that I've been having nightmares lately."

"Have a nightmare?"

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