"So, that means, everyone can still act."

"Yes, we can still act. Shall we continue to fight? We can still fight."

The security team applied to Nangong Nayue to fight.

"No, there is no need to join the battle like that."

Nangong Nayue shook her head.

"In the current situation, if you join the battle, you won't even be considered cannon fodder. I guess even I can only be the lowest-level cannon fodder."


Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of the guards.

"Is that monster that scary?"

A wry smile appeared on Nangong Nayue's face, should it be said that those who don't know are fearless?

"That's right, it's that scary. It's an existence stronger than the True Ancestor. So, next, String God Island may face the biggest disaster in history."

"Since you are still able to act, then I will give you some tasks."

"Please Nangong Instructor give the order!"

Nangong thought about it that month.

"You go to contact the commune and ask them to look for ships and planes that can be used, and send all the residents of the island out of the island. It must be fast, Xian Kami Island, it may sink today! If it is not fast enough, Xian Kami Island The [-] residents will sink into the bottom of the sea together with the floating island, do you understand! Be quick!"

"Okay! We got it!"

After Nangong gave the order that month, he directly used the space control magic to leave, and appeared beside Xiao Gucheng again.

However, Nangong, who just appeared, saw a terrifying scene that month.

Dozens of [Nakravilla] were all pierced by black blades from the beginning to the end. They were directly lifted off the ground and suspended in the air, but none of them moved.

This made Nangong Nayue very puzzled, and after a closer look, he found that there was a black bead on the tips of the black blades that penetrated the [Naklavera] sub-machine, which was picked out of the machine by the black blades What was exposed was the control core of [Naklavera]. No matter how powerful the god-killing weapon is, it is also a machine. Since the control of the mother machine, it means that there must be something in the sub-machine to receive commands. As long as that thing If it is destroyed, the handset will turn off directly.

However, due to the hardness of the metal used to make [Naklavera], ordinary people cannot break through the outer shell and destroy the inner core, but this is not the case for Aziz Dakaha, those things can only be used for him. To describe it as fragile and vulnerable, thousands of years ago, the ultra-ancient human heavenly department created countless such machines to besiege Aziz Dakaha, and they were all destroyed by Aziz Dakaha, resulting in only this several.

【Nakravilla】Seeing this, the mother plane still chose to rush directly to Azi Dakaha, after all, it is just an uncontrolled weapon now.

Az Dakaha watched [Naklavera] rushing over with cold eyes, raised his sharp knife-like forelimbs to cut at himself, swung his arms directly, and grabbed the opponent's torso, the sharp claws directly tore the outer layer of metal, Half of the arm was directly submerged into [Naklavera].

And the two remained like this, standing still, and when there was another movement, [Naklavera] slowly fell down, and Az Dakaha pulled out his arm, and in the palm of his hand was the core of shattering.

Turning his head to look at Xiao Gucheng and his group, Azi Dakaha couldn't help grinning.

"He's looking over again! Attack!"

Beside Xiao Gucheng, the girl with long brown hair and ponytail hastily pulled away the peculiar longbow in her hand, took out a special arrow from under her skirt and put it on the bowstring, ready to attack, but, compared to her Even faster is a black blade.

Chapter 9, Simulated Godhead Star Bull Thunder


There was a violent metal collision sound.

At the moment when Az Dakaha's shadow blade cut towards the girl, the girl reacted at an unexpected speed, and directly folded and transformed the strange longbow in her hand into a silver-white long sword named Six Swords. A heavy-duty demon bow [Huang Hualin].

As one of the ace weapons of the Lion King Agency, it has very powerful abilities. The first one is an absolute defensive barrier that invalidates physical attacks in the form of a long sword, and can cut through space.The second type is the enhancement of the spell in the bow form, which is used to release powerful attacks. The spell can be shot in the form of an arrow to increase the power.

At this time, the girl is using the first ability of [Huang Hua Lin], an absolute defensive barrier that nullifies all physical attacks, and is used to resist the sudden black blade.

It is blocked, but the so-called absolute defensive barrier that nullifies all physical attacks is still a bit ugly in front of the shadow of the dragon.

Huge power was transmitted from the shadow blade formed by the shadow of the dragon to the [Huang Hua Lin], and the girl holding the [Huang Hua Lin] was directly knocked back tens of meters away, turned somersault, stopped, and squatted He fell to the ground and looked at Aziz Dakaha in surprise.

"It was able to repel [Huang Hualin]! And it's back!"

Touching the edge of [Huang Hualin] in her hand, the girl was surprised to find that there was a deep and long gap on it, which almost split the entire blade in two.

【Huanghua Lin】, which has not suffered any damage since it was used, is now on the verge of breaking.

"Hey! Kozaka! Are you okay!"

Xiao Gucheng hurriedly asked loudly.

"Sayaka! Are you okay!"

Himeragi Yukina also hurriedly asked.

"Xue Cai, I'm fine, but [Huang Hualin] seems to be going to break down."

The girl named Sayayaka shook her head and explained to Himeragi Yukina, and by the way, she showed the [Kyoka Lin] in her hand for Himeraira Yukina to see.

"To be able to destroy the absolutely defensive [Huang Hua Lin] to such an extent, that black blade is too strong!"

Himeragi Yukina screamed out.

"Girl, you are too ignorant!"

Nangong made a sound that month at the right time.

"The other party is the oldest and most ferocious demon king who can't even fight against the three great ancestors. He can easily destroy the god-killing weapon [Naklavera] with one blow! Do you think this kind of thing can really be useful to him? !"

"An existence stronger than the true ancestor! Is there really such a thing!"

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