Looking up into the distance, Fei Dao has stood up again.

"That's why, although you have such a magical ability to offset my favor, you don't have enough time to attack me again, let me get used to taking your weapon down directly!"

How small is the small-scale liberation of [Simulated Godhead Star Bull Thunder]?It is probably equivalent to the [Lion's Gold] that Azi Dakaha is currently facing in Xiaogucheng, so it will be directly broken by Xuexia Wolf. ], that's not something Xuexia Wolf, who can't even count as an imitation godhead, can resist.

"Such a weapon is still too weak!"

He directly crushed the Xuexia wolf, especially the tip of the spear that happened to be bitten, and even smashed it to pieces, spilling it all over the ground.

"it turns out!"

Jizheng Yukina stared blankly at the Xuexia wolf who had been crushed and scattered all over the ground.

"It actually crushed the Xuexia wolf in one bite!"

Yuan Tangyuan and Fei Dao also showed unwilling expressions on their faces. Xuexia Wolf, as the ace weapon of the Lion King Agency, because the core of the weapon uses one of the three remaining ancient holy guns made by Tianbu, However, in the recent period, it was indeed damaged twice. It broke directly when dealing with the clone of the demon king Azi Dakaha, but fortunately, it can be used by replacing the core of the gun, but this time, it is The spear tip as the core was directly smashed, which meant that the trump card of the Lion King mechanism was lost.

"Your Excellency the Fourth True Ancestor."

Realizing that he had no way to defeat the opponent, Fei Dao immediately made a decision and turned to look at Xiao Gucheng.

"All of our weapons have been destroyed. Now, we can only rely on you to fight against the devil. We have already sent out a call for help, and support is coming, so please stop it before it arrives." !"

"I can do this without you telling me."

Xiao Gucheng wanted to nod, but he didn't dare to.

"Although I will do the same, I really don't think I can stop him for a long time. My beasts are not his opponents at all. You should have seen the attack just now. The only two beasts I can use, He was directly punched back."

"So, I will still fight with him, but to what extent I can do it depends on God's will. Probably, when I fail, it is also when I die."

A displeased expression appeared on Himeragi Yukina's face.

"Senior, you can't say that. You have family members behind you. Nagisa hasn't woken up yet."

"It is because Nagisa is behind me that I have to risk my life to stop him."

Xiao Gucheng's eyes became firmer.

Instead, Himeragi Yukina became entangled. If it was said that she was fighting with Akatsuki at the beginning, it could still be said to be true. At least, with the Xuexia wolf, she still has the power to fight, but now, without the Xuexia wolf She is not even considered cannon fodder when facing Aziz Dakaha.

"He who inherits the blood of 'Candlelight Night Moor', Akatsuki Kojou, release your chains here——! Come quickly, the fifth beast [Lion's Gold]—! And the ninth one Favored Beast [Two Horns of Deep Crimson]——!"

The two progenitor-level beasts repelled by Az Dakaha reappeared in mid-air, and the smashed double horns of [Double-Horned Deep Scarlet] were also restored by Xiao Gucheng's magical power. And recovery, as the beasts who fought against Azi Dakaha thousands of years ago, [Lion's Gold] and [Two-Horned Scarlet] naturally knew what kind of existence they were facing, and they didn't look like them. The anger towards the two-headed dragon is the calmness at the beginning, because they know that anger will not work. Instead of being angry, it is better to seriously think about how to fight, because they can perceive Aziz who has just lifted the seal at this time. Dakaha is stronger than he was thousands of years ago!

Az Dakaha looked at the two beasts in the air, they had lost their nature.

"Is there still only this kind of power? I still hope that the descendants of the people who sealed me will show stronger power when I wake up, but it's just that."

"If that's the case, then, go die!"

The golden thunder broke out again. This time, it was not a simple small-scale liberation [Simulated Godhead Star Bull Thunder], but a destructive liberation.

A golden thunder symbolizing the gods, rising from Aziz Dakaha.

At the moment when everyone didn't come and react, the entire Xiangami Island was covered by golden thunder all over the sky, and the steel island directly melted into lava, and then evaporated directly!

Question: How the strongest army god Shitian or the black rabbit smashed the earth, I need details, and the following plot needs~~

Ask for help

We are asking for help in this chapter, because the later plot needs it, so we need to ask for help.

It's very simple, Indra or Black Rabbit, or Ah Zhou Na, how to smash the earth, um...yes...that's the earth.

Because in the second season of Problem Children, Di Shitian and Ah Zhouna used the vajra and Gandiba when they fought. Godhead weapons, but [Simulated Godhead Star Bull Thunder] directly destroyed the maze, which is very embarrassing.

I've always wondered about the power levels of problem children.

For example, Aziz Dakaha, as a metamorphosis in the three-digit number, is supposed to break the star with one blow, but...the appearance triggered a big earthquake...that's right, a big earthquake, and then with ten Liuye's laser beam that can shatter stars is facing the grace of flames~ colliding with the aurora pillar, and the range is several mountains~~ So I don't think that thing can kill the earth, and that thing should be better than Aziz Daka Ha is strong with one punch, so Aziz Dakaha should not be able to kill the earth with one punch.

But in terms of setting, it is possible to punch a star, so the star < the earth?

Another example is the Light Wheel of the Overlord. The power of this thing has always been a mystery. It triggered the fuse of eschatology and destroyed a third of the world's inheritance. It was scorching hot, but it has never been used. Deflected, if the power is enough to kill an earth... Even if it is deflected, the remaining power is enough for the people present at that time to drink a pot~~~ But it seems~~Everyone is fine~~~ So it can really destroy three A fraction of the world?

So now, my understanding of the power levels of problem children is in confusion~~~

So this is embarrassing~~

How should Di Shitian kill the earth, ah, how should Zhouna kill the earth, how should the black rabbit kill the earth, ask for the process~, don’t say how many digits can be killed with one blow, those are all empty words, According to the theory, the mercury of the Dragon Snake in Xiao Ancient City can also devour the space of the real earth, and even eat up the opponent's attack and the space, and eat up the earth, so don't say how powerful it is, it's empty talk , give me the process!

Chapter 12, String God Island of Direct Destruction

In the Pacific Ocean, there is nothing on the sea [-] kilometers south of Tokyo, Japan.

On the surface of the sea, there are only large swathes of dark clouds, and under the swathes of dark clouds, Azi Dakaha is suspended in the air with the dragon's legacy unfolding.

Looking down at the empty sea below, Az Dakaha glanced at the sea somewhere, turned his head directly, and flapped his wings to fly to the north.

And where Aziz Dakaha just glanced, a whole space fluctuated, and a peculiar building appeared faintly, and then completely disappeared.

"Huh~ did you leave?"

In the building, in a luxurious hall, on a gorgeous bench, Nangong Nayue exhaled and relaxed a little.

"here is?"

Xiao Gucheng on the side scratched his head and looked around suspiciously.

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