Under the dark clouds, there is Azi Dakaha floating in the air with his wings spread out.

Looking at the three true ancestors below, Az Dakaha could clearly perceive that they were the ones he had fought with thousands of years ago, and they were much stronger than the ones he saw on the small island just now.

At this point, Aziz Dakaha grinned and announced again.

"The hero who once defeated me! I! Absolute evil! Azi Dakaha obeyed the promise! Awakened again with a complete spiritual status!"

"You guys! Can the glory of justice defeat me again! I! Looking forward to it!"

"Wait! Then show your fangs to me again with all your strength! Crush my banner of 'evil'!"

The wry smile on the face of "King of War" deepened, and he shook his head.

"Should I be called the Demon Lord?"

"However, even if we know that we are not the opponent, we will not give up easily!"

Huge magic power rises from the bodies of the three true ancestors, and hundreds of true ancestor-level beasts appear directly in the sky above Tokyo.

The battle to the death is about to begin.

"When I Become a Female Holy Sword"

Author: Dead Sixteen

Ruins Continental News Network reported: According to reliable sources, in a certain community, a woman was arrested by members of the security team for indecently molesting her holy sword.This is already the sixty-seventh case of molesting the holy sword, the relevant department stated here.

"The holy sword is awesome! The body of a primary school student! Miniskirts and stockings of various colors! Delicate little lips! We seriously appeal! The holy sword is an important resource of our country, and we will severely crack down on anyone who desecrates the holy sword!" Ruins News Net will continue to track reports.

Chapter 15. Battle to the Death

Tokyo, at this time, is no longer Tokyo. To be precise, it is a sea of ​​flames. The ground has been completely turned into scorched earth, cracked and separated, like a scene like hell.

And in the sky above this area, under the extremely dense dark clouds, the white figure, Az Dakaha unfolded the shadow of the dragon behind it, suspended in mid-air, and the three heads looked at the sea of ​​fire below, as if looking for Looking at something, no, it should be said that he was guarding something.

The Three True Ancestors were the ones he warned against.

Aziz Dakaha, who had just arrived in Tokyo, went to war with the three great ancestors directly. Hundreds of beasts collided violently with Aziz Dakaha's body, which directly produced a huge explosion of magic power.

The entire Tokyo was affected by the explosion of the beast's magic power and turned into a sea of ​​flames.

But Aziz Dakaha was unharmed.

After the conflict, the Three Great True Ancestors took advantage of the explosion and hid directly. Even the Three Great True Ancestors knew that they could not confront Az Dakaha head-on, so they took advantage of the first round of conflict to hide directly. Moreover, it also made Azidakaha unable to perceive for a while, it should be the ability of a certain beast, allowing them to hide their breath, but this is not a long-term solution.

Azi Dakaha was suspended in mid-air, and the three heads looked around. He didn't care about the hiding of the three great ancestors. This was a fighting strategy for him. What kind of strategy is it, as the devil himself, just face it head-on and crush it!This!It is absolute evil!One against ten thousand demon kings!

The heads of the three looking around suddenly tilted, and the shadow of the dragon behind them split off instantly, turning into a sharp shadow blade, cutting away into the sea of ​​flames below with an instant delay.

The sharp shadow blade directly cut something in the sea of ​​flames into two pieces.

However, the moment the Shadow Blade had just cut something, there was a wave of space above Aziz Dakaha's back, and a girl in school uniform appeared with a blood-red spear in her hand.

This girl, the "Prince", held the spear in her right hand, and pulled it up behind her, then aimed the spear point at the top of Aziz Dakaha's head, and threw it directly.

'Run through him! '

As one of the three true ancestors, the "Emperor" ruled the Americas. She is the only one with the orc attribute among the existing true ancestors. As an active weapon, the blood-red spear thrown at this time is one of her beasts.

The blood-red spear directly turned into a flash of red light and shot at the most important head of Az Dakaha.

Aziz Dakaha's body didn't move at all, he just turned his middle head back, and the red spear passed directly in front of Aziz Dakaha.

"Crush him!"

As soon as the red spear passed Aziz Dakaha's body, the princess shouted directly.

The body of the red spear suddenly glowed red, and the entire spear twisted, and the body of the spear became like strands of steel wire, spreading slowly, as if it was about to become a big net.

However, before the steel wire had time to scatter, it was pinched, twisted, and torn by the white claws that suddenly appeared.

After being torn off, the long spear turned into a red light and disappeared.


The "Prince" made a cut, and a blood-red spear appeared in her hand again. It was the long spear that had just disappeared. As the beast of the "Princess", it disappeared back into the body of the "Princess" after being torn off, and was then summoned again. back in hand.

"Pierce through him!"

Before she had time to throw the spear in her hand, the "Prince" gave up immediately, her whole body leaned back, a black shadow blade passed directly in front of her, and a hideous wound appeared on the chest of the "Prince" On the ground, blood began to flow out instantly.

Immediately used the spear in her hand to block the shadow blade in front of her, her body shifted backwards, and then immediately disappeared into the air. The beast that moved across the space, this is one of her beasts, and she used it to approach The beast of Az Dakaha.

After the "Emperor" disappeared, a huge flame giant suddenly formed in the sea of ​​flames below, and all the flames swept towards the giant's hand, turning into a huge flame sword. Aziz Dakaha.

Az Dakaha directly punched the flaming giant sword that the flaming giant had struck. The white fist collided directly with the flaming giant sword, and the flame instantly dispersed, turning into a flaming giant snake, entwined Aziz Dakaha's arms, followed by his body, completely wrapped Aziz Dakaha.

Seeing this, the flame giant stretched out his hands, clasped his hands together and clenched his fists, and smashed directly at Azi Dakaha who was entangled by the flame giant snake from top to bottom.

Az Dakaha looked up at the fist that came down, as if ignoring it, he casually raised his hand and tore off the entangled flame snake, and hit the huge fist that came down directly.

The flame giant was directly shattered by Az Dakaha's blow, not just his fist, but his body was also shattered.

However, the moment the flame giant was shattered, a huge eye appeared from the void, opened it suddenly, and a purple light shot out from the eye, directly bursting at Az Dakaha, where the light touched , all made a buzzing sound, flashing electric arcs, that was the sound of air molecules being electrolyzed.

Aziz Dakaha didn't move at all, and directly carried the purple light with his physical body, and the entire sky over Tokyo was illuminated by this purple light.

Unknowingly, besides this, a large number of black tentacles appeared on the ground, slowly extending into the air. These tentacles were not pure tentacles. After the height, the front part of the tentacles opened directly, turning into huge open mouths. In the huge mouths, black light balls began to gather one by one.

Afterwards, black beams of light shot directly at Aziz Dakaha, who was being bombarded by the purple light, from the front sections of the tentacles.

Dozens of black beams of light plus that purple beam of light, a huge energy conflict broke out again, and a huge black-purple light ball broke out again, covering the entire sky of Tokyo with the light ball, and then, the light ball became dazzling. The white light, scattered light beams, and the entire ground of Tokyo City were swept once again.

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