This blond-haired robot appeared behind Aziz Dakaha, raised his right hand, and on the palm of his right hand, a thing resembling a cannon muzzle appeared, aiming at Aziz Dakaha's back.


A scorching beam of light shot out from the palm of his right hand, and directly bombarded Aziz Dakaha's back.

The terribly high temperature turned the area red.

However, in this scorching beam of light, a white arm stretched out.


The robot looked surprised.

The white arm instantly grabbed the robot's head and slammed it down on the ground.

A large pit was formed in an instant, and countless buildings within a kilometer around it instantly sank along with the ground.

After the shaking stopped, there was only a huge pothole, and in the middle of the pothole, Azi Dakaha was suspended, and the robot was broken into three pieces.

"For this kind of power, even the spiritual status of human beings has been changed. It's really sad."

Having made such a comment, Aziz Dakaha turned to leave.

However, after Aziz Dakaha turned around, the robot on the ground that had been broken into three pieces started to move.

Because it is a robot, it can still operate as usual even though it has lost some parts.

He raised his right hand and aimed at the back of Aziz Dakaha, ready to attack again.


The beam of light erupted again, bombarding Az Dakaha.

Az Dakaha also sensed the movement behind him, turned around and punched the beam of light away.

"Really, even if it becomes like this, do you still desire to fight, do you desire to die in battle?"

Aziz Dakaha approaches the robot.

"You have won my admiration, and I admit that you are a brave man, so it's over."

Facing the robot, he swung his fist directly.

The whole city shook.

The smoke cleared.

Az Dakaha looked in front of his eyes in a little surprise.

His fist was firmly caught by another fist.


After Az Dakaha was slightly surprised, his second feeling was awe!

That's right!Amazing!

Because it is too dazzling!The spirit of the person who caught his fist was too dazzling.

It's human!The man in front of him was indeed human, but the human spirit that Aziz Dakaha had encountered had never been so dazzling.

That's right, it's never looked so bright.

Dazzling and powerful, even stronger and more dazzling than the spirit of the 'absolute evil' who is the final trial of human beings.

Is this really what humans can do!

That's right, this is the spirit called "bald" possessed by the human who blocked Aziz Dakaha's fist!Above its bright "bald head" was an incomparably dazzling light, even more dazzling than Izayoi!

The "bald" spirit held by it is completely different from the "bald" spirit held by Aziz Dakaha.

Aziz Dakaha's "bald" spirit is because he has never grown any hair, and is recognized by the world as a born bald!It is an extremely powerful spirit, one of the three strongest spirits.

And "bald" is not born, compared with the natural "bald" spirituality, what it needs is the existence of not being "bald", going through hardships, accumulating achievements, and being recognized by the world as an incomparably great achievement, The merits enough to change the history of mankind can have the "bald" spiritual status bestowed by the world. After all, not all bald people have the "bald" spiritual status.

"You! Who are you!"

Az Dakaha withdrew his fist and asked very seriously.

"Ah, me."

The corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and with an extremely serious face, he raised his head to look at Aziz Dakaha.

However, the moment he raised his head, his whole painting style changed.

The egg-like head is extremely smooth and reflects light.

Put your hands on your chest and answer casually.

"I'm just a hero for fun."

"A hero?"

Aziz Dakaha looked at the "bald man" in front of him, with a look of approval in his eyes.

"Indeed, if you hadn't made an incomparably great contribution and possessed incomparably powerful achievements, you, who are not a hero, would not have such a dazzling spiritual status. As a human being, you have been able to achieve such a level, and you have been recognized by me! "

"You! You can be the opponent of Wuaz Dakaha!"

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