"Thousands of years, you have worked hard."

"No, I did it voluntarily."

"Can you come out?"

"Yes, after the group of gods left, the shackles on me are gone, and I can come out. Unfortunately, it doesn't take long."

"Is it."

"Looking at it like this, it seems that I don't have much time left. I will disappear when Little Garden is destroyed."

"Is that so... sorry."

"No, it's not your fault."

When Little Garden was created, the woman who bore the fragments of 'evil' was tied to the fate of Little Garden. If Little Garden exists, she exists. Although she is bound, she still exists. Logically, she will always exist. The existence continues, together with Hakoniwa.

But there was an accident on the side of Az Dakaha. He died contentedly after being defeated, and met Angola Mainyu in the moon world. The existence of justice in 'evil'.

As a demon king who builds good with 'evil', Aziz Dakaha couldn't bear his existence, so he chose to swallow him, and then returned to Hako Garden, waiting for the crusade by Da Yingjie, but Hako Garden's ending was beyond him. Unexpectedly, the group of gods abandoned Hakoniwa, and Izayoi and others who came to meet him did not have the strength to defeat themselves.

And in the final battle, Az Dakaha even accelerated Hakoniwa's demise and her death because of his own fighting.

"Your mission is now truly over."

"Yes, is it over?"

"Yes, it's over. The days of fighting are over."

"Hearing what you said, I suddenly feel a little tired."

The corners of the mouths of the three heads grinned, as if they were smiling wryly.

"In the next time, please cherish yourself and don't have to do such a thing again."

"I see..."

"Okay, finally, give me another ride, I don't want to watch the beautiful world slowly disappear like this."

Az Dakaha closed his eyes.

"I see."

The grinning mouth opened wide, making a terrifying sound as it rubbed against the iron nails of the seal.

When he opened his eyes again, an astonishing look appeared in his scarlet eyes.

Raising his head, facing the collapsing world, Aziz Dakaha declared loudly.

"I! The three-headed dragon Azi Dakaha of the Fire Worship Cult! It is a natural disaster! It is the devil king! It is! Absolute evil!"

At the same time as the announcement, the dazzling white light that destroyed the world spread from the east area of ​​Hakoniwa to the rest of the place.

Well, I just revealed the foreshadowing of the Holy Grail War now, and everyone didn’t seem to notice it before, and they asked why they returned to Hakoniwa, tsk~ that’s it~~ Yes, this book is alive again!

Chapter 3, long-lost fatigue

Little Garden has been completely destroyed, that woman has also been destroyed along with Little Garden, my mission is over, the trial of 'absolute evil' is meaningless, and my purpose of fighting non-stop for thousands of years has also disappeared .

Building good from evil, the goal I have always insisted on, is gone now, because Little Garden has been destroyed in my hands, just as the woman said, I have been liberated, and I don't have to live such a life anymore.

With the spread of the light of the end of [Overlord's Light Wheel], Little Garden was destroyed. The place where Shura gods and Buddhas were established at the intersection of multiple worlds was finally destroyed, and the passage leading to multiple worlds was also destroyed. It opened at this moment, lost its support point, but Azi Dakaha, who had no dragon shadow to support his flight, fell into the passage leading to the multi-dimensional world, and then the passage closed again.

In a certain empty space, a white figure was falling rapidly. This white figure was Aziz Dakaha who destroyed Hakoniwa and fell into the passage leading to the multiple worlds.

The wounds on his body are slowly recovering, but although he is recovering, he is recovering very, very slowly. The spirit grid has been almost exhausted due to the battle, especially the last [Overlord's Light Wheel] is almost exhausted He lost all his spirituality, but this was the last thing he could do for that woman, so he didn't keep it.

The six ruby-like pupils were slowly closed by the wind pressure during the rapid fall. He was too tired. This was the first time he felt tired. This was the first time he felt tired after fighting for a thousand years without feeling tired. .

Slowly closing all eyes, allowing the body to fall continuously and rapidly, the evil flag behind him was whistling, and at the same time there was the sound of hula la wind in his ears.

I don't know how long it took to fall, but Aziz Dakaha felt that his back finally touched the ground. His continent-like body collided with the ground at an extremely terrifying speed. Ha as the center spread out in all directions.

Aziz Dakaha only heard a miserable roar, and then returned to calm again. Aziz Dakaha also fell into a deep sleep, leaving only the wounds all over his body slowly recovering.

Demons, unlike demon kings, are evil beings with supernatural powers, usually particularly powerful demons.The malice that arises in the human heart is the devil.When human beings encounter the threat of natural forces, or the malice of themselves or others, they will naturally look for the source.And these causes of malice are embodied to form evil spirits, evil gods, and even the so-called demons in the end.For humans, demons are unnatural products and do not exist, but "demonic" and "harmful" things will plague people because of their own malice. "Demons" are just superstitious people It's just a scapegoat fabricated to take responsibility for one's own evil thoughts and evil deeds.

But demons are real, they live in the depths of the underworld, and they fight against their opponents, the opposite forces, and their opposite forces are heaven.

In fact, demons were not called demons at the beginning. They should be called demon gods, gods. People worship them and worship them. They also fulfill human wishes, but they need to pay some price.

But in the Bible, in order to improve himself, the God of the Bible chose to belittle the demon gods, calling them demons, and reduced their so-called price to a contract with demons. The angel Lucifer under God was dissatisfied with God’s approach, but he did not What to say, then, in order to gain the belief of mankind, God chose the existence of human beings named Jesus to ascend to the heaven, let him represent himself to collect the belief of mankind, and as a price, gave him the status of the Son of God.

The angel Lucifer opposed this decision, so he was punished by God. Unwilling, Lucifer chose to betray and stay away from God. He left the heaven and fell to the mortal world to stop God's plan, but God was unwilling to let him make trouble outside and ordered Crusading him, Lucifer had no choice but to hide in the underworld, unable to defeat the army of the heavens. The angry god belittled him as a demon, and Lucifer was accepted by the demons.

However, the matter did not end like this. After Lucifer fell into a devil, a large number of gods fell because they were dissatisfied with the regulations of the heavens. However, due to their large number, they did not choose to belong to the devil, but chose to become fallen angels. Means fallen angel.

They also live in the underworld, but the god of the heaven is not happy. As the only "god", he can't tolerate such things happening frequently, so the war launched by the gods is a war against the fallen angels in the underworld.

The fallen angels also joined the battle, but the demons also joined the battle, because they also hated the god who belittled themselves, so facing the invasion of God's angel army, they also joined the battle.

The Heaven Realm, which was originally thought to be under siege from two sides, did not really receive such pressure, because the fallen angels and demons who lived in the Underworld at the same time were also intriguing and guarding against each other, because they all lived in the Underworld, and the fallen angels lived in the Underworld. Angels still look down on demons even if they are fallen angels, and demons are not happy with these guys with fur on their wings. This looks like Cao Cao's attack on Chibi during the Three Kingdoms period. Angels are also fighting each other.

God, demons, and fallen angels fought this war for their own purposes. This war later fell into a stalemate and turned into a war of attrition.

Just like it is now, on the battlefield, the main combat power is not on the field, only the miscellaneous soldiers of demons, angels, and fallen angels are on the field. These miscellaneous soldiers are throwing light guns and magic bullets at each other, but there is not much substance. Sexual effect, after all, attacks without much power have little effect on each other, and as the main force, the high-level demons, high-level angels, and fallen angels all stood behind them and watched the battle.

But this battle lasted too long, and the movement was too great, especially the battle between the high-end standing forces in front of them. The movement caused by their battle was too great, which shocked the whole world, not only the world, but also the whole world. Their battle vibrated the human world, the underworld, the heavenly world, and a certain special space.

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