Siegfried yelled without looking back.

"Cao Cao!"

"Ma Bao!"

After Siegfried called out Cao Cao's name, Cao Cao immediately used his divine weapon [Holy Spear of Dusk], the ability of which was called Ma Bao, which was to move the position of himself or the enemy arbitrarily.

He couldn't move the enemy, that is, move Aziz Dakaha, so he could only move a few people on his side.

So Siegfried, Arthur and Cao Cao disappeared in front of Aziz Dakaha in an instant.

The battle did not end in this way, and Lufei in the sky disappeared with them. As for where he went, Aziz Dakaha didn't know.

Chapter 23. The Second Invitation

In the underworld where a huge meteorite had smashed through the ground, Az Dakaha was looking around with Orpheus on his shoulders, and only found three corpses after looking around. disappeared.

Aziz Dakaha also understood that the other party had fled the battle, but it didn't hinder anything. He retreated strategically. Aziz Dakaha had seen too much. He dared to fight Aziz Dakaha before retreating. Existence, Aziz Dakaha has seen many, they often retreat strategically, and then attack Aziz Dakaha again, this will not make Aziz Dakaha think that the other party is a coward, If you are really a coward, you will not face yourself with swords.

Then, all the members of the Brigade of Disaster have left, and Aziz Dakaha is about to embark on the journey again.

"Meet you again, His Excellency Az Dakaha and His Royal Highness Orpheus."

A voice from high in the sky behind them made both Aziz Dakaha and Orpheus turn their heads.

It was found that Sazex, who had spread out twelve demon wings, was slowly landing, and looked at Aziz Dakaha and Orpheus with a smile on his face.


Az Dakaha spoke in a puzzled tone.

"It's me, His Excellency Aziz Dakaha."

Sazex landed in front of Aziz Dakaha, folded the wings behind his back, still smiling.

"Why are you here?"

Facing Az Dakaha's question, Suzeks smiled wryly.

"Your Excellency Aziz Dakaha, I am here because of you."

"What's the point of looking for me again?"

Hearing what Aziz Dakaha said, he turned his head and looked around, Suzeks smiled wryly.

"I came here because of you, not for you."

"how you said that?"

Suzeks still smiled wryly.

"Your Excellency Az Dakaha, have you forgotten my identity?"

"As the demon king of demons, I want to manage the territory of demons. Not long ago, the first continental plate shift occurred in the underworld. Although this shift lasted for just two minutes, it ended in just two minutes. The movement of the continental plate in a few minutes has caused heavy losses to the demon's territory."

As the demon king Lucifer, Suzeks manages the demon's territory just as he said, so when the huge shock wave hit the demon's territory just now, he was immediately notified that the destruction of a small demon's city is a very serious matter. It was a big deal, so he rushed over immediately. Of course, he was not the only one who rushed over, but also several other demon kings. After all, Az Dakaha's movement was too great.

Far away from the battlefield of Aziz Dakaha, the leader Suzeks discovered the existence of Aziz Dakaha, so he stopped all the demons and came alone. It's too exaggerated. A large crater that is more than ten kilometers long seems to be smashed by a meteorite. This kind of exaggeration is not so easy to achieve.

"Of course, not only the territory of the devil, but also the territory of the fallen angels, and other territories as well. After all, the underworld is connected as one. Once it moves, everyone will move."

Saying that, Suzeks looked at Azi Dakaha.

"It's all because of you."

"Hahahaha, is that the case? Is it because this underworld is too fragile, so it can't bear the power that explodes when I fight!"

Az Dakaha laughed out loud.

"Although I don't want to admit it, it's the truth."

Suzeks still smiled wryly.

"Then, Your Excellency Aziz Dakaha, can you tell me who you are fighting with?"

"The people I fight are the descendants of human heroes, or the existence that inherits the souls of heroes."

Az Dakaha didn't hide, and answered directly.

Suzeks froze for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

"They are members of the Misfortune Group!"

Compared with Azi Dakaha's unclear words, the words of Orpheus on his shoulders immediately let Suzeks understand the cause of the matter.

"Is that so? People from the Disaster Group came to look for you, His Excellency Aziz Dakaha."

"Hahaha! That's right, they are all human heroes! They want to fight me, so I will regain the name of 'absolute evil' and give them the most severe trials!"

Aziz Dakaha laughed and replied.

"However, this was just a whim on my mind. The name 'Absolute Evil' was only used when fighting against human heroes. It will not always exist after all."

"Your Excellency once said the 'absolute evil' trial for human beings, but I think Your Excellency Aziz Dakaha's trial is over now."

"Ah, it's over for now."

Az Dakaha nodded in confirmation.

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