"This time, Hakoniwa is dead."

"The gods were afraid of the failure of Little Garden, and chose to escape, so the heroes in Little Garden also left, leaving only the lowest existence."

Az Dakaha's red eyes shone with a strange light.

"So, I destroyed them..."

"Destroyed! Hakoniwa!"

Hmm~ Let’s release a chapter first, Chapter 10 at 2 o’clock

Chapter 41. The world pattern is about to change

Many days have passed since the last Azi Dakaha story meeting, and the underworld is as peaceful as usual.

The lives of the demons still go on.

It's just that several demon kings and some heads of demon families began to tremble carefully.

"I destroyed them, destroyed! Hakoniwa!"

Because these words of Aziz Dakaha echoed in their ears all the time.

Just kidding, that kind of powerful world was directly destroyed by Az Dakaha's [Overlord's Light Wheel], which symbolizes the light of the end, and then entered this world because Hakoniwa was destroyed. This kind of entering the world The way is not fun at all!The demon kings said that they should not use the [Overlord's Light Wheel] in this world!They can't stand it!

Suzeks was also looking forward to when Aziz Dakaha would be summoned by Hakoniwa, but it turned out that Hakoniwa disappeared immediately. If there is no accident, Aziz Dakaha will live in this world forever , has become an aborigine of this world, hehehe~ Suzeks is in a state of extreme collapse, but also in a state of extreme joy.

The reason for the collapse is that whether this world exists or perishes depends on the mood of Azi Dakaha who lives next door. In case the other party is in a bad mood one day, or some guy who doesn't have long eyes provokes the other party, let the other party use After buying [The Overlord's Light Wheel], my family and the whole race can only wait for death silently.

And the joyful thing is that because of the existence of Aziz Dakaha, Suzeks suddenly felt that there was no need to improve himself at all. Anyway, it was useless to improve himself (self-defeating?), and there was no pressure to improve his own strength , Suzeks became extremely leisurely for a while, and began to enjoy his life... No, he enjoyed being born as a devil, and usually made out with his wife, that is, his maid Gurefia, and brought his own What a good son, and then deal with the devil's affairs, there is no need to bother with so many things at all, let the disputes between the world's major forces go to hell.

However, before giving up on himself, Suzeks also thought about one thing, that is, there is something in this world that may not be able to defeat Aziz Dakaha, but may restrain the existence of Aziz Dakaha.

For example, there is an existence that absolutely suppresses dragons, [Dragon Eater] Samuel, a strange existence whose upper body is a fallen angel and the lower body is a dragon. What God hates is a combination of God's hatred, anger, and malice. His existence is the most vicious "God's malice".Because it is cursed by the gods to become a snake that has been wiped out of existence, it has the ability to wipe out the existence of snakes and dragons, even [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus will be completely restrained.

But it was quickly rejected, because although Az Dakaha looks like a three-headed dragon, it is actually an eschatology. The appearance of this three-headed dragon is just for him to maintain his terror. He is not a dragon because of his appearance. Even if he can use the dragon's shadow that can only be used with the pure blood of a dragon, he is not a dragon, and has nothing to do with the dragon.

So [Dragon Eater] Samael passed!There is nothing in this world that restrains Aziz Dakaha.

Suzeks didn't ask why Az Dakaha wanted to destroy Hakoniwa in the end, and he didn't bother to ask, because it was useless to ask. The other party can destroy such a powerful world, and this world is equally easy for the other party .

After giving up struggling, Suzeks began to think about other things.

That is, now that there is the existence of Aziz Dakaha, the existence at the top of the pyramid in this world, there is absolutely no need for the major forces in this world to compete with each other, especially the three major forces in the Bible , the demons, fallen angels, and angels are already dead in God... Oh, yes, I forgot to say that God, that is, God is already dead. In the last tripartite war, God died inexplicably , as the only god, as God, he just died like this!This is an artifact, but it is also a real thing in this world!I always feel that the God of this world is so weak, really too weak!

As for why the God of this world died inexplicably, let me tell you.

There is a monster in this world called Beast Emperor 666 (Trihexa), which is an existence of the same level as [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus, and the true Red Dragon Emperor Great Red, that is to say, the strongest existence in the world.

But, this monster was sealed by God!That's right!Sealed by him!It is conceivable how strong God's fighting power is, so strong that he can seal such an existence, and he still survived.

In other words, God has the world's top strength.

Then, it was such a world-leading strength, but he was afraid of [Infinite Dragon God], and he was very worried about the two heavenly dragons who made troubles everywhere. He was even killed in the battle with demons and fallen angels who were not ranked among the strongest in the world at that time. Don't you think it's weird.

Therefore, in the absence of God, the tripartite forces maintain a delicate balance.

Now, with Aziz Dakaha who is much stronger than a god, this balance feels completely unnecessary to maintain.

Because I feel that there is no need to fight at all. If there is a fight, once Azi Dakaha is angered, all three parties will be wiped out.

Not only these three parties, but also some other forces, there is absolutely no need to fight each other.

So Suzeks began to think about the three ways of falling angels, angels and demons.

"Shall I tell them the real identity of His Excellency Aziz Dakaha?"

On the dining table in the castle of the devil Lucifer, Suzeks looked at his son who was eating steak next to him, and muttered to himself.

"Father, what are you talking about?"

Suzeks' son, Milligas Gremory, couldn't help wondering when he saw Suzeks talking to himself.

"Milligas, I'm wondering if I should tell the angels and fallen angels about the identity of Your Excellency Azidakaha."

As the son of the Demon King, Milligas Gremory naturally knew Aziz Dakaha, so he also knew Aziz Dakaha's true identity.

"Then tell them, let them know how powerful Mr. Aziz Dakaha is!"

As a child, Milligas obviously didn't think too much, but only thought of the power of Aziz Dakaha.

"Let them know how powerful His Excellency Aziz Dakaha is?"

Suzeks laughed.

"Then let's do it."


Suzeks shouted at once.

"I'm here."

People from Gurefia did not show up, but the response has already come.

"Please, give the angels and fallen angels the light novels and anime CDs you brought back from Serafur last time, and make sure they are sent to Asachel and Michael .”

After speaking, Suzeks showed a happy smile on his face.

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