However, as the strongest existence in the world, Orpheus has no reason to lie. Therefore, if Orpheus said that he came with her father, he should really come with her father. So, who is her father?

Cadileya couldn't help but wonder.

"Cadilea Leviathan?"

Az Dakaha, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.Cadileya was taken aback.

"Yes, you should be Your Excellency [Demon Dragon of Destruction] Azi Dakaha."

Although Cadileya is tearing herself apart from the New Demon King faction, she thinks she is strong enough and wants to regain Leviathan's position, but she still wants to coax Aziz Dakaha who is obviously stronger than herself. of.

"Was it the attack you launched just now?"

"This... yes..."

Cadileya wasn't lying.

"It's just that I didn't know that Lord Orpheus and Your Excellency were here, so I took a rash attack. Our entry into the palace is not aimed at you two, please don't misunderstand."

Cadileya chose to apologize, after all, she couldn't be the enemy of the two in front of her.

Az Dakaha did not reply, but grinned.

The shadow of the dragon behind him cut across in an instant.

Cadileya, who was surprised by the attack, didn't have time to react at all, and was about to be cut by the shadow blade, but at that moment, she disappeared from Aziz Dakaha's face, taking her with her. Another long-haired male demon beside him also disappeared.

Instead of getting angry, Aziz Dakaha laughed.

"Have you finally returned, have you brought your reinforcements and allies to fight me again?"

Turning around to look at the ground, several figures were in sight.

"Let's start my trial again! Cao Cao!"

Chapter 48, the final trial!

Cao Cao can be said to be very irritable recently, very irritable.

Cao Cao, who inherited the name of his ancestors, is a direct descendant of Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms era. He has the strongest god-killing tool [Holy Spear of Dusk], and also possesses extremely high wisdom, super skills, and the power of force. At the same time, he also has wisdom. He is the strongest existence among human beings. If he is in Hakoniwa, his comprehensive evaluation can reach four digits.

The powerful, he is not reconciled to his own limits, especially the limits of being a human being, and he starts to wander around in order to explore the limits of human beings.

Then he met the legendary [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus, who possesses the strongest god destroyer. As the strongest human being, he naturally knows the distribution of powerful forces in this world, and naturally knows [Infinite Dragon God] 】What kind of existence is Orpheus.

So he tentatively contacted [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus. He was probably the first existence to contact Orpheus, and also the first existence to dare to contact Orpheus.

After getting in touch, he found that although Orpheus was powerful, he was mentally retarded, and he learned that Orpheus was driven out of the interdimensional gap by the great red who was stronger than her, and now he is looking for a way to go back.

So Cao Cao tricked Orpheus into obtaining the power of Orpheus, which can be used to enhance his own strength. After that, Cao Cao also used the power of Orpheus to win over some people, powerful human descendants, who inherit the name of the ancestors Powerful beings to form a group of disasters.

Not only those powerful humans who inherited the name of their ancestors, but also other existences, also joined the group of disasters because of the temptation of the power of Orpheus, such as demons, the descendants of the old demon kings, they are also very strong existences, For example, the descendants of demigods all joined the disaster group in this way.

Things went smoothly until one day, after Orpheus read a history book and ran out to find the [Dragon of Destruction] Azi Dakaha who only existed and was recorded.

Everything has changed.

The power was taken back, Orpheus also left the Brigade of Disasters, and directly discarded the Brigade of Disasters, which caused many people who came because of the power to leave, and of course some did not leave. They came to the Brigade of Disasters not only It's for power, and it's for the strong. After all, the group of disasters are all very powerful people, so many of them stayed.

Cao Cao, who was angry, brought people from the Misfortune Group to rob people. The result was already obvious. The Misfortune Group lost four people, Joan of Arc, Georg, Leonardo, and Hercules.

There are only 3 members of the hero faction who followed Cao Cao, Siegfried and Arthur brother and sister, and now the Arthur brother and sister have left the hero faction. To be precise, only Cao Cao and Sieg are left in the hero faction. Fried.

What a terrible situation!

Just in this bad situation.

The members who originally came to the Disaster Group because of their strength, the descendants of the former demon kings of the old era, found Cao Cao, hoping that he would help them regain their own status.

Although these demons do not belong to the hero faction, they belong to the group of disasters. In order to maintain the group of disasters that he managed with great difficulty, Cao Cao chose to help them.

So Cao Cao brought many human magicians here to help them deal with the leaders of the three parties. In Cao Cao's eyes, the leaders of the three parties were all inferior to his own existence. With the wisdom of the enemy, it is impossible to win the battle between the opponent and himself, so Cao Cao came to help them.

But Cao Cao never thought that the culprit who made his disaster group lose its strength, suffered heavy casualties, and lost people's hearts was here, and it was right in front of him now!

It was the worst possible situation!

"Have you finally returned, have you brought your reinforcements and allies to fight me again?"

There was a loud voice in the air.

'I never thought of coming back to fight you again! '

"Let's start my trial again! Cao Cao!"

In the sky, the white three-headed dragon turned around, looked at Cao Cao and shouted loudly.

Cao Cao clenched the Holy Spear in his hand and gritted his teeth.

"It's too bad!"


Azi Dakaha looked at Cao Cao below and grinned.

In the eyes of Aziz Dakaha, Cao Cao did as he expected. The last time he retreated after a failed battle, and then gathered his strength to come back. And wisdom is also a powerful performance.

So in Aziz Dakaha's view, Cao Cao is here to challenge himself again, and these demons are the opponent's supporters, which is why Aziz Dakaha suddenly attacked Cadileya, so this time What kind of abilities will the supporters have? Just like the last time a human being used a sword to directly fight his own dragon shadow, which surprised him, what new surprises will appear this time, Azda Kaja looked forward.

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