After Hyoudou Issei challenged Azi Dakaha last time, Hyoudou Issei was basically a guy who would die sooner or later in the eyes of the demon kings, but at least let him have some use before he died, so Rias had a great deal of love with him. He still had great expectations.

After returning from the underworld, Hyoudou Issei has been improving his strength, and his strength has been steadily improving. He even mastered the power of forbidden hands under the stimulation of the performance of the last Kokboer incident [White Dragon Emperor].

Because he learned from Sekiryuutei Draig that there is another guy with the same level of power as himself, that is the [White Dragon Emperor] who appeared that day, so Hyoudou Issei was stimulated, why the same god However, the opponent was stronger than himself, so Hyoudou Issei mastered the forbidden hand under such stimulation.

Because of the success of the forbidden hand transformation, Rias gave him some rewards, such as sleeping with him, and because Rias has the habit of sleeping naked, this reward is very suitable for Houtou Issei's taste, especially the ability to touch To your favorite Opie!

Of course, there are other people who sleep with her, such as Aisha. Although Opie is relatively small, Issei Hyoudou likes it very much.

However, Hyoudou Issei, who was still sleeping in bed in the morning, dreamed that he was rubbing Riasio's pie, was suddenly shocked by a terrifying attack.

The golden thunder of [Simulated Godhead Star Bull Thunder] spread all over the city, including Issei Hyoudou's house. The golden thunder directly destroyed his home and knocked him off the bed, including Aisha who was also on his bed .

However, Hyoudou Issei, who was still under attack, immediately launched a forbidden hand, because this level of thunder cannot be resisted by the body, and at the same time protected Kiba who happened to come to the nearby and Aisha in his arms.

After the thunder, what Hyoudou Issei saw was a destroyed city, a scene like purgatory.

Although Kiba was protected by himself, he was seriously injured before he was protected. Aisha was better. After the ban, his armor was almost scorched by the thunder, and he was in danger.

After asking Aisha, who has the ability to heal, to heal himself, and asking Aisha to heal Kiba again, Hyoudou Issei went directly to the water park, because that was where his minister was.

But after arriving at the water park, I saw that it was not the previous water park. What I saw was Azi Dakaha floating in mid-air, with golden thunder flashing on his body, and the original water park had all disappeared. His minister did not see the scorched earth, and he also instantly understood that the thunder was emanating from Aziz Dakaha.

And because he didn't see the minister, Hyoudou Issei thought that his minister was killed by Aziz Dakaha, the minister's Oupai was killed by Aziz Dakaha, and Oupai was killed by Aziz Dakaha. Dakaha killed.

In addition, he didn't know that the residents of this city were expelled. He thought that Azi Dakaha had killed all the people in the city, as well as Oupai, so he was angry!

Unusual anger!

So he yelled at Aziz Dakaha in the sky on the spot.

"You bloody bastard! You beast! Azi Dakaha!"

Then you continued to shout under the eyes of everyone wondering why he came here.

"You actually killed the whole city! There are so many Oupai! Ah! My Oupai! The Minister's Oupai!"

Hyoudou Issei seemed to be going crazy, roaring like hell.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to make you repent for those dead! The dead Oupai!"




The doubling sound effect comes from the emeralds in the hand armor, but that's just doubling.

"It's not enough! You have to wait! Doubling the increment is not enough!"

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that during the last battle of [White Dragon Emperor], because he was submerged by the earth waves, he didn't know about the mass of Az Dakahana's continent-like volume, nor did he know He's something of an 'absolute evil'.

So in his eyes, Aziz Dakaha is still the [Demon Dragon of Destruction] Aziz Dakaha!It was Azi Dakaha who killed the Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig!

Azi Dakaha looked down at Hyoudou Issei from a high altitude, sensing from his spiritual power, Azi Dakaha knew that the other party was the generation of [Sekiryuutei] who challenged him a few days ago, and he was stuck like that This is enough strength to dare to challenge myself.

"Really! You have obtained the corresponding power, dare to challenge mine!"

Although in my own opinion, the opponent's strength has not even reached five digits, but according to the characteristics of the opponent's increase over time, maybe it can grow to that level.

Az Dakaha looked at Hyoudou Issei with some expectation, looking forward to what kind of power he will have!

Chapter 51, Hyoudou Issei's Breakthrough!


The multiplied sound reappeared.

The entire artificial lake is extremely quiet, except for the slight crackling sound of the water being burned again after being electrolyzed, there is no sound, the quietness is weird, only the doubling that appears every ten seconds in [The Armor of the Red Dragon Emperor] sound.

Azi Dakaha looked at Hyoudou Issei on the ground in mid-air, waiting for the opponent's attack.

And Hyoudou Issei is waiting for his own multiplication and superposition, superimposed to the most powerful level.

All the onlookers were silently watching Az Dakaha and 【Sekiryuutei】Houdou Issei.

Including angels, fallen angels, demons, and Cao Cao!

Rias wants to stop this battle, because this battle is a battle with a doomed ending, and Hyoudou Issei will be ruthlessly killed in seconds, not torture, but in seconds!Because the gap in strength is too great, as the master of Hyoudou Issei, she knew that Hyoudou Issei had only mastered the forbidden hand and was completely incapable of fighting the opponent head-on, but she was stopped by Bisazeks, Sasser Zekes just grabbed Rias by the shoulder and shook his head at her.

The meaning couldn’t be simpler, there is no room for recovery. The last time the battle between Aziz Dakaha and Hyoudou Issei was able to be postponed, it was only possible to postpone it by relying on the excuse that Hyoudou Issei did not have power, but Now that Hyoudou Issei had mastered a little power, he took the initiative to jump out to fight Azi Dakaha. This is no longer an excuse that Suzeks can use again.

Aziz Dakaha, as an 'absolute evil', as a top-level powerhouse, will not be let down by you twice. At that time, the unlucky one will not be Hyoudou Issei, but Suzeks and even the devil The whole family!

So Rias could only grit her teeth and watch the battle that was about to start and end in an instant behind Suzeks.


The sound of doubling resounded again, and the blue flames burning on the water surface had all been extinguished, because the electrolyzed water had been burned, and turned into water vapor again, free in the air.

The whole area is echoing the sound of 'Boost', which seems extremely empty.

"How many times is this?"

"It's the third time."

The leaders of the three parties gathered together in the sky were asking and answering.

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