"Your attitude really embarrasses our Nordic mythology system."

A cold voice came from the teleportation array and echoed throughout the hall.

"Hmph! This seems out of your control!"

Odin turned his head and stared coldly at the teleportation array.

Accompanied by strange noises, the magic circle opened from the middle to both sides, as if the two doors had been pushed open.

"This is the Nordic teleportation magic circle!" The dejected Roseweizer immediately reacted, stood up, and stood beside Odin, his expression changed from depressed to serious, and even appeared in his hand. Sharp spear.Although she was ridiculed by Odin in every possible way, she always remembered her duty as a Valkyrie, and it was her duty to protect Odin.

A young man walked out of the magic circle, wearing a robe in the same style as Odin, but unlike Odin, he did not have a long beard, but long hair, strangely raised to the sky that hairstyle.

After squinting and scanning everyone present, the man introduced himself, and in an extremely haughty tone.

"Nice to meet you, gentlemen! I am the evil god of northern Europe! Loki!"

"Loki! I don't remember that I invited you to my banquet. I don't know, what's your business here."

As the host of the banquet, Suzeks must speak out.

"Nothing, Suzeks."

Loki crossed his arms, looked at Odin who was staring at him in the crowd, and grinned.

"Our lord, Lord God, ran out of our mythology system privately and came into contact with mythology systems outside our mythology system. This kind of thing is intolerable to me, so I just ran out to interfere. Don't blame me for getting in the way." , I blame you for hosting our Lord God Odin."

"Loki, if you go back to Valhalla now, I can still forgive your actions."

Odin replied coldly, and everyone could see that he was a little angry.

"Forgive me? Stop teasing me, you old bastard."

Loki laughed immediately.

The demons were frightened, so were the angels and fallen angels. Just kidding, they scolded their boss for being old and immortal in front of a bunch of outsiders. Although it is true that they are old and immortal, you can’t say it so clearly. Isn’t this a mess? .

"Master Loki! How unreasonable you are! Moreover, you have exceeded your authority! You have no right to interfere with the whereabouts of the Lord God!"

As a Valkyrie, she needed to speak at this time, so Roseweather warned Loki to be careful.

"Huh? Are you talking to me?"

Loki looked at Roseweather contemptuously.

"Go away, Cricket Valkyrie, dare to reprimand me."

"I'm questioning our main god! Do I want to continue to do such stupid things that go beyond our Nordic mythology system!"

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, Rocky! It's not up to you to question what I did!"

"Hmph, if we do this kind of thing and let our Nordic gods get entangled with other gods, wouldn't we be unable to see the prophecies of our Nordic gods!"


The onlookers on the spot were puzzled.

"That's right! The prophecy of Ragnarok from our Nordic pantheon!"

As mentioned earlier, the Norse pantheon is famous for Ragnarok, and also declined because of Ragnarok, because Ragnarok can be said to be the main reason for the destruction of the Norse pantheon.

"Is this your purpose! Do you really want to trigger Ragnarok! Loki!"

Odin glared at Loki angrily.

"Hahaha! That's right! That's it!"

Loki laughed.

"I originally planned to activate it when you were in Valhalla, but that would be more troublesome, because Valhalla still has Thor, and that guy is still very troublesome."

Thor, the number one warrior of the Nordic pantheon, his Thor's Hammer is in charge of the thunder, and the thunder he sends out can destroy everything, and the [Simulated Godhead Star Bull Thunder] held by Aziz Dakaha is the Thunder God The prototype of the Hammer.

"But now, you came out with only one Valkyrie, which makes it easier for me to do it. You will pay the price for your carelessness, just today! Let me launch Ragnarok! Kill you! Then return to Valhalla and destroy it! Hahaha!!"

Loki laughed, and a teleportation array appeared beside him, and it seemed that something was about to emerge from it.

Everyone at the scene became nervous, especially Odin. Although he is very strong as a Nordic god, there are many things that restrain him in the prophecy of Ragnarok. It is difficult for him to deal with it alone. , Although this is the territory of the devil, he can't guarantee that the devil will fight Loki for him. This is a negotiation between different gods. If something goes wrong, it will become a battle between gods.

Az Dakaha has been watching all the time, and he probably knows what happened. In order to solve the prophecy of Ragnarok, Odin ran out of Valhalla and hooked up with the demon angel of the biblical pantheon, and planned to establish a relationship. And contact, because the Ragnarok of the Nordic pantheon is a separate Norse pantheon, if the Norse pantheon is entangled with other pantheons, then the prophecy will not come true, but Loki wanted to prevent him from doing so, so he He also followed, intending to stop him, and if he couldn't stop him, he simply killed Odin while he was no longer in Valhalla without Thor's protection.

All of this is somewhat different from the myth inheritance that Aziz Dakaha knew in Hakoniwa, probably due to the influence of the parallel world. The myths and stories of the outside world are part of the myth inheritance handed down from Hakoniwa according to the setting. In other words, they are all incomplete, because Hakoniwa, as the third universe view, has been influencing the development of the outside world, including parallel myths.

The evil god in front of him is completely different from Loki in Little Garden.

In Hakoniwa, Loki is a controversial figure.

In Little Garden, Loki is a descendant of a giant in the Norse god system. He is a pure giant, but because he is a righteous brother with Odin, he can enter Valhalla and become a member of the gods. This relationship has changed in the mythology of the outside world. , Some worlds say that Loki is the adopted son of Odin and the younger brother of Thor, but this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that he, as one of the factors that triggered the twilight of the gods, was not called an evil god at first, and he made great contributions to the Nordic pantheon.

As a giant, in order to help his righteous brother Odin, he deceived his real fellow giants to build the Asgard wall, which is the wall of Valhalla. He is related to many important treasures, Odin's eternal gun Gungni Er and the golden ring Dropnir, the God of Fertility Frey's ship Skyd Platney and his mount Gulin Bullsti, Sif's blond hair, and Thor's hammer of Thor are all Loki In the event of Sif's hair, please ask the dwarves to build or bet with the dwarves, dedicated to the gods as compensation for his pranks, and even Odin's mount, the eight-legged horse Sleipnir, was also transformed into a stallion by Loki. God Maswadir Fali was born.

Of course, as the factor that triggered the twilight of the gods, he also gave birth to Fenir, the wolf who killed Odin in the language, and Jormungandr, the snake in the courtyard that killed Thor. The most connected existence, among them, Fennir was crusade as the final trial of human beings in Little Garden. Because of the active crusade of the gods, Ragnarok did not happen, but because of the battle losses during the crusade, every human being was finally tested All can fight against the gods, so the Nordic gods also suffered a lot of losses because of that battle. In addition, despite the development of human history, beliefs have declined, so the Nordic gods have declined.

So now, in front of Az Dakaha, this Loki can be said to have simply inherited the evil side of Loki in Little Garden, and his contribution to the Norse gods has basically not been spread in this world, which is really sad. .

Then, it is easy to guess who is about to appear in the teleportation circle next to Loki.

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