He is an evil dragon known for the hardest scale armor. His characteristic color is dark green. He likes bloody battles. Compared to evil dragons, he is more like a berserker, because no matter what kind of injuries he receives, he will fight harder and harder until he dies.

His prototype in mythology is the monster described in the 8th century British epic "Beowulf". Because of its huge size and bloodthirsty battle, it killed many people, so it is one of the three villains in the British epic.

【Sealing Dragon of Treasure Tree】Radon

He is a well-known wooden dragon who is good at barrier barriers and defensive seals. He is an evil dragon because his mythological prototype is a monster in Greek mythology. Dana was born.

He has different inheritances in mythology, one is guarding the golden apples, he is responsible for guarding the golden apples, and he is also a part of the famous Twelve Trials in Greece, because the one who killed him was Herac of the Twelve Trials of Surprise Les, or Hercules.

One of the twelve missions that King Eurystheus entrusted to Hercules was to go to the Golden Apple Holy Garden to steal golden apples. This golden apple tree was brought from the west coast by Gaia, the goddess of the earth, to Zeus and Hera's wedding gift, the four daughters of the night god, Hesperides, were assigned to guard the holy garden, and the one who helped them guard it was this hundred-headed dragon named Ladon, who was the father of all monsters, Furku. The hundred-headed dragon born of Si and Keto, the daughter of the earth, never sleeps, and always makes a deafening noise when it walks, because its hundred mouths can make a hundred different sounds.Finally, Hercules lured the dragon to sleep by the hand of the giant who carried the sky, killed the dragon and stole the golden apple.

In the Greek myth about the Argonauts, the leader of the Argonauts, Jason, also got the Golden Fleece after defeating a dragon that never sleeps, and the dragon guarded the sacred forest tirelessly. The golden fleece in the center stretches its neck when it sees someone approaching, and lets out terrifying and sharp roars.Medea, Jason's lover, prayed with a sweet voice to Slav, the god of sleep, to call the dragon to sleep for her, and invited the great goddess of hell to bless her, making the dragon sleepy.At last she sprinkled the magic liquid in the eyes of the dragon with a juniper branch, stunned it, and got the golden fleece.This dragon is also said to be Radon in some records.

[Dead Dragon of Foreign Law] Nid Hoag

This is a more famous evil dragon than Ladon, also known as the poisonous dragon, because he is the direct fuse of Ragnarok in the prophecy of the Nordic pantheon.

According to the prophecy, when the poisonous dragon Nidhogg bites off the root of the world tree and makes it collapse, it is the time of Ragnarok.

It is said that beside the root of the world tree leading to the "Nibelungen", the kingdom of the dead, there is a black dragon called "Nidhogg" lurking, entrenched and gnawing on the root of the tree together with countless other snakes.When the roots are eaten up and the tree of life rots, the world will be destroyed.When the twilight of the gods comes, it will flap its wings and fly over the battlefield full of dead bodies.Nidhogg is also one of the few powerful creatures to survive after Ragnarok.

Therefore, Odin was very afraid of him, but he was unable to deal with it due to the prophecy and his uncertain whereabouts.

【Original Dark Dragon】Abobus

Legend has it that he can release black water that devours and corrodes all substances. His real body is a slender three-eyed snake-shaped dragon with a total length of more than [-] meters.

His original name is a little different from him, called Apophis. In Egyptian mythology, "Apophis" is an ancient evil and demon of destruction. It is the oldest snake that can devour the world. Its purpose is to make The whole world fell into perpetual darkness, so Ra, the sun god, fought him all the time, dispelling his darkness with light.

With such a heritage, Abobus has reached the level of Tianlong in terms of strength, which is the level of the Red Dragon Emperor Draig before his death.

【Forbidden Dragon of Demon Source】Az Dahaka

In this world, the clone of Aziz Dakaha has a very close inheritance with Aziz Dakaha. The evil dragon that manipulates a thousand kinds of magic has three heads.

He once went to fight Aziz Dakaha, but was defeated by Aziz Dakaha in his most proud magic, and was let out of his life. Aziz Dakaha felt unconvinced in After thousands of years of crazy practice, he has now reached the level of Tianlong.

【Dark Dragon of the New Moon】Crom Cruach

The evil dragon who has the reputation of being the strongest has not been defeated until now. To be precise, it is more appropriate that no one who can defeat him has gone to him.

His prototype is the dragon Crom Cruach in Celtic mythology.Born to the evil eye demon king Balor.Killed countless Danu gods including the god king Nuada of the Danu god clan, even the sword that could cut everything held by the god king Nuada at that time could not do much damage to the dragon Crom Cruach damage, the magic dragon Crom Cruach directly killed it, and then made the next generation of the Danu gods, the god of the sun and the god of light, Luge, in advance. Brionac's sharp gun Brionac is known as the existence of bombarding the five stars. Later, even his son Cu Chulainn, who was born with a human woman, had a weapon similar to him, but Luge did not kill the dragon Crom Cruach.

Therefore, the magic dragon Crom Cruach has survived until now, and it has also reached the level of Tianlong.

Among the dragon species in this world, the Tianlong level can be said to be the strongest level. Of course, [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus and the Great Red are different existences. They were not born in this world, but born in multiple In the interdimensional gap, in the words of Aziz Dakaha, Orpheus and the great red belong to the birth method of the pure blood of the dragon, and they are the existences that are suddenly gathered together by powerful forces, not in mythology. The existence of inheritance, they have no limitations.

These five are the most famous and powerful five evil dragons in the world.

And it was Rizevim who summoned them.

"Heh~ It's really surprising that you all answered the call."

"Isn't this very interesting? It's been so many years, but someone still remembers us and summoned us, so they should come out and have a look, right?"

"By the way, Radon, you were killed by Hercules, why are you still alive?"

"Idiot! That's just one of my inheritances, those gods are just belittling me in order to elevate themselves!"

"This really surprised Long."

"By the way, Abobus, shouldn't you be fighting that Ra? Why did you answer the call?"

"That old man? I haven't seen him for a long time. Since I left Egypt, he hasn't chased me anymore, and I'm happy to be free."

"Ned Hogg, it's you yourself. When do you plan to launch Ragnarok in Northern Europe? We're still waiting to see the excitement."

"Tch, I don't have that kind of leisure. That guy Odin sent people around my station every day to find me. How could I appear to be seen? And recently that guy Fennell disappeared, and Loki disappeared too. I So what if the World Tree is brought down?"

"Aziz Dahaka, I haven't heard of your actions for a long time, but I heard that there is a guy who looks exactly like you, and the name is even very similar to you, called Aziz Dakaha , and very strong, killed the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor."

"Yes, I was also defeated by his men, and I was defeated by his men without any resistance, so I have been hiding until now, just to challenge him again! Then beat him!"

After the four evil dragons met, they kept chatting non-stop, completely ignoring Rizevim who summoned them.

The only one not involved in the discussion was the dragon Crom Cruach.

The moment the magic dragon Crom Cruach obeyed the call, he stared at the person who summoned him, and Rizevim also looked at the only guy who paid attention to him. The two of them just looked at each other, because the other All four of the evil dragons are in dragon form, or in draconian form like Aziz Dahaka.

Only the magic dragon Crom Cruach is completely human. With a black male appearance, he looks like a gentleman. After staring at Rizevim in a robe for a while.

The dragon Crom Cruach spoke.

"Are you the one who summoned us?"

When the dragon Crom Cruach opened his mouth, the other four evil dragons were immediately attracted to their attention. They stopped chatting and looked at Crom Cruach and Rizevim.

Rizevim smiled lightly.

"Yes, I am the one who summoned you."

Facing the crowd of five world-renowned evil dragons, Rizevim was not timid in thinking, because he was strong enough. Although these evil dragons were strong, and even three of them had powers at the level of heavenly dragons, he also possessed them and wanted to kill them. It is not so easy to kill him.

"It's really rare, demons, why did you summon us from the biblical pantheon?"

Seeming to be the spokesman for the evil dragons, Crom Cruach interrogated Rizevim instead of the other evil dragons.

"Let me introduce myself, I am the son of the first Lucifer, Rizevim Livian Lucifer."

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