blessing from god

buried shadow

bound princess

Sarah~ Which world is it~

Chapter 68, The Demon King Sets Away Again

The existence of Trihexa number 666 in the Bible records.

But what he is, no one knows, only that he is an existence that can destroy the world, but he was sealed by the God of the Bible.

He is one of the most powerful monsters in this world. He is as powerful as the Great Red True Chilong God Emperor and [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus. According to the setting, he is even stronger than the Great Red. The strongest monster in the world.

But even so, he was sealed by the God of the Bible.

And now, Rizevim was looking for him.

Although the [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus and [Absolute Evil] Azi Dakaha he knows can fight against or even kill the [Great Red] True Red Dragon God Emperor, they will not fight for him. Play against each other.

So he needs to find someone who can fight the true Chilong God Emperor head-on, and only the Beast Emperor is left.

The Beast Emperor sealed by the God of the Bible needs specific conditions to be resurrected, so Rizevim is looking for this special condition.

However, after consulting a lot of information, Rizevim came to the conclusion that if he wanted to awaken the Beast Emperor, he needed a powerful soul or an evil tree.

The Evil Tree probably won't be able to move anymore. That thing has too much influence. If he really moves, he will definitely be targeted by all parties. Rizevim doesn't want to start a war with the gods for this, he just wants to go to the new The world, then, is left to need a strong soul.

So what about the powerful soul?Where can I find a strong soul?

For a while, Rizevim became anxious.

But soon, he thought of a person who could just be the victim of that soul.

That is his grandson, Vali Lucifer, as the existence who inherited the name of Lucifer, Vali's soul is definitely strong enough, as a primer to awaken the Beast Emperor, it can be said that it couldn't be better.

After making up his mind, Rizevim started to lead the evil dragons towards the place where Vali Lucifer was.

As a character who had been hiding behind the scenes from the beginning, Rizevim knew where Valli was, and even who was around him, so finding Vali was easy and not difficult at all.

And facing Valli, Rizevim also has a full advantage, although Vali is very strong because he has the [White Dragon Emperor's Light Wing], a god-killing tool, really strong, especially when he holds the Tyrant The ability of the dragon, the god-killing tool, can become more powerful, but as mentioned earlier, Rizevim's ability seems to be specifically aimed at the existence of gods, making all the effects of the gods disappear, including the god-killing tool, even if it is Cao Cao The same is true for the most powerful god destroyer [Holy Spear of Dusk].

In the depths of the underworld, Rizevim found Vali, who is the current generation of [White Dragon Emperor]. Under the surprised gaze of the other party, Rizevim greeted him relaxedly and freely.

"Long time no see, Wally."

"No, we met not long ago, outside the castle of Demon King Leviathan!"

Vali immediately responded to him, and summoned [White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings]. Even if he knew that the other party could eliminate the power of the artifact, Vali had to give it a try.

"You still haven't learned your lesson."

Rizevim looked at the light wings behind the opponent with a smile, as if he was looking at a piece of garbage.

"What are you doing here! The first time I saw you after so many years was outside the devil's castle. Didn't you say you were going to that little garden? What are you doing here!"

Because of Wally's voice, Wally's partner not far away also sensed it.

There are many partners in Valli, the descendant of the Monkey King, the high-ranking Maoyou, and the Arthur brothers and sisters under Cao Cao who originally belonged to the hero faction in the disaster group.

It's just that right after these partners came out, six evil dragons immediately appeared behind Rizevim, and the terrifying coercion overflowed from the evil dragons, making these people obviously start to fear, although Vali liked it Fighting against the strong, but this time there are too many strong, and I have no ability to fight against it. My God Extinguisher was also crushed by the opponent. This is a hopeless situation.

"Rezevim, is this brat your grandson?"

The magic dragon Crom Cruach came to Rizevim's side and asked.

"That's right, that's him, the person we're looking for."

Rizevim nodded with a smile, then looked at the people around Vali, and nodded again.

"The remaining few are also very good, and can be used as an introduction together."

Vali had no idea what Rizevim was talking about, but their intuition told them that it was definitely something bad.

"Everyone! Spread out! Don't worry about each other! Let's run for our lives now!"

As the leader, Vali immediately issued an order. He felt that if there was no movement like this, these partners of his would definitely be wiped out, so he directly issued the order to escape.

Everyone immediately understood what Vali meant. When facing Rizevim and his group, it was obvious that they couldn't confront them head-on, so they could only choose to retreat at this time.

The beautiful monkey directly used somersaulting clouds, the Arthur brothers and sisters used teleportation magic, and the cat also used the space movement technique. Only Wali spread his wings behind and rushed towards the sky before he had time to prepare.

Seeing all the people fleeing, Rizevim directly used his ability on Vali who was still in sight in the air, and [White Dragon Emperor's Light Wing] disappeared directly back into Vali's body.

Then the huge black snake-like Abobus surrounded him and surrounded him, and Vali had nowhere to escape.

"What do you want to do? If you want to kill or cut, come here!"

"No, although I want to kill you, but not now, I want you to follow us to a place, and then I will let you die in that place, paving the last road to Hakoniwa for me!"

If Valli used [White Dragon Emperor's Light Wing] or even banned his hands to use Tyrannosaurus, Vali would indeed be a super demon king-level existence, but it is a pity that he could not use [White Dragon King's Wings] in front of Rizevim. Dragon King's Light Wings] Vali is just an ordinary demon king level existence, and was directly captured by Rizevim.

Then a huge space crack appeared in the center of all the evil dragons present, Rizevim led Vali in first, and the evil dragons followed.

The opposite of this crack is the dimensional gap. This is where the great Red True Chilong God Emperor is located, and it is also the channel from this world to other worlds. The intersection of multiple worlds needs to start from here!

Excited Rezevim and the evil dragons set off to the center of the interdimensional gap with the doubtful Vali, where the true Red Dragon God Emperor should be found.

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