Az Dakaha is going to look for the strongest dragon in the world praised by everyone, the great red true Chilong God Emperor.

Soon, they found it, but what they found was exactly the same as what Rizevim saw not long ago. The huge red dragon corpse was floating in the void, passing Az Dakaha and Orpheus, The back showed a strange twist, and it was obviously killed by a blow from the back.

Orpheus stared wide-eyed, watching the deadly enemy who drove him out of his hometown for thousands of years just died in front of him, floating around motionless, speechless for a while.

Gradually, tears began to appear in Orpheus' eyes. Although his IQ was very low, Orpheus was very happy and excited when his enemy died and he returned to his hometown. These are tears of joy and excitement!

However, when Orpheus was happy, Azi Dakaha was really wondering, is the true Chilong God Emperor dead?Who killed each other?According to Orpheus' ability, if the opponent is stronger than Orpheus, it will be at the level of three digits. Orpheus is called the strongest in the world, and the true Chilong God Emperor is called The existence outside the specification is stronger than Orpheus. There should be no existence in this world that can kill the true Chilong God Emperor.

And looking at this method of death, it should be caused by a physical attack. A direct blow to the back and spine exposed the back of a three-digit pure-blooded dragon, and then killed him like this. The opponent is a powerful existence. In this world Is there such a powerful existence? Aziz Dakaha said that he has never heard of it. There are so many strong people in this world, and Suzeks has told Aziz Dakaha.

In addition to the specifications of the true Red Dragon God Emperor, the first is Orpheus, the second is Shiva, the three major gods of Hinduism, followed by the three major Hindu gods Vishnu and Brahma, and the fourth is this world. The Emperor Shitian, the Emperor of Mount Sumeru!The fifth is Thor, the number one warrior in Northern Europe, followed by Fennir whose teeth were broken by Az Dakaha and Typhon of Greece, and then Hardy who was beaten to death by Az Dakaha Si, the next two are the Egyptian sun god Aton, that is, Ra, and then Luge, the god of the sun and light of the Danu protoss.

However, those gods obviously do not have the strength to kill the true Chilong God Emperor. They basically use long-range and magical attacks. Who made this purely physical attack?Az Dakaha fell into doubt. Is there a three-digit powerhouse hidden in this world?

Although he was puzzled, that was no longer Aziz Dakaha's business.

Now that the true Chilong God Emperor is dead, there is no need for him to fight for him.

In this case, he should embark on the path of other worlds.

"Opheus, since the true Chilong God Emperor is dead, you can stay in this place with peace of mind, and I can go on the journey alone."

Az Dakaha said and lifted Orpheus from his shoulders and placed it in the air. In this space, everything is floating in the void, so there is no need to worry that Orpheus will fall.

After picking up Orpheus and letting go, Azi Dakaha turned around and unfolded the Dragon Shadow behind his back. Although it is now a human appearance, there is no problem in using the Dragon Shadow. The Dragon Shadow fanned and let Azi Dakaha moved towards the distance. In this void, you can easily find the passage to the other world. Not long ago, Rizevim and the evil dragons passed here and went to the other world, but What they are going to is the location of the new box garden at the intersection of multiple worlds, instead of looking for a world that suits them like Aziz Dakaha.

Seeing Az Dakaha getting farther and farther away, Orpheus was very puzzled, why his father started to stay away from him, and is there anything else to do?But why not bring yourself?Since I met my father, I have always followed my father, no matter where I go, my father took me to walk around the world, around the underworld, and took me to watch cartoons, comics, and novels, although I can’t understand , but it was very interesting, and I even saw my father appear on TV.

My father also took me to the devil's banquet, handed me desserts, and took me to play with Cao Cao, play with [Red Dragon Emperor], play with [White Dragon Emperor], everything, Father would always bring himself with him, but now his father left him and went forward alone. Where is father going?

Orpheus was very puzzled. What did his father mean by going on a journey alone? Did he want to look around his hometown alone?After all, the dimensional gap is huge, isn’t it?

But when Orpheus saw a hole in front of Aziz Dakaha, and Aziz Dakaha slowly entered it, Orpheus finally changed from doubt to anxiety, as if he felt something As if losing, tears began to appear in his eyes again, and then he stretched out his hand to Aziz Dakahan's distant back.


After crossing the passage, Aziz Dakaha returned to the intersection of multiple worlds, the place where he destroyed Hakoniwa.

Az Dakaha, who came to the intersection of the world, did not choose to look for a new Hakoniwa like Rizevim. He no longer needs to go to that place, and if he goes, he will probably be crusaded by the heavenly army immediately , although they can't do anything about themselves, they should have set up a lot of precautions against themselves. They will definitely be sealed in the past. Although they can't kill themselves, they can still seal them. There are thousands of seals if not tens of thousands. I don’t even remember how many seals I have been on. Some of them have not been lifted yet, but one thing is that although Aziz Dakaha has a lot of seals on his back, but None of them worked, sorry.

Aziz Dakaha, who just came to the intersection of the world, seemed to have bumped into something, but the speed was too fast, so he didn't pay much attention to what the opponent was, but he knew it was a human being, and he probably died after colliding with him, because In Aziz Dakaha's perception, the other party is just an extremely ordinary human being.

It is really strange that ordinary human beings appear here, but now they have been killed by themselves. Although I feel sorry, there is nothing I can do.

Az Dakaha, wandering around the intersection of the multiverse, has heard the call.

It's not a call from Little Garden, but a call from a multiple world, that is to say, the existence of another world is calling me.

So, here comes the question, should Aziz Dakaha answer this call?

There are many levels of this kind of summoning. From the lowest level, priestly summoning, it is to offer a large number of sacrifices to summon a certain god to descend for a short time and send down an oracle. This looks very powerful, but it is actually the lowest level. Summoning, because this kind of summoning is the most expensive and has no initiative, the summoner is basically the most miserable.

A little more advanced is to summon high-level elves, such as demons, at the cost of your own soul or body, and sign a contract with the other party. The other party will give you a little ability. If you have the ability, you can use this ability to accomplish something you want. , because the overall cost is relatively small, and some initiative is mastered, so this is a little more advanced.

And a more advanced summoning is to use a small price to summon a powerful existence, sign a contract with it, and let him use it for oneself. This is considered a very advanced summoning. For example, powerful summoning magic can do this. This is Many summoners pursue the goal, but very few can achieve it.

The highest level of summoning is the slave summoning. There is almost no cost. You can summon the existence you want at will, and sign a contract with it, let him work for you, regardless of the strength level of the two parties, you can use the other party. Do anything, and be able to get powerful power through the feedback of the other party because of the signing of the contract.

Many people think that this is a foolish dream, but it is not. There is such a powerful gift in Little Garden, which can ignore the strong and weak gifts.

For example, on the seal, the most famous one is the simulated star map [Void Star·Tai Sui] that can seal the strongest species other than the pure blood dragon species, regardless of the difference in strength.

In terms of grace, the divine weapon [Amazon Cloud Sword] can cut through all mysteries, regardless of the level difference.

And there is also such a favor in the summoning service, and its holder is the leader of the [noname] community [noname] who once felt that Azi Dakaha killed Aziz Dakaha--Jen Russell!

The gift [Spirit Servant] obtained by the Russell family through the trials of King Solomon.Can summon spirit body races that have established an affiliation relationship, including: elves, demons, and even the apex of elves and demons, the main elves at the planetary level-the protoss!and send them out!This gift can completely dominate the other party regardless of the master's spiritual level. Generally speaking, the master's ability is lower than that of the person being dominated, and the power will be greatly weakened. In addition, although the master cannot dominate the other party without signing a subordination contract, it can also be used by natural spirits. exert a weak effect.And if the enslaved being is very strong, while the enslaved person's strength is weakened, the enslaved person's strength will be improved through feedback.

Because of this ability, Ren Russell even used the star-made guardian beast, the white-fronted tiger, when Aziz Dakaha returned to Little Garden. It was a real star beast, an extremely powerful existence, a real strong!It itself is the existence of the star body. When facing Azi Dakaha who returned to Hakoba, he could directly transform himself into starlight to attack, which is not something that anyone can bear.

That's why Aziz Dakaha wondered if he should answer the call.

If the other party is an existence with similar abilities, Aziz Dakaha has no idea what will happen if he responds, and what kind of existence the other party is. Doomsday, but even the Aziz Dakaha of the Doomsday has been sealed. Those seals that are invalid for him are just not strong enough or bugs. The real powerful seal, Azi Dakaha still has to eat it.

Therefore, whether to respond to this call is extremely important. The call heard at the intersection of multiple worlds, Az Dakaha cannot recognize the other party's spiritual status, and cannot see the other party's gift, even if he has [Thousands] A kind of magic], Aziz Dakaha also couldn't see the opponent's ability and origin.


Because of this!It's just fun, isn't it!

Although it is said that there is no need to hold trials now, it is not without the courage to respond to the other party!

I want to find the meaning of my existence, find the purpose of my life, and then live well!That's what Az Dakaha came to this place for!

Since there is something calling me, then I should respond!Be called!Then see who is calling yourself!What kind of new world will you bring yourself to!Could that world be his home?Even if it's a battle, don't worry about it yourself!

Az Dakaha shouted loudly.

"I! Respond!"

Chapter 2, to a new world


The pink-haired girl looked in surprise at the bald man who appeared in front of her, and he was still a bald man with his upper body exposed, with an extremely broken expression.

"Why is it a civilian who is summoned!"

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