"Orpheus, why are you here?"

"Because Dad is here, Orpheus followed."

"Didn't you say you wanted to stay in your hometown?"

"But Dad is here. Of course Orpheus will follow Dad. The True Chilong God Emperor is dead. If you want to go home, you can go home anytime."

"Yes, thank you so much."

Aziz Dakaha said words of thanks, because with Orpheus around, Aziz Dakaha will not be so lonely, no matter which world he is in, after all, Orpheus, who is mentally retarded, is used to relieve boredom It is really easy to use.

"Hey, you two! Don't talk to yourself!"

Louise, who had been ignored all this time, finally couldn't help getting angry. Although it was said that the summoned was a magician, she was the one who summoned him anyway. Isn't it too arrogant to ignore herself like this!

So Louise, who couldn't bear it, yelled.

"I am the one who summoned you, talk to me! And sign a contract with me, you have answered my call!"

Louise's shout brought Aziz Dakaha and Orpheus together to focus on her.

Being stared at by a big bald man and a loli who was about the same age as herself, Louise seemed a little nervous, especially for this big bald man, all the aura of anger just disappeared in an instant.

"Look what... I summoned you, and you answered the summons, right? Then sign a contract with me quickly."

Although there is no momentum, the signing still needs to continue, so Louise mustered up the courage to ask Azi Dakaha and Orpheus to sign a contract with her.

"Sign a contract?"

Orpheus tilted his head and looked at Louise suspiciously, as if he was thinking about something. After thinking for a while, he suddenly realized, and looked down at Louise seriously.

"Do you crave power?"

It seems that Orpheus thought that Louise was eager for power, and then gave Louise some of his own power depending on the situation.

"Opheus, she is not explaining to you, she is talking to me, I answered her call, she is my summoner."

Az Dakaha immediately explained the situation to Orpheus to avoid misunderstanding.

After Orpheus nodded, Azi Dakaha looked at Louise.

"I am the one who responded to your call. Then, I have understood the contract, so let's sign it here."

Az Dakaha, who possessed [Thousands of Magic], easily knew what type of summon the opponent was using on him.

It is a call from a high position to a low position, summoning a low position, making him your right and left hand, and at the same time giving the opponent a certain ability, but there is really no restriction on action, so it is a call from a high position to a low position, because The summoner can absolutely suppress the summoned, but it seems to be a little different now, Azi Dakaha replaced the summoned.

The human being bumped into at the intersection of multiple worlds is probably the one who was supposed to be summoned. Let's mourn for him first.

Az Dakaha, who replaced the human being as the summoned one, would not have any problem of being suppressed by the high position, because he was the one with the high position.

Using his own understanding of this summoning, Aziz Dakaha directly replaced Louise to complete the contract ceremony, so a string of characters appeared on Aziz Dakaha's left hand, which was bestowed by the summoning Louise. Azi Dakaha's ability, and this gifted ability, is the ability to control all weapons at will.

To a certain extent, this ability is a super-powerful gift, and it even surpasses the grace of the godhead. Just imagine, a godhead weapon with harsh conditions for activation, or a godhead weapon that cannot be used by itself, has this ability. Time, you can use it for free!What a power boost this is!

The most obvious one is the divine weapon [Amazon Cloud Sword]. Its owner, the queen knight Faith Lace, needs to consume a lot of spiritual power every time she uses it. Even for this reason, the spiritual power dissipates, disappears from Little Garden, and is reincarnated to the outside world. If she If she had this weapon, how powerful would it be? She could use [Amazono Cloud Sword] and all other weapons indefinitely.

"A nice favor, but it doesn't seem to be of much use to me."

Aziz Dakaha looked at the text on his left hand and commented. Compared with using weapons to attack, Aziz Dakaha prefers to punch down. It is so simple and practical, but in terms of weapons, Aziz Dakaha does have one. , that is [Simulated Godhead Star Bull Thunder], but Azi Dakaha basically liberates it into a powerful thunder form when using it, instead of using it as an ax to chop people, that would be too vulgar , Just use the Dragon’s Shadow directly. If the object is Shenzhen Iron, it can be used to chop and chop. As the strongest destructive godhead weapon blessed by the sovereignty of the Taurus sun in the twelve constellations, [Simulated Godhead Star Bull Thunder] chop It can still be done by dropping a Shenzhen Iron.

Lowering his arms, he looked down at Louise.

"Then, the contract is established, and you are my contractor here."

Aziz Dakaha stared at Louise with scarlet eyes and announced, but Louise was still a little dazed.

"Huh? This is the end, shouldn't I be the last step?"

"Miss Vallier, it seems that this person's magic is stronger than yours. He has directly completed the contract as the summoned one."

Gruber explained next to him. From his point of view, it was indeed Aziz Dakaha who directly completed the contract with Louise, and Louise just summoned Aziz Dakaha to come out. Aziz Dakaha completed all the other procedures. As for the Orpheus, it is just a free gift for buying one and getting one free. In terms of power, it is not known how much it has yet.

After listening to Louise, she could only agree with what Gruber said, because she could clearly feel the news about Az Dakaha, which is a special connection between the familiar and the summoner, but Az The news about Z Dakaha is very vague. Louise said that she can't see what the other party is at all, but she just feels very powerful!

Then there is no more.

As for why Aziz Dakaha agreed to the contract?Az Dakaha, who possesses [Thousands of Magic], can easily know the effect of this contract, so he doesn’t have to worry about any losses he will receive, and this is a call he actively responded to. As a responsible existence, It is natural to complete this summoning, and this world needs to be seen by oneself, and there will be no loss in contracting with the girl in front of him, but it will allow Aziz Dakaha to understand the world more easily, and then look at this Does the world meet Aziz Dakaha's demands.

"Contractor, report your name."

Now that you have signed a contract, you should know the other party's name.

"Louise, Louise Frances Lou Brown du la Vallière."

Louise announced her name.

Az Dakaha looked at Louise and began to make evaluations.

The spiritual status is the most favored by the Shura gods and Buddhas in the little garden. The spiritual status of the girl in front of me is very good. Compared with other people around, this girl's spiritual status is obviously much more dazzling, and it can also give a very powerful The favor of giving to others, the favor comparable to the favor of the godhead, has established the girl's identity as the highest level of favor in human beings, so the girl is already very good in terms of spiritual status. If the girl can make good use of her ability, she should be able to reach the fifth place. number.

It just doesn't seem to be developed at all.

"Since you are my contractor and have notified your name, then, as your contractor, I should also let you know my name and my true form."

"True form?"

All the onlookers, including Louise, were very curious. Isn't this the real form?This is especially true for Gruber as a mentor. He has been a teacher for so many years, and he has never seen such a strange thing happen. Not to mention summoning humans, buy one get one free, and then he can fly magic, and there is a real Shape.

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